As a longtime US1 and someone who flies US every week, I'd like to suggest a few customer service improvements that I see as costing very little but adding much value.
1. One of the biggest issues I see with US is the whole unruly boarding process. This could be solved easily by boarding the First Class cabin first letting them get settled and moving forward with the Elite boarding and so on. So many times the GA calls Zone 1 and 40 people or more try and board. The aisles get clogged and it really stalls the boarding. A more orderly boarding process will be faster.
Taking coats this winter is going to be a nightmare on the 320/321. Dreading it.
I personally would love to preboard special assists and first class first then give us 5 minutes before resuming boarding to get the assists settled in and briefed (if necessary) and be able to hang coats and get predeparture beverages in first without having to swim upstream. The 5 minutes would be made up easily by having the aisles cleared.
2. Serve the pre-flight drink please. I fly in F about 98% of the time and only get a preflight about 30 percent.
I have also encountered f/a's that believe they are making a statement to the company by not providing predeparture beverages even when we are not late. I do not agree but if the "A" chooses not to do them to make a point, the "A" will have to deal with the consequences when a first class passenger alerts the company.
3. FA's please be attentive to your FC customers. 1 drink run from TPA to PHX is unacceptable. Having to ask for more water while you are reading the USA Today or Vogue in the galley is Totally Unacceptable. I have been on board flights were the PAX are making jokes about the FA's chatting amongst themselves rather than serving the customer.
I have never witnessed this particular lack of service.
4. Understand that many of your PAX are working too. I travel 85% of the time for business.
No comment......
5. Please stop telling us you are the cleaning crew. It's very unprofessional.
Of the many ways this career has changed, this is high on the list of bad.
A flight attendant is on board to ensure the comfort and safety of their passengers. I am not a utility worker. We do not have the time or proper tools to do a utility person's job. I agree, this should not be a passenger's concern EXCEPT that I am sick of discourteous passengers that leave their seating area like a debris field after a tornado.
The company has made out like bandits by cutting f/a staffing per plane to FAA minimums and THEN eliminating a utility job expecting f/a's to clean airplanes for free. This, to me, is completely unacceptable. An inordinate amount of time is taken every flight trying to come up with creative ways to deal with trash. They involve exposure to contamination, cuts and scratches, sprains etc. I personally dislike breaking a sweat and trying to maintain a neat appearance after cleaning an airplane.
I think an announcement about cleaning is unnecessary but understand where the desire to make it comes from.
I'am a regular USairway customer. Make my experience the best you can. And I will kepp coming back.
Thank you for your business.