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Pit Jan. Airbus Down To 26 Blocks

nycbusdriver said:
Come on. You can't be seriously comparing PIT to BOS, LGA and DCA!

Yeah, I am serious. But, it's a moot point. Doesn't matter where you're based with this company it's a cluster f$%k and getting worse by the hour.
Back to the point,,,

Eye whined that no notice has been given to a recent downsizing of PIT. Base downsizing or closures suck, But unlike some in the past, the downward spiral of PIT has been telegraphed for sometime now.

At this point, acting surprised only makes you seem further "out of touch" with reality. But we all know that it is no surprise to Eye, nor anyone else. Instead it is just another opportunity to "complain and blame" someone or something else.

Mature people deal with change. Successful people adapt to and oversome the challenges presented by change.

You just whine, nice going. <_<
USFlyer said:
Exactly. PIT never should have been made a hub back in the 80s and 90s.
In the 80s and 90s?.....PIT had been the main hub and "glamor spot" of this airline since the 50s when we were good ole Allegheny Airlines. Now the hub and the people that went on to make Allegheny/US Airways what it is are being treated like...well ill let you decide!
TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
In the 80s and 90s?.....PIT had been the main hub and "glamor spot" of this airline since the 50s when we were good ole Allegheny Airlines. Now the hub and the people that went on to make Allegheny/US Airways what it is are being treated like...well ill let you decide!

"Now the hub and the people that went on to make Allegheny/US Airways what it is are being treated like..."

...like they live in a city that can't support a major airline hub in a deregulated industry.
nycbusdriver said:
"Now the hub and the people that went on to make Allegheny/US Airways what it is are being treated like..."

...like they live in a city that can't support a major airline hub in a deregulated industry.

True. But, it's a "focus city" what a joke. 🙄 Hey, if the thing makes it I hope your senority holds up at your base bussie. It's gonna get ugly with all those senior PIT refugees.
TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
Now the hub and the people that went on to make Allegheny/US Airways what it is are being treated like...well ill let you decide!

You mean a twice bankrupt carrier with a mediocre route network getting squeezed by the bigger majors and the more nimble LCCs?
Rico said:
Back to the point,,,

Eye whined that no notice has been given to a recent downsizing of PIT. Base downsizing or closures suck, But unlike some in the past, the downward spiral of PIT has been telegraphed for sometime now.

At this point, acting surprised only makes you seem further "out of touch" with reality. But we all know that it is no surprise to Eye, nor anyone else. Instead it is just another opportunity to "complain and blame" someone or something else.

Mature people deal with change. Successful people adapt to and oversome the challenges presented by change.

You just whine, nice going. <_<

Wah, wah, wah. Hey Rico, it doesn't matter for me; I am outta here of my own accord soon enough. I just think it's pretty rotten of fellow employees to be "smirky" about the fact that a couple thousand people's homelives will be put in turmoil when the PIT base is shut down. Be careful what you wish for... Eye
The issue with Pittsburgh has little to do with the traffic it generates and a lot to do with US Airways. US Airways is losing money everywhere, not just PIT.Look at the 3 figures that people commonly site as why Pittsburgh can't compete.

1. Cost/Passenger: It's true PIT is more expensive than CLT, however, this is essentially a fixed cost, in other words volume determines the cost. Back in 2001 PIT's cost per passenger was around $5.00, hardly a massive difference when compared to CLT which is around $4.00. PIT is now around $10, and going up, why? Because US Airways spreads the cost amongst fewer passengers.

2. Low Yield: If you look at gov't traffic data PIT still generates relatively high yields when compared to the national averages. If Southwest had a hub in PIT right now with the yields currently being generated, they would make money. Yield isn't as big in issue as it is the fact that US Airways can't produce a cost structure that get's them to a competitibe point.

3. Low O&D: When compared to places like ORD, ATL, LGA, MCO, of course PIT ranks below them. However PIT's O&D is around 5 million/year, CLT's is at most 4 million/year. That's 1 million more people who can fill a plane without having to rely on a connecting passenger.
TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
In the 80s and 90s?.....PIT had been the main hub and "glamor spot" of this airline since the 50s when we were good ole Allegheny Airlines. Now the hub and the people that went on to make Allegheny/US Airways what it is are being treated like...well ill let you decide!

TransatlanticFlyGuy, thank you! You know, the PSA people as a group have been the most hosed over bunch. YET, through it all, the majority have maintained a dignified attitude. Personnel wise, acquiring PSA was the best thing Ed Colodny did. You guys; I love you man! :up:
FutureCEO, very true. At this point, it's pretty obvious the employees aren't to blame. US Airways has b-school flunkies in management that don't know what the F they are doing and it shows! I have zero faith in these drooling retards.
EyeInTheSky said:
TransatlanticFlyGuy, thank you! You know, the PSA people as a group have been the most hosed over bunch. YET, through it all, the majority have maintained a dignified attitude. Personnel wise, acquiring PSA was the best thing Ed Colodny did. You guys; I love you man! :up:
Eye in the Sky,
Just wanted to add that in all my years at US, I have had nothing but great things to say about all of the ex-PSA folks. You are some of the best people that we have at US and Im pround to call many PSA people good friends. I have had the absolute pleasure to fly with many of the PSA gals/guys in PHW, who with all the long commutes to LAX/SAN/SFO/SEA/LAS/PHX..etc, still shine through with professionalism both in the cabin, the cockpit and on the ground. :up:
TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
Eye in the Sky,
Just wanted to add that in all my years at US, I have had nothing but great things to say about all of the ex-PSA folks. You are some of the best people that we have at US and Im pround to call many PSA people good friends. I have had the absolute pleasure to fly with many of the PSA gals/guys in PHW, who with all the long commutes to LAX/SAN/SFO/SEA/LAS/PHX..etc, still shine through with professionalism both in the cabin, the cockpit and on the ground. :up:

I agree 100% :up: :up:
EyeInTheSky said:
FutureCEO, very true. At this point, it's pretty obvious the employees aren't to blame. US Airways has b-school flunkies in management that don't know what the F they are doing and it shows! I have zero faith in these drooling retards.

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