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POLL Mechanic and Related

Who will you vote for?

  • IAM

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • IBT

    Votes: 11 35.5%
  • AMFA Write-in

    Votes: 12 38.7%
  • Other Write-in

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • No representation

    Votes: 4 12.9%

  • Total voters
The problem is that even if someone likes the IAM, the IAM will NOT have the certification. "The Association" will. Let's say the Association wins representation rights later this year for the combined carrier. After it gets certified, there is rumor that the association will then ask the NMB to assign the mechanics to the TWU and the FSC to the IAM, and dissolve itself. Although the rumor is strong, it definitely could happen and would be a brilliant move by the TWU and IAM to protect their interest and have weathered the IBT/AMFA storm at each airline. Doing such would also place another bar on any raid. I don't necessarily agree with that path, imo, the path that the association would take would be to enhance the affiliation possibly bringing in even another union under its canopy. Bottom line is who can stop it? Again, if you love the IAM, fine, but the IAM will not be certified. regards,

Again all this shows is that they only care about dues. Where is the democracy and allowing the membership to elect their representation? The CWA-IBT Alliance has been a blazing success, right?

Again all this shows is that they only care about dues. Where is the democracy and allowing the membership to elect their representation? The CWA-IBT Alliance has been a blazing success, right?

Josh, the democracy is certainly questionable. Even when a ta is voted down, the arrogant pricks claim the members were stupid and confused.
Imo, i think the iam may be the frontrunner in the mx election but if there are alot of amfa writeins then there may be a runoff. I guess the ibt knows what they are doing so who knows.
Im surprised the iam is basing its campaign on threats and lies about its pension.
Before all of this association stuff, i couldnt find more than 2 twu ord fsc fleet service that wanted the twu or iam. But as much as they disliked the twu here in ord, they absolutely hate the association.

Honestly, if the iam negotiated against companys like how it did with the twu, us iam members would be making alot more.
In fairness to the twu, they simply dont have the resourcesto fend off the ibt so with the recent organizing success by the iam, the twu cut the deal with the iam. The iam is fully funding and strategizing the twu campaign. In return, the twu has to succomb to the iampf.
What the twu doesnt know is that those responsible for much of the iam organizing success are not directing or organizing now. And those that are doing the organizing now really are clueless and dont know what they are doing.
If they continue to leave loose ends, they will also reap on themselves a further mess at delta as the stew campaign will blow up at dl . Watch!
I see the SWA boys voted LOL!
I don't vote on these polls for representation at other airlines.

I made my choice a decade ago when I voted to remove the teamsters as my union.
That decision allows us to control our contract negotiations, our local and our finances completely.

We made the right choice then and still enjoy those freedoms today.

The IBT thought they could keep us it the dark, deal with the company behind closed doors and then keep telling us what to do.

Sorry, but we knew we didn't have to be controlled by a group of appointed, unaccountable goons who only wanted to provide the minimum of representation just for our money.

With the teamsters we were just a number to be added to their pile of dues lumped in with truckers and all the butchers, bakers and candlestick makers that they could fool into keep paying them.

Good riddance.
I don't vote on these polls for representation at other airlines.

I made my choice a decade ago when I voted to remove the teamsters as my union.
That decision allows us to control our contract negotiations, our local and our finances completely.

We made the right choice then and still enjoy those freedoms today.

The IBT thought they could keep us it the dark, deal with the company behind closed doors and then keep telling us what to do.

Sorry, but we knew we didn't have to be controlled by a group of appointed, unaccountable goons who only wanted to provide the minimum of representation just for our money.

With the teamsters we were just a number to be added to their pile of dues lumped in with truckers and all the butchers, bakers and candlestick makers that they could fool into keep paying them.

Good riddance.
the question is does the IBT truly have the actual true signatures of the employees of both airlines? names that would actually match up with the list provided by the 2 airlines? i thought i read on anthr thread that for usairways a lot of the names did not seem to match if there is not enough names to match up what happens then
the question is does the IBT truly have the actual true signatures of the employees of both airlines? names that would actually match up with the list provided by the 2 airlines? i thought i read on anthr thread that for usairways a lot of the names did not seem to match if there is not enough names to match up what happens then
robbedagain the vote is set at US by the NMB for Jul 8th till Aug 12th that means the names and cards are good per NMB.
At AA the NMB is still going over names and cards and we should know in a week or so, That is if the TWU doesn't drag it out trying to keep their hook in my brothers at AA.
A little common sense if they did not have enough cards to file we would know by now as the Company has turned in the number (list) of M&R and the number of IBT cards turned in to the NMB is known by the NMB. So if they were short the NMB would have sent out a letter stating so as they did with the AMFA failed filing.

Have a nice IBT day.
Not in this poll but in reality I will be voting for the IAM. But the more and more the IAM announces that our IAMNPF is at risk makes it harder and harder to justify keeping my vote.
robbedagain the vote is set at US by the NMB for Jul 8th till Aug 12th that means the names and cards are good per NMB.
At AA the NMB is still going over names and cards and we should know in a week or so, That is if the TWU doesn't drag it out trying to keep their hook in my brothers at AA.
A little common sense if they did not have enough cards to file we would know by now as the Company has turned in the number (list) of M&R and the number of IBT cards turned in to the NMB is known by the NMB. So if they were short the NMB would have sent out a letter stating so as they did with the AMFA failed filing.

Have a nice IBT day.

My sources tell me that the IBT is fighting tooth and nail to offset the inflated list. Unfortunately for the IBT is that it is their first time filing and they have no insiders that have been monitoring the list of employees over the years. The IBT assigned a IBT guy who is not a AA guy to handle the drive. Relying on the guys that never wanted AMFA and have supported the TWU over the years. Now these same guys are trying to play catch up from the last filing almost 10 years ago. I do not know the numbers filed and the numbers AA submitted but AA has been doing everything right with the BK and this filing. The IBT is swimming upstream right now. We will see in a week or so if we will get a vote so I can WRITE IN AMFA on my ballot.
robbedagain the vote is set at US by the NMB for Jul 8th till Aug 12th that means the names and cards are good per NMB.
At AA the NMB is still going over names and cards and we should know in a week or so, That is if the TWU doesn't drag it out trying to keep their hook in my brothers at AA.
A little common sense if they did not have enough cards to file we would know by now as the Company has turned in the number (list) of M&R and the number of IBT cards turned in to the NMB is known by the NMB. So if they were short the NMB would have sent out a letter stating so as they did with the AMFA failed filing.

Have a nice IBT day.
Travis, I agree with you here. I too believe that by now the NMB would have put a notice out that they were short. But it must be that they are at least over or close, and may get to the required card count once all sigs are verified and or removed which ever the case may be. But I would also be willing to bet the company and the TWU handed over an inflated list that will take some time to go thru and verify and remove as needed. What I would be very interested in is the number of people on list company and TWU provided, and the total final number that the NMB verify for legit counted towards total number allowed. Tues will be 4 weeks, and I bet the teamsters are in a fight from helL to get all the padded/inflated people off the list.

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