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How 2 improve HNL-PHX 1st Class Srvce


Sep 3, 2007
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First, let me apologize because in my very 1st post on this website I referred to this red-eyed flt as flt 250. It was; indeed, flt 125, which my associate then conx onto 250 into PHL.

My associate originated in SYD, (flew from SYD to HNL,) & he mentioned how the service, food, & ammenities were better in coach on Quantas than in First class on US from HNL to PHX.

If 1st class cabin pax have complained about in-flight entertainment & food service on long-haul, overnight flts & the airline then decided to eliminate ammenities & service, the consumer should be warned. It's called setting expectations. It's a high price to pay to get a larger seat & nothing else. Personally, I would love to see evidence of such numerous complaints...

My associate stated he would have saved tons of money flying coach, with no expectations of pampering. Another option, rather than elimination of in-flight entertainment, is to offer ear-plugs & blinders. Or PTV,s, as one of you suggested. But elimination of headsets to listen to music or commentaries is absurd. If the reception is poor then this is due to poor aircraft maintenance & nothing else. The acronym "mel" comes to mind. Too cheap to offer those ammenities for free? Then sell them! OR, set expectations for pax to bring their own!

My last experience flying long-haul on US was in 2000 when I flew from PHL to MUC in Envoy Class. The service, food, & ammenities were FABULOUS. Have not flown US since, I guess 7 yrs, 9/11, rising fuel prices, and a merger make a huge difference. I am so ashamed of having recommended US to my associate after not having tested the new, long-haul US brand recently.

All I can say is that US lost 1 more full-fare, 1st class customer. It may not mean much to the profit bottom line of this carrier, but in the long run the word will spread.

I sincerely hope that those of you who work hard at maintaining your jobs do not become complacent or victims of "learned helplessness."

Encourage your leaders to improve the inadequacies and; if that is not effective, then please encourage the airport agents to set expectations for your customers before they board so they have the option of purchasing food & ammenities.

Good luck!
Ok...so we might not be Hawaiian Airlines offering Leis and Mai Tais, but there are several basic things that should be present on flights to Hawaii. The idea should be to "make" the public "want" to fly your airline vs. another airline when selecting a choice to get to Hawaii. Granted... this market is nearly 100% leisure traveller, but that does not mean.. "take away ALL service items". Who ever is in charge of the marketing of these flights should be embarrased... it begs the question, "what is this guy getting paid for? " (oh...he's the one who mixes the kool-aid every day...that's right).
I sincerely hope that those of you who work hard at maintaining your jobs do not become complacent or victims of "learned helplessness."

Have you read some of the threads around here? Dont think thats going to happen with (most) of this crowd! 😛h34r:
My suggestions:

Amenity kit on red eyes -- breath mints, moisturizer, eye drops, ear plugs and eye shades.
Hand held enteratainment devices with ear phones for F/C pax (ala Alaska Airlines)
Departure Salad and arrival breakfast

Those three things would make a world of difference up front.

We already provide a pillow and blanket for EVERY single seat on the aircraft.
The fact that we even have to have these kind of discussions is a true sign of just how jacked up this management team IS. Why is our service sooooo bad and why has nobody in management dealt with this problem before? Were they really that clueless to think that passengers who were fortunate (choking) to experience our "product" 🙄 would fly us again? There is NOTHING about our first class product in ANY part of the system that justifies what you PAY to sit there. You shouldn't need a consulting firm or a created position to figure this kind of $h!t out. This is exactly why we are the joke of an airline regardless of WHAT kind of profits you post. THAT won't last forever either. Hopefully, just HOPEFULLY some of these new people will turn this place around a bit. I have a feeling though that they will have their limits as to what management is willing to let them do.
They ALL KNOW how poor our service is and they do nothing to improve it!