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Pit Jan. Airbus Down To 26 Blocks

A320 Driver said:
Hmmm struck a nerve!
Nobody in PIT gave a flip when they closed the other bases. Gonna have a hard time getting sympathy for PIT. What goes around comes around.

A320 Driver

Hey, no sympathy required. As Eye stated above...we be coming into your base, so move on over.
PITbull said:
Hey, no sympathy required. As Eye stated above...we be coming into your base, so move on over.

Come on over! I take mine light with equal.

A320 Driver 😛
PineyBob said:
When US Airways made the announcement that PIT would become a focus city didn't that tell you SOMETHING?

PineyBob, the high costs corporate wise and personnel wise will be a bigger headache for management then they ever imagined. US Airways has kept small bases in BOS, DCA & LGA for years; why can't they do it in PIT? This was the "impression" given to all the flight crewmembers based in PIT after management's "focus city" plan. No, let's cut through the crap, IF they do indeed shut the crew base down you better believe this is a union busting move. Funny thing is some of the union reps here have moved up to more authoritative positions within their unions that are sure to give management a run for their money. So, by closing the PIT crew base you've not only cut people's pay you are now making them move or commute to work. Mind you, a lot of us moved here so we WOULD NOT HAVE TO COMMUTE. Afterall, this used to be the biggest base we "thought" (silly us) that we were safe. I was a commuter once, and swore I'd never do it again. However, given the base choices and economics of our new paycuts we just can't afford to move nor do we find the options "appealing." PineyBob, what's going to happen is a trickle down effect and not just for the PIT people that will be forced to commute. What about the crewmembers in BOS, PHL, CLT, DCA, LGA? What's going to happen to them when very senior PIT crewmembers start bumping them back to reserve or out of their base? What about the first officer in LGA who can barely make his mortgage payments working 85 hours a month; what happens when he's unable to fly his full schedule? What about the flight attendants in PHL who barely get their time in now; did you know a lot of them qualify for food stamps? No, PineyBob, this little base closing doesn't just affect PIT crewmembers; it changes the dynamics at every base. THAT I can assure you. Lastly, I am constantly inspired by my fellow employees that continue to come to work in these conditions. They are true unsung heroes and professionals at every level. Still, I hate to say it, but people are starting to get at critical mass for "losing it." How much longer can people go on being treated like this before something really bad happens? Think about it; it's a safety business where sardine cans loaded with fuel fly around at 500 mph at 37,000 feet. You've got a company full of people stressed out about jobs, finances, health issues, family life, and commuting to work, WTF do you think is gonna happen someday? Talk about "getting real."
It sucks, but PineyBob is right.

How can anyone possibly be surprised that the PIT crew base is shrinking, if not closing?
Nobody likes to see a station get smaller, but PIT is a money loser. The airport has relatively high operating costs, poor yields, and poor O&D.

The PIT flying is effectively being moved to FLL where the company expects profits to be made, instead of continued losses at PIT.

Do I like the fact PIT is getting smaller and may close as a crew base. No, of course not, but I understand the business decision.


USA320Pilot said:
The PIT flying is effectively being moved to FLL where the company expects profits to be made, instead of continued losses at PIT.

Yeah, American and Delta are putting a red carpet out for you in South Florida. Go back and ask your management pals how getting out of one base and opening another in someone else's backyard while going through bankruptcy while paying an ATSB loan is a good idea.
AMR announced cutbacks at FLL....

The bottomline is, no matter where we fly we must do it in the black...thus, a competitive cost structure.

Yea, what this whole debate has been about!

hp_fa said:
Yeah, American and Delta are putting a red carpet out for you in South Florida. Go back and ask your management pals how getting out of one base and opening another in someone else's backyard while going through bankruptcy while paying an ATSB loan is a good idea.
UseYourHead said:
AMR announced cutbacks at FLL....

OOOO! You got us running scared now. It's obvious that the threat of competition from UAIR is the reason that AA cut back at FLL. No doubt, you'll be moving into DFW next since those lily-livered SWA people didn't dare.

AA might as well close up shop now while they still have a few dollars left to pay the bills. :lol:
PITbull said:
Hey, no sympathy required. As Eye stated above...we be coming into your base, so move on over.

You are welcomed in my home and base anytime. I know behind that hard shell is one fun hell raiser with a heart much bigger than most think. Come on down to Dixie. We can make fun of the 100 over the top religious channels together and call their prayer lines to run up the cost of their propoganda machines.

Then we can go boating on Lake Norman and place reefs on the For Sale Signs of pilots forced to sell their homes because they can no longer afford the taxes.

And if we go under, hey we have nice weather, the tulips come out in February, I know a thousand realitors and there are plenty of good hospitals should you go back to nursing.

And we can go uptown..or is that downtown? center city? Oh what the hell after a few drinks it won't matter. We'll sober up I-77 where we can ride in the 24 hour HOV lane (don't ask).

Then for breakfast, we'll "cut" on the coffee machine and make you some grits...sorry, I don't do biscuits.

So see, Pitbull, you have a new home if you choose and new friends who love you and will tell you how to put that big blue bow correctly in your hair and how to properly say "Cee U Next Time" after flying with a crew you hate. Oh, just make sure you tell the inbound crew your all set up, even if the galleys look like a hurricane struck. And for God's sake, make sure you chill that red wine. And leave a gallon of water in those shined up coffee pots as my comrades haven't figured out how to "cut" of the burner.

Just stay away from topics that include religion, politics, the civil war (obviously). Oh, what the hell, just bring a book. 😉 😀 :lol: 😛 B) :up:
USA320Pilot said:
Nobody likes to see a station get smaller, but PIT is a money loser. The airport has relatively high operating costs, poor yields, and poor O&D.

One of these three statements is correct, two are not.
firstamendment said:
:angry: Just stay away from topics that include religion, politics, the civil war (obviously). Oh, what the hell, just bring a book. 😉 😀 :lol: 😛 B) :up:

What, there are no books in the "South?" :huh:
EyeInTheSky said:
What a scumbag operation this airline is; no head's up no warning. January bid is out; PIT is going down to 26 Airbus blocks -- currently there are 56 blocks. I believe the rumor about the base closing in Feb. to be true. Sad day and it just goes to show the company's goal is to make people miserable so they'll quit. I've never heard of a company succeeding with that sort of goal; have you? This sucks! Eye
Wrong..I am flying 32 reips my first week. Not possible.
USA320Pilot said:
Nobody likes to see a station get smaller, but PIT is a money loser. The airport has relatively high operating costs, poor yields, and poor O&D.

Exactly. PIT never should have been made a hub back in the 80s and 90s.