Twuer, your thoughts lead me to believe you favor situation ethics. That's whatever is morally or ethically right for you might not be for someone else. The Southern Baptists (I'm not one) I know believe in moral absolutes. There's right and there's wrong as perscribed by God and you find that is God's word. Believe it or not this country was not only built on, but the constitution was based and written on those principles found in God's word. Do you believe everthing you hear from the democrats? This notion of "seperation" was conceived by a misinterpreted letter written by Thomas Jefferson. The founding fathers were very devout religous men yet they knew the dangers of setting up a "church state",i.e. Church of England, Taliban, etc..That doesn't mean the principles of religion (moral absolutes perscribed by God) should not be in government.
Contrary to belief, there are rich democrats who own businesses. You act as
though businesses must fail for the working man to succeed. The logic? No single political party has the corner market on how this country should be ran but I will support the one taking the high ground morally and ethically because that's the one God supports.