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Possible Chapter 11 For Delta?

LiveInAHotel said:
Cat-- Sue---,

I hope your pilots put you guys in Chapter 11, it will serve you right not voting YES for the AFA.
While I know LiveInAHotel doesn't represent all unionized employees, it's comments like these that help to explain why unions have declined in America. Seeing a comment like this probably makes most of the DL FA's glad they didn't join AFA.
DLFlyer31 said:
While I know LiveInAHotel doesn't represent all unionized employees, it's comments like these that help to explain why unions have declined in America. Seeing a comment like this probably makes most of the DL FA's glad they didn't join AFA.
My comment was only for one of your f/a's. She knows who she is and that's all I have to say. Being non-union in the industry is insane! But, since the DL f/a's are adjusted to all the lies from Sharon and her puppets, they will never learn.
Analyst Gary Chase says he sees value in Delta but this call is clearly not for the faint of heart. He says if Delta can't achieve a concessionary deal of some significance with its pilots, it will likely file for bankruptcy protection.

Also, he says he can't predict the timing of any pilot agreement. At any given moment, Chase says news could move shares materially lower without much warning. With the slightest hint of good news, however, Delta could rise substantially.

Chase raised his $9 target to $10, but says that call is extremely risky, with the potential of Delta's price dropping to zero.

speculators beware..... 🙁
:lol: Hey Hotel!-----You call what you have at aa a "UNION"???? I don't think so!!!!!! Signed: "Just another one of aa's red headed step children!" 😛
MCI transplant said:
:lol: Hey Hotel!-----You call what you have at aa a "UNION"???? I don't think so!!!!!! Signed: "Just another one of aa's red headed step children!" 😛
MCI transplant;
"Where the HEL* have you been" ????

Your like the FLU, in that you pop up, time to time !!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀


Go Patriots
LiveInAHotel said:
Cat-- Sue---,

The difference is between Delta nd AA is that we get to VOTE on our paycuts!! Unlike you at Delta, they justy take what they feel like. :lol:

On May 1, 2004, we got a payraise unlike you at DL who didn't get one for the second year in row. I hope your pilots put you guys in Chapter 11, it will serve you right not voting YES for the AFA.
Well, I seem to remember a vote being taken on concessions, and the APFA membership voted them down.

Yet, you all have made concessions that even the AFA says is bad.

What was the value of that vote?

Congratulations on the 1.5% raise. I am sure that you will enjoy all of the extra change in your pocket when you are recalled.
DLFlyer31 said:
While I know LiveInAHotel doesn't represent all unionized employees, it's comments like these that help to explain why unions have declined in America. Seeing a comment like this probably makes most of the DL FA's glad they didn't join AFA.
There are places where some very hardworking union reps have made all of the difference to the members that they represent. There are companies where union representation has made a difference in the quality of life for the workers there.

However, what gives unionized America a bad name is people like hotel, who are controlled by their emotions, sometimes make it into union policy making positions.

People who are quick and happy to wish ill on a group of 16,000 people just because he does not like one. People who do not stop and think before making a statement. People who are quick to hate those who do not share their narrow world views

Hotel and his ilk are the best type of union buster, and the funny thing is that they do not even know it.
<_< Hello Bear! I've been off taking refesher course in spelling! But flunked!!! Oh well!!!!! GO CHIEFS!!!!!
LiveInAHotel said:
C___ S____,

Recalled? That's the funniest thing I have heard today. How can I be recalled when I'm flying on then line? With 26 years of seniority that's impossible!!

Maybe I should make that call to you know who and tell him what you did in NYC!! :shock:

Actually we voted NO on concessions and JW screwed us over. But, that's in the past and we're going to comeback bigger and better then before.

The paradox of your post is that you claim to be a flight attendant with 26 years seniority while claiming to know exactly who I am. Yet, if you were that female AA flight attendant with 26 years seniority, you would not have the knowlege base of the junior, furloughed male AA flight attendant who gained it by dating a Delta flight attendant.

So, are you lying to everyone about who I am, or are you lying to everyone about who you are?

Your PM's to me indicate you are lying to them about who you are.

Back to the other point.

So you say that belonging to APFA makes you better than the Delta flight attendants because you get to vote on concessions, and we do not.

However, your membership voted "NO" on concessions, and then you all gave back those concessions. Yet, to rationalize these give backs, you now claim your union president "screwed" you over, and that is why you took concessions. Recently, your membership re-elected that very same union president who you say screwed you over.

So if your membership voted to return to power a person who will "screw" you over, how then are you protecting yourselves from future concessions? What is the power of your vote?
aislehopper said:
The paradox of your post is that you claim to be a flight attendant with 26 years seniority while claiming to know exactly who I am. Yet, if you were that female AA flight attendant with 26 years seniority, you would not have the knowlege base of the junior, furloughed male AA flight attendant who gained it by dating a Delta flight attendant.

So, are you lying to everyone about who I am, or are you lying to everyone about who you are?

Your PM's to me indicate you are lying to them about who you are.

Back to the other point.

So you say that belonging to APFA makes you better than the Delta flight attendants because you get to vote on concessions, and we do not.

However, your membership voted "NO" on concessions, and then you all gave back those concessions. Yet, to rationalize these give backs, you now claim your union president "screwed" you over, and that is why you took concessions. Recently, your membership re-elected that very same union president who you say screwed you over.

So if your membership voted to return to power a person who will "screw" you over, how then are you protecting yourselves from future concessions? What is the power of your vote?

The only point I'd like to make that pertains to "the discussion" between "hotel", and yourself is that, that "brutal #### John Ward" was (sadly) re-elected because of his promose to keep the folks a TWA at the bottom of the seniority list, forever !!

Perhaps the ONLY promise that this despicable person EVER kept.


WorldTraveler said:
You are probably right but Delta's pilots are the only unionized employees so the company can and has changed benefits and work rules for non-contract employees. I was just on a Delta flight recently and the flight attendant talked about the major staffing and benefits changes they have incurred. Walking through Delta terminals, its obvious there are far fewer employees.
Don't forget about the folks in Flight Control... They are represented by PAFCA! :up:
<_< Question People?------ Way is it, that the employee's of the Airline Industry are expected to subsudize cheap fares for the general public??????? There comes a time when one has to say "Deregulation" is not working!!!!! I realize that regulation as was once in place will not return! But I feel some sort of Government intervention will be neccssary before the entire Industry emplodes!!!!Signed: Ex-TWA, Been there! Done that!!!!!!!!! :down:

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