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Poor service on 1st class cabin from HNL to PHX

While it was fun to see USAirways B757's in HNL-OGG and LIH last month, the only way to really enjoy the Hawaii experience is to fly on HAWAIIAN AIRLINES.

Big, comfy B767-300's. Still offers meals in coach and a good First Class service. Great flight attendants. Bags were whlrling on the carousel minutes after arrival, all of them. Good frequent flyer program.

For the same fare or just a few dollars more you really should not even consider flying another airline.

Interesting that Hawaiian is doing so well. Is this Bethune's doing, or is he at Aloha -- I forget...
I'm surprised somebody here hasn't tried to blame the shotty service to Hawaii on the East employees. It's just a matter of time. <_<
We started Hawaii service as America West. There is no excuse for this lack of, and embarrasing service. We don't even offer Mai Tai's on the flight, or pinapple juice!! They double provision the carts, because they are TOO CHEAP to pay for catering in Hawaii. How about a stale rotten snack box?? Plus we fly those ratty old 75's that have no business going across the Pacific!!! I hope you enjoy your seat in row 7 and 8, where you seats are so tight up against the lavatory and bulkhead they don't recline! :down: Sorry to be so negative, but our Hawaii serivice stinks to high heaven...... 🙁
:down: What is up with the US 1st Class service from HNL to PHX? A biz associate of mine just arrived today on flt 250 & informed me that on this long flight there wasn't a movie, or headsets, & a lack of food service. My associate asked the F/A to wake him up when they would be serving bkfst and, of course, she didn't. When he awoke & asked for food service, the F/A told him it they were out of meals. Is this how US treats 1st class pax on long-haul flights? What a disgrace! Why not just set the expectations in advance in order to encourage elite pax to bring along their own entertainment & meals? Shame, shame, shame.
On the red-eye from Hawaii to Phoenix there is no movie due to complaints from passengers regarding the light emitted from the movie screens. Most, if not all, of the passengers sleep through the night.
In first class from Honolulu there is a light snack plate with cheese, fruit and some meats. The product does not keep well if not consumed right after take-off. So, if your passenger friend did not want the meal at that time, it was probably tossed. They look pretty nasty in the morning and are not edible.
I have worked this flight on occasion in first class, and the service is very similar to other carriers. Sorry, but that is it in a nutshell.
The red-eyes have no service to speak of. No movies, no meals. Pax did complain about the movies keeping them awake.

Years ago, we had a continental breakfast ( 1st class ) that we served 90 min prior to landing but that went by the wayside after 911. (east)

Even so, the f/a should have awakened the man and served him fresh coffee or juice. But then again, we as f/a's are reluctant to wake anyone up. Pax can be a bear when awakened.

As this was a west flight, I don't know what their service procedures are as the company hasn't seen fit to combine service procedures.

I For One AM NOT Someone's Personal Alarm Clock!
On a United Airlines red-eye:

1. Predeparture beverage of choice IN glass

2. Warm nuts & snack mix after take off

3. Unlimited beverages/drinks thru flight

4. Pre-landing, was offerd some sort of COLD plate with a croissant, fruit, etc.

5. some flights have cookies

now what does USAirways offer again, on a flight that is only 30 minutes shorter than an existing USAirways international flight???
On a United Airlines red-eye:

1. Predeparture beverage of choice IN glass

2. Warm nuts & snack mix after take off

3. Unlimited beverages/drinks thru flight

4. Pre-landing, was offerd some sort of COLD plate with a croissant, fruit, etc.

5. some flights have cookies

now what does USAirways offer again, on a flight that is only 30 minutes shorter than an existing USAirways international flight???

Oh, wait, nasty comebacks? Sassy bs? Pathetic excuses? Stop me, would you?

Knowing the crap, the captain used to purchase a full meal for each and every first class passenger, and actually get reimbursed for it.

But, then, all we have are poor excuses for captains, mostly from what I hear.
I have worked this flight on occasion in first class, and the service is very similar to other carriers. Sorry, but that is it in a nutshell.

:shock: Are you kidding?

What carriers?

Do you mean other carriers on short haul routes or on Hawaii flights?

I'm beginning to think that everyone out west has no knowlege of 'other carriers' except Mesa Airlines and Southwest.
I've flown PHX-OGG several times each on UA, AA and US. There is no comparison.

For starters, UA has staff at the OGG check-in all day. US agents surface about 2 hours before departure IIRC, which is a big PITA if you've been bounced from your hotel at noon and have no place to go to wait for your flight. I once showed up 4 hours early and had to stand around in checkin...in line (so as not to lose my spot) ...for about 90 minutes. They don't bother to tell you this when you buy the tix.

UA and AA have clean, kept-up planes that serve food in F and IFE that works. UA and AA serve drinks throughout the flight without having to beg the FA.

The captain never bought me any food when I flew F on US, nor should he have to.

UAs planes seem to leave ORD, SFO or LAX pretty much on time.

UA charges about the same as US for an F ticket. No comparison otherwise.
Perhaps if people compared US service on a red-eye to the the east and a red-eye from Hawaii you may find very little difference. Not to get anyone up in arms but you may be comparing apples to oranges .
I've flown 4 or 5 United Red-eyes from hawai'i. They at least have the variety BoB boxes in case people can't sleep.

I've also been on UA daylight flights from Hawai'i recently and the service was absolutely SUPERB! Then again, I was on the upper deck of one of their 747-400s with 2 FA's to tend for us 15 non-revs up there. We got full meal service, warm nuts, multiple choices of wine, and a pre-departure "munchie". The FA's were always up and down the aisle, would talk to people, etc.

We were *all* NRSA's and they (FA's) could have been as lazy as they wanted but instead we were all treated like we were regular passengers.

I guess I should stop my rants. I just wish that US had some level of comparable service to the other airlines to Hawai'i instead of the standard domestic crap. Flying to and from Hawai'i is very special for 80% of our passengers -- why can't we make the flight the same?
I've flown 4 or 5 United Red-eyes from hawai'i. They at least have the variety BoB boxes in case people can't sleep.

I've also been on UA daylight flights from Hawai'i recently and the service was absolutely SUPERB! Then again, I was on the upper deck of one of their 747-400s with 2 FA's to tend for us 15 non-revs up there. We got full meal service, warm nuts, multiple choices of wine, and a pre-departure "munchie". The FA's were always up and down the aisle, would talk to people, etc.

We were *all* NRSA's and they (FA's) could have been as lazy as they wanted but instead we were all treated like we were regular passengers.

No, that's exactly why you got good service. On UA, revenue customers are "in the way" of the non-rev buddies.

I'm not saying US is any better, but at least US is consistent -- they treat revenue and non-revenue passengers the same crummy way.
For those who have the pleasure of flying other airlines recently, you quickly discover that on US it is the poor attitude you receive from the in-cabin crews that ruin most flights.

I was recently on a foreign carrier in a cramped seat flying through Europe and it was the crew and their attitude that made the flight worthwhile. On US the negative attitude you receive and lack of attention is the real killer. We are not all Kettles, but when you treat us like one, we can easily make the decision to fly elsewhere and we often do.
I know that every company has a few bad apples but I find this to be a little harsh. Speaking for the east group as I'm east myself I do not agree with what your saying as the majority. NO WAY. We are given VERY limited tools to do our job. Sometimes limited on something as simple as ICE or WATER. How about sometimes not even having enough pretzels or excuse me "Tidbits" to go back east from VEGAS a F'n so called HUB. So besides maybe the crew not sitting on your armrest with a short skirt and flirting with you or smiling so much it hurts what more were they to do? It is NOT the crew. My God does that p!ss me off to no end when someone gets their panties in a twist because we can't do MORE for them. PLEASE write a letter and let the company know of your displeasure. As for being treated better as NRSA I give them THE SAME service as I would a customer. I WILL AGREE that at US East you do get the occasional flight attendant that will give you the look of death if you even asked for water. We take care of each other but again you DO have the few bad apples.

another attack on Flight Attendants

:down: :down: :down: :down:

only stating opinions

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