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Political Question

Should Kerry get elected, I think his first order of business will be to get down on his knees and go to town on France and Germany! He will give away the store on national security!

As for business and economic issues, well I would like to know how much Mrs. Heinz kept and benefitted from Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy! Did she send the money back?

I wonder how much Heinz outsources?

When Edwards was a trial attorney, I wonder how many victims in wheelchairs and neckbraces he wheeled into the courtroom?

Bottom line is, THEY ARE ALL CROOKS! Big business and their lobbies put people in office. And if their candidate does not get elected, their lobbies get things done anyway.

Democrats and Rebublicans are all cut from the same political cloth!

As far as labor is concerned, look at the voting record of some Democrat Senators and congressman on labor related issues! Don't automatically assume a democrat is pro- labor. Republicans make no secret they are for big business. Democrats make no secret that they are not!
Twuer, I'm neither a Southern Baptist nor a Republican but simply a Christian who consults God often through his word (you know, the bible). If the vast majority of those you worship with cannot convince you that civil laws condoning sinful lifestyles are wrong I will certainly not try. It does seem strange to me that you will lend financial support to the liberal left (democrats) and the conservative right (southern baptists) whose moral philosophy and vision for America are totally opposite. It's twisted, but I guess you can have it both ways.

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