He is only recieving pay his benefits were through the company and they have been terminated.
He was not recieving retirement benefits from US, he does get retirement from his AGC position and yes he is still an AGC so he still gets his expenses related to his position.
corporate security and a couple mini cams will fix all this pronto...seen it done in PIT. 😉One of the ghetto boys. It's not Union related at all.
I think they're having a beef and beer to benefit the 22, well I mean 21 since one is still receiving his AGC pay and benefits. They have also gone around collecting money for the 22. Serious.
One of the ghetto boys. It's not Union related at all.
I think they're having a beef and beer to benefit the 22, well I mean 21 since one is still receiving his AGC pay and benefits. They have also gone around collecting money for the 22. Serious.
Enlighten us as to what kind of dollar figure does the AGC's salary, benefits & expenses total for calendar 2005?
Also when you post that number would you please also post what a Top Of Scale ramper working an average of 8/hrs a week in OT would earn so we can compare and contrast the disparity of those who lead 21 thugs into losing their jobs versus a senior ramper. I think the rank and file would be curious.
Just for reference I looked up a job titled "Grand Lodge Representative" and the base salary for that prestigious position is $97,851 plus an average of about $40,000 in expenses.
Have you looked at your pay stub lately???
Do you have any idea how much $$$ most of these 22
make a year ?
you would be verv suprised
that was something else uncle al was totally aware of
You really need to go out and get a life Bob.Enlighten us as to what kind of dollar figure does the AGC's salary, benefits & expenses total for calendar 2005?
they get bonus pay for training in mob rule and correct technique in using chairs,bottles and tables as offensive weapons.So in summary it would be safe to say that an AGC for the ramp earns similar compensation to a low to mid level manager in Corporate America which seems fair to me. An amount over the 80K range seems excessive but otherwise it seems fair and reasonable, thanks for the clarity.