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Amfa's Politics


Sep 29, 2003
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Amfa’s Politics

This is the extent of amfas politics! "Note" whom the Link References!


Overtime Legislation by the AFL-CIO

July 2, 2003

The fight to protect overtime pay is really heating up. The Bush administration's drive to take away overtime pay from at least 8 million people will heat up soon, too. Their regulatory changes are being implemented without a single public hearing. But during the last two weeks of the period for written public comments that ended on June 30, people like you sent more than 70,000 letters to the U.S. Department of Labor expressing opposition to these harmful changes. This is fantastic! Your activism helped propel this issue into the headlines.

Now this campaign turns to President Bush, our senators and our representatives. They can stop these harmful overtime pay cuts before they become law.

Over the next couple of months, we'll ask our legislator's to get involved in the campaign to repeal the bush overtime cuts. But right now please send a message opposing the overtime pay take-away to President Bush with a copy to your senators and representatives by clicking on the link below. We need to tell them to stop these huge pay cuts.

This link comes off amfa's site; This Information has been removed;

Qoute from Lee Seham dated Aug.4 2003;

----AMFA will remove all AFL-CIO "material on its website. Pursuant to your request, AMFA will remove all AFL-CIO links from its website and will refrain from publishing such links in the future.----


Local 33 Politics Page; http://www.amfa33.org/Legislative/index.html

On the issue of Foreign Maintenance,It has been rumored Senator Mark Dayton called amfa and requested the Information be removed from their website.( Note Senator Dayton would not put this in writing) AMFA does not Belong to the AFL-CIO and is attempting to deceive its own members by printing information on their website. Is this considered riding on the coat-tails of others?

AMFA International does not believe they should be involved in U.S. Politics to help their members, while collecting the same percentage of Union dues as other Unions!

Note: amfa does assess additional fees from some of there members.

You be the Judge! Where is all the Money Going?

Learn the facts! Get Informed!
And this is the result of twenty years of TWU affiliation;


Dont get me wrong. I suport AFL-CIO affiliation but once again I will state that affiliation with the AFL-CIO is merely a tool for the union, it is not a substitute for a good union or good leadership. And even then we should not overestimate what we can expect from affiliation, PATCO did, and look what happened to them.

As AMFA grows they will have more resources available for politics. It is inevitable that for such a heavily regulated profession that we will be involved in politics.
TWU Politics at work...

Gun Control And The AFL-CIO

The National Rifle Association of America is a single-issue organization that represents firearms owners and works to defend and protect their rights as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. In its 132-year history as the nation`s oldest civil rights organization, the NRA has never adopted any policy or practice regarding unions, organized labor, labor management or labor relations issues of any kind.

On the other hand, the American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) have continually stepped outside the purview of labor relations and adopted decidedly anti-gun positions that infringe upon the rights of law-abiding firearms owners.

The national leadership of the AFL-CIO has supported restrictive "gun control" legislation for nearly a quarter of a century.

1971: The Executive Council of the AFL-CIO adopted a resolution stating, "the AFL-CIO strongly urges Congress to enact strong handgun control legislation."

1976: The AFL-CIO announced it`s support for legislation which would ban "weapons such as the so-called `Saturday Night Special` from the public domain."

1987: The AFL-CIO`s Executive Council issued a resolution in support of a national seven-day waiting period on the purchase of all handguns.

1989: The AFL-CIO came out strongly in support of the Brady Bill and its national waiting period on the purchase of handguns by law-abiding gun owners. AFL-CIO leadership also resolved to support U.S. Sen. Dennis DeConcini`s S.747, a bill to ban the importation, domestic manufacture and sale of certain semi-automatic firearms.

1994: Most recently, the AFL-CIO`s leadership supported the Clinton Crime Bill and its ban on certain semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns and large-capacity magazines.
Decision 2004 said:
TWU Politics at work...

Gun Control And The AFL-CIO

The National Rifle Association of America is a single-issue organization that represents firearms owners and works to defend and protect their rights as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. In its 132-year history as the nation`s oldest civil rights organization, the NRA has never adopted any policy or practice regarding unions, organized labor, labor management or labor relations issues of any kind.

On the other hand, the American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) have continually stepped outside the purview of labor relations and adopted decidedly anti-gun positions that infringe upon the rights of law-abiding firearms owners.

The national leadership of the AFL-CIO has supported restrictive "gun control" legislation for nearly a quarter of a century.

1971: The Executive Council of the AFL-CIO adopted a resolution stating, "the AFL-CIO strongly urges Congress to enact strong handgun control legislation."

1976: The AFL-CIO announced it`s support for legislation which would ban "weapons such as the so-called `Saturday Night Special` from the public domain."

1987: The AFL-CIO`s Executive Council issued a resolution in support of a national seven-day waiting period on the purchase of all handguns.

1989: The AFL-CIO came out strongly in support of the Brady Bill and its national waiting period on the purchase of handguns by law-abiding gun owners. AFL-CIO leadership also resolved to support U.S. Sen. Dennis DeConcini`s S.747, a bill to ban the importation, domestic manufacture and sale of certain semi-automatic firearms.

1994: Most recently, the AFL-CIO`s leadership supported the Clinton Crime Bill and its ban on certain semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns and large-capacity magazines.
Hey Dave, ya need a job to buy your guns...doh!
BTW, The link to any of the AFL-CIO information was removed from AMFA's website because the AFL-CIO demanded they do so.

So what exactly is your point anyway?
Decision 2004 said:
BTW, The link to any of the AFL-CIO information was removed from AMFA's website because the AFL-CIO demanded they do so.

So what exactly is your point anyway?
AMFA International does not believe they should be involved in U.S. Politics to help their members, while collecting the same percentage of Union dues as other Unions!

Note: amfa does assess additional fees from some of there members.

You be the Judge! Where is all the Money Going?

Learn the facts! Get Informed!
Decision 2004 said:
BTW, The link to any of the AFL-CIO information was removed from AMFA's website because the AFL-CIO demanded they do so.

So what exactly is your point anyway?
AMFA International does not believe they should be involved in U.S. Politics to help their members, while collecting the same percentage of Union dues as other Unions!

Note: amfa does assess additional fees from some of there members.

You be the Judge! Where is all the Money Going?

Learn the facts! Get Informed!
That is an outright lie.

AMFA National is involved in political issues directly related to the profession of the Aircraft Maintenance Tech.

Can you explain how we gained by endorsing Gephardt only to watch him not even make it out of the starting gate?

Why is it you cannot see the difference between funding losing campaigns compared to direct involvement of specific issues?