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Politics vs. criminal charges.....the PHL 22

The location of the PHL airport has a lot to do with the general employee population that gets hired as well. It is located in between Southwest Philly and Chester which are not the highest socioeconomic areas. Therefore the majority of what posters refer to as "thugs" are simply people bringing to work what they are used to in their home life. Having been born and raised in the area, I know.

Mix that with a minority of "powerful" senior employees that have seen countless management personnel come and go (which gives them the sense of power- "wait long enough and we'll get rid of him too") and you have what some have described as gang mentality. It is just a mirror of society.

Now most will say it takes strong management to prevent and manage this situation....true, but it is a delicate balance between managing, being a people person and playing cop "cleaning up the town".

It takes a strong leader to oversee PHL. I wonder if Giulliani is available?

just my 2 cents.
To add to my comments....
As I said it takes strong leadership to manage PHL and I commend DP for getting the message out, communicating, and attempting to treat employees fairly.
That said, senior management is helping build the notion that the PHL ramp is a bad place to work. Case in point when a ramp guy from PHL named Chris is interviewed and posted on the HUB, the EVP of communications asks a question..."where do you work?" he answers PHL ramp and the first thing that comes out of the interviewer's mouth is..."oh my God! Do you know what kind of reputation y'all have right now?"
Not good in my opinion...she immediately catagorized him and Chris may be the hardest worker on the ramp.
see for yourself....
Same goes for the "I was here when you got here and I'll be here when you're gone" mentality of the more senior workers. Where did that attitude come from?

You get that attitude when you're constantly hearing that the company is sending Mr. Such and Such to PHL as Station Manager (Director) to clean the place up. Promises are made regarding manpower and equipment additions, improving the facilities, and getting rid of the dead wood. For well over a decade now it's been the same song and dance. In the beginning you usually see some improvements, but then the Station Manager (or Director) gets tired of fighting with Corporate over things he needs to run a good operation in PHL and basically gives up trying. You can only beat your head against a wall so many times.

Now with the internet and site such as this the agents in PHL hear it from all over the system. "Mr. Such and Such and all his new Directors will clean that place up" and "The new Director has close ties with Dougie and he'll clean PHL up". Of course we just laugh every time we hear it and you know what, the place is a bigger dump now than it's ever has been in the past.

So in reality it's just not an attitude, it's a fact.
yes but that attitude flew around the system too.....how many times have we all heard this or that and whats going down.....is one reason many walked.
"Mr. Such and Such and all his new Directors will clean that place up" and "The new Director has close ties with Dougie and he'll clean PHL up". Of course we just laugh every time we hear it

uncle al just accomplished his long awaited goal in phl
uncle al- 1
"Mr. Such and Such and all his new Directors will clean that place up" and "The new Director has close ties with Dougie and he'll clean PHL up". Of course we just laugh every time we hear it

uncle al just accomplished his long awaited goal in phl
uncle al- 1
Well I would tend to disagree with you. The new guys has been here for about 2 months and has accomplished more than others have in a year. Examples such as replacing broken windshields and doors, fixing broken windows and cleaning the place up. He doesn't wait, but gets into it right away. It is one or two new guys in a sea of thousands. You need to give them a chance. I've spoken with him, and I believe he cares about PHL and employees in general. According to a flight attendant he got new furniture for them and has on the drawing board some new gates, some breakrooms, and more ground equipment, and fixing a bag room, per his memo. PHL is a mess, and I know he works more hours than most, so I don't think it is fair to judge people who have been on the job for 2 months. Give him 6 months or a year. I'm glad he is here. I've spoken to him more than I have ever spoken to any of the previous managing directors. I also understand he is interviewing people for the ramp director job, so things will get better. Also a memo came out today from him regarding some issues on the ramp that he wants fixed. He needs help from other mgmt too FWIW
Well I would tend to disagree with you. The new guys has been here for about 2 months and has accomplished more than others have in a year. Examples such as replacing broken windshields and doors, fixing broken windows and cleaning the place up. He doesn't wait, but gets into it right away. It is one or two new guys in a sea of thousands. You need to give them a chance.

You can disagree all you want, but as my previous post states "in the beginning you usually see some improvements", which is exactly what you're describing. I think that these Station Directors (and former Station Managers) truly believe they will make positive changes in PHL, but as history has shown they come in strong and leave defeated. Sure they took some beatings from the local agents, but the sad part is that the worst beatings they took were from Corporate.
I had a Captain two days ago tell me how they are noticing a new attitude in PHL - Others are starting to notice.
I had a Captain two days ago tell me how they are noticing a new attitude in PHL - Others are starting to notice.

Hell yeah, who wouldn't have a new attitude in PHL. You now have choices:

- Blaring rap in the hallways (and outside on nice days).

- Pornos being shown in the break-rooms.

- Movies being shown and only being extorted $2 to watch it...on your own break-room's TV.

- Spread graffiti everywhere.

- If you don't want to show up for your flight don't. The weak management will simply go tell one of the few dedicated employees remaining to go do YOUR job because they're scared..

I'm not going to dispute what a crew member tells you, but I'm willing to bet that their time in PHL is very limited and they may not have even been underneath to see the crap that's going on.

Wait until the heat of summer is on us, the place is going to be a mess.
We can joke about pornos being shown, but really...such behavior doesn't promote professionalism in the work place and is offensive to others. If showing pornos is true, then the claims of the females being harassed is only strengthened. Shouldn't the union pitch a #### about these conditions? What the hell good are they if they aren't!
Shouldn't the union pitch a #### about these conditions? What the hell good are they if they aren't!

The Union has been there when the shift manager said "I see violations of zero tolerance every day but it doesn't affect me so I look the other way....you need thick skin."

The Union was there when a duty manager said "I have been aware of the situation since I came to PHL....but my hands are tied."

The Union has been right there by our side when the women have gone to Grantham twice in 3 weeks saying "Help us".

The Union is right there saying let's call Schwartz and Schwartz.

The Union has been with the women every step of the way.

Each time Management talks .....but does nothing.

I believe that since the "22" are gone...management feels that they don't have to pay much attention to the Union reps who are left.
Second who'd collecting the $2.00??? IAM?

One of the ghetto boys. It's not Union related at all.

I think they're having a beef and beer to benefit the 22, well I mean 21 since one is still receiving his AGC pay and benefits. They have also gone around collecting money for the 22. Serious.
Shouldn't the union pitch a #### about these conditions? What the hell good are they if they aren't!

It's been put in management's hands by union reps and those being harassed. Nothing is going to be done by local managers because they are scared and weak.

I remember in the early to mid 90s someone brought in a copy of a Madonna video that was airing on MTV. There was no nudity, but it was sexually suggestive. It was shown in the ABR break-room (c-con at the time) and a female that had transferred in from DAY went to management and complained. We were told that the TVs would be yanked from all the break-rooms if anything was ever shown again that was inappropriate. That ended the public showing of inappropriate videos.

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