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Political Question


Aug 20, 2002
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I would like for anyone to tell me why I should look to the Democratic Party this election cycle?

Please list your reasons?

And please tell me what the affiliation with the AFL-CIO will do for me as an aircraft mechanic?
I dont know you, so I dont know that you should look to the Democratic party. Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself.
Buck said:
I would like for anyone to tell me why I should look to the Democratic Party this election cycle?

Please list your reasons?

And please tell me what the affiliation with the AFL-CIO will do for me as an aircraft mechanic?
Actually you should do your own research and vote your own mind. I don't believe anyone could tell you anything about the democratic party or the afl-cio that would sway you one way or the other. Do you have decision making problems often? You might go ask delle what he thinks.
I ask a legitimate set of questions and you have to turn it back into a fight. If you do not have anything really to say about the subject could you please not respond.

Since I tend to vote against the Democratic Party, I was just looking for information and reasons to vote for them.

Since you mentioned Delle, when asked he stated the best canidate for labor was Gephardt. That is who the TWU was backing until he lost.
Buck said:
I ask a legitimate set of questions and you have to turn it back into a fight. If you do not have anything really to say about the subject could you please not respond.

Since I tend to vote against the Democratic Party, I was just looking for information and reasons to vote for them.

Since you mentioned Delle, when asked he stated the best canidate for labor was Gephardt. That is who the TWU was backing until he lost.
If it was a legitimate question I apologize. I guess I'm just used to the ole bait and hook you all like to use.
The Democratic Party just cannot get it right on their presidential nominee. Gephardt would have been a much better choice that Kerry as well Lieberman would have been a better choice.

Why do they have to nominate someone extremely liberal instead of a moderate who can win in the general election?

If Al Gore had not been the nominee in 2000 the Democrats would have won the white house riding the coat tails of Bill Clinton.[Al Gore only won the popular vote by a small margain and lost his home state]

The Democratic Party loses a lot of votes from what should be their base due to extremely liberal nominees.
Most working people do not want higher taves and bigger government interference in their lives,gun grabbers in power,social engineering agendas,and radical waco enviornmental laws that drives business out of this country.

I would have seriously considered voting for Gephardt as I'm not a fan of GW Bush either.
From Apolitical AMFA, campaign, to a political campaign? Sure this is the right direction?
Buck - Vote your conscience... Don't worry about the Dems, they have enough problems already. I think Nightwatch was right in asking if you were baiting with this thread. Even the DNC can't figure out why Kerry should be elected! And I agree that Gephardt would have been the man to beat. Kerry needs a poll taken regarding which pair of socks he's going to wear and that scares me!
I have to admit that I have not kept up as I should on all fo the political issues that face us on a daily basis. I think we get "comfortable" with presidential leadership and forget to look at the big picture. I do normally vote Democratic. I vote that way because I believe and have always believed that the Democrats look out for the common man better than the Republicans, who tend to coddle the elite group of the wealthiest folks in America. Many try to make it "moral values" type of choice but what it boils down to for me is having the choice in all aspects of life. We are told to separate church from state yet the Republicans don't do a very good job at it. You can complain all you want to about the issues on gay marriage and abortion ( 2 big issues) the "conservative" approach, but does the "government" ahve the right to tell us what we can and can't do?? I have always had a huge problem wiht the stance they take on abortion. The Republicans take the pro-life stance but that "title" is just to make themselves look holier that the pro-choice stance. They are pro-life BUT abortion can be okay in some circumstances. WHAT KIND OF BS IS THAT???? Anyway you look at it it is all a pro-choice issue. I personally am NOT for abortions but it is not my place to tell women what they can or cannot do with there own personal issues. Smae argument wiht the gay marriage thing. Is it my place or not to say whether or not two people of the same gender can or can't get married? Not my place. It is their right, is it not?? They have the same rights as anyone else, they pay taxes jsut like the "strait" folks. But taking away those rights just because I feel that it is morally wrong, I feel, is not my place.

Like I said I am not as up-to-date on all of the political rhetoric (and that's a lot of what it is) so trying to tell you one way or the other of who to choose is a hard thing. I do know that George W. has failed this nation. Our country is gotten into really bad shape on his watch. If you do research you can find the statistics under his term. Now whether you think Kerry is the best replacement, well that's who the Democrats have picked. I am far from being a multi-millionaire and I am not a strong Southern Baptist who puts religion over choice so I relate better with the Democratic Party who's issues are on a somewhat kind of level that I can relate to. Jobs, healthcare, economy etc, aimed at the common man not the elite and big business.

I'm sure you will get all kinds of opinions after mine and I'm sure I will get told a thing or two regarding my comments. There is a lot more to the "system" then there is room on this thread I'm afraid. In a nutshell..........Republicans favor big business and their rich owners and the Democrats favor the "common" man. That's my opinion.
I am not baiting this thread. I just would like to see some reasons to vote for the Democrats.

This thread has nothing to do with AMFA, Rusty.

I am not going to make a political decision based on whether there is an AMFA drive or not. You know I am a AMFA supporter and that is still my position, it has nothing to do with this thread. What it does have to with is the fact that I am concerned for the aviation industry and my profession.

I knew when I started the thread that neither side could just give their opinion without attacking.

TWUER: thanks for the opinion.
Bush, Maybe you need to read up on the big businesses being able to destroy the natural resources that generations have worked to protect.

Or the fact, Osama relatives are a close friend of Bush senior! Wasn't their a scurry to move some of them a few years ago?

You need to ask why Iraq? Did it have to do with protection of the Americans (us) or revenge of an old injury?
Twuer, your thoughts lead me to believe you favor situation ethics. That's whatever is morally or ethically right for you might not be for someone else. The Southern Baptists (I'm not one) I know believe in moral absolutes. There's right and there's wrong as perscribed by God and you find that is God's word. Believe it or not this country was not only built on, but the constitution was based and written on those principles found in God's word.
We are told to separate church from state yet the Republicans don't do a very good job at it.
Do you believe everthing you hear from the democrats? This notion of "seperation" was conceived by a misinterpreted letter written by Thomas Jefferson. The founding fathers were very devout religous men yet they knew the dangers of setting up a "church state",i.e. Church of England, Taliban, etc..That doesn't mean the principles of religion (moral absolutes perscribed by God) should not be in government.
Contrary to belief, there are rich democrats who own businesses. You act as
though businesses must fail for the working man to succeed. The logic? No single political party has the corner market on how this country should be ran but I will support the one taking the high ground morally and ethically because that's the one God supports.
goingboeing said:
.....The Democratic Party loses a lot of votes from what should be their base due to extremely liberal nominees.
Most working people do not want higher taves and bigger government interference in their lives,gun grabbers in power,social engineering agendas,and radical waco enviornmental laws that drives business out of this country.

I would have seriously considered voting for Gephardt as I'm not a fan of GW Bush either.
I agree. The 'Reagan Democrats' thought as much as well. I well remember the de-facto "nasty gram" we got from the IAM after the GOP sweeps of the house and senate in '94, where it was revealed 40 percent of union memebers voted for the GOP; Basically chiding the membership for not following the party line and not voting single issue. As I recall the letter stated that the membership was too concerned with social issues and taxes. Talk about a paradigm shift........

While the GOP is far from an ally of "labor" per se, The Democrats, in practice aren't much better, stump-speech sweet-talk notwithstanding....and then there's those other issues....

I see the Democrats today as limousine liberals and faux populists. Those Dems that really are populists are forced back into the woodwork after election time and it's "business" as usual again...and then there's those other issues........

Whenever I query Dem die-hards regarding Clinton's actual record on "free trade" and other issues against labor I get a "yeaahhh wwweeellll........" but still believe in him. This is what happens when your support is taken for granted: You'll get lip-service and not much else.

Never understood why the AFL-CIO turned their noses up at Buchanan, even though he had a visceral and outspoken populistic stance...Oh, I know....wrong party :blink: ................
Birdman said:
Twuer, your thoughts lead me to believe you favor situation ethics. That's whatever is morally or ethically right for you might not be for someone else. The Southern Baptists (I'm not one) I know believe in moral absolutes. There's right and there's wrong as perscribed by God and you find that is God's word. Believe it or not this country was not only built on, but the constitution was based and written on those principles found in God's word. Do you believe everthing you hear from the democrats? This notion of "seperation" was conceived by a misinterpreted letter written by Thomas Jefferson. The founding fathers were very devout religous men yet they knew the dangers of setting up a "church state",i.e. Church of England, Taliban, etc..That doesn't mean the principles of religion (moral absolutes perscribed by God) should not be in government.
Contrary to belief, there are rich democrats who own businesses. You act as
though businesses must fail for the working man to succeed. The logic? No single political party has the corner market on how this country should be ran but I will support the one taking the high ground morally and ethically because that's the one God supports.
Thank you for the history lesson Birdman but I am fully aware of what our forefathers built the constitution upon. I am not saying that we should not abide by Christian principles. That is what keeps me sane in this crazy world. My point is that "government" (Republicans, conservatives, or whatever you want to call them) should not impose (or should I say oppose) these to override a person's rights.

And this comment from you.......

I will support the one taking the high ground morally and ethically because that's the one God supports.

I guess you have consulted God on this???? This statement gives off the impression that the Republicans are holier-than-thou and should be revered as so. I have spent my whole life in the church and am a devout Christian. I try to live my life as such, but I also feel that "others" have rights and if they choose to make "mistakes" (in our eyes) in their lives than that is between God and them. Remember, God did give us the "right" to make our own choices. It is the Republicans who are taking that away!!!!! The "job" of teaching " Christian values" falls upon preachers, priests, clergy men, everyday Christians.....not a political party or the President.

This notion of "seperation" was conceived by a misinterpreted letter written by Thomas Jefferson.

But yet it resonates loud and clear in 2004!!!!! If the Republicans are so "religious" then why hasn't prayer in school been brought back???? How hard could that be if they can outlaw same-sex marriages and abortion? It is just a transparent platform!!!

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