PITbull said:
Hey, no sympathy required. As Eye stated above...we be coming into your base, so move on over.
You are welcomed in my home and base anytime. I know behind that hard shell is one fun hell raiser with a heart much bigger than most think. Come on down to Dixie. We can make fun of the 100 over the top religious channels together and call their prayer lines to run up the cost of their propoganda machines.
Then we can go boating on Lake Norman and place reefs on the For Sale Signs of pilots forced to sell their homes because they can no longer afford the taxes.
And if we go under, hey we have nice weather, the tulips come out in February, I know a thousand realitors and there are plenty of good hospitals should you go back to nursing.
And we can go uptown..or is that downtown? center city? Oh what the hell after a few drinks it won't matter. We'll sober up I-77 where we can ride in the 24 hour HOV lane (don't ask).
Then for breakfast, we'll "cut" on the coffee machine and make you some grits...sorry, I don't do biscuits.
So see, Pitbull, you have a new home if you choose and new friends who love you and will tell you how to put that big blue bow correctly in your hair and how to properly say "Cee U Next Time" after flying with a crew you hate. Oh, just make sure you tell the inbound crew your all set up, even if the galleys look like a hurricane struck. And for God's sake, make sure you chill that red wine. And leave a gallon of water in those shined up coffee pots as my comrades haven't figured out how to "cut" of the burner.
Just stay away from topics that include religion, politics, the civil war (obviously). Oh, what the hell, just bring a book.
😉 😀
😛 B)