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Pilots to Picket

I'm not saying you folks are wrong to picket, just help me to understand the timing?

Wouldn't it be better for a full year profit to be realized, then press your case?

What happens if NWA/US Merges? All 3 airlines are ALPA represented aren't they?

What I would like to see won't happen because it would require to many people to move out of their comfort zone.

Because we are negotiating NOW. For a combined contract among the east and west pilot groups. We aren't negotitating 1 year from now. We are negotiating NOW.

You, of all people, should understand what the most importatnt asset of any corporation is. LUV understands it. U doesn't. They pay lip service and hand out buttons and lanyards. They paint jets so we remember where we came from. Well, I remember.

I remember Ed Colodny who WAS like Herb Kelleher and LUV's current management. The Piedmont folks remember their Herb Kellehers. And we have money guys now. Guys who are making profits BECAUSE OF THE PAY CUTS. Not because of the way they run the airline. Then those same guys cash out of the inflated stock price while we subsidize their mismanagement. The airline hasn't changed. Only the pay rates have changed.

We can't allow a bottom of the barrel pilot contract to survive. Simply because it isn't fair, but more importantly, it is disguising the poor management of this airline.

We didn't make money because of how we operated. We made money because our employees make pathetic wages. That MUST change. And the pilots must lead the way. And NOW is the time to lead. I hope the CLT sissies and you know who are up to the task.

The tactics of the past are why we are where we are now.

Restraint was what you know who and his minions desired and eventually what we ended up doing. Restraint to Jerry Glass is weakness.

Opinions vary but from being on the inside for the past 30 years this is no time for restraint. And this isn't about public opinion. This is about making this management understand what and who the assets of the corporation are.

I am hopeful this pilot group now understands what has been going on here. You fly this airline. You know how it is managed. And you see a small percentage of what I see. It truly is incredible to watch the daily incompetence and waste of money and resources while a management knows they can count on employee wage subsidy to cover their shortcomings. It's time for that to stop.

Not a year from now. Right now.

Hey smorz, What department do you work for ?

Machine Shop=Machinist which I was before the A&P must have deal as per the IAM A&P union.

Instrument Shop


Hangers one two and five, mostly five center dock

Jet shop SSB in rotating/compressor/build etc.

Ended up back in the Machine Shop until the end finally came.

Was in the Jet shop when 9/11 came and they told us not to report to work. I remember old man Schoepflin called me, (nice guy, really was) and told me there was no work. I was making spaghetti when the call came and everyone in the family lost their appetite, except me :lol:

Met a lot of people working in those different places and all I can say it U didn't deserve the talent they had. Most guys I knew where smarter, way smarter than the managers and even the directors. A few guys I know when on to start their own business. I now work for the biggest corporation in the world, non union, with 7 former U mechanics.
Oh I agree that its the people who make the airline.

I know you're trying to get a transition agreement. But given the history of airline labor negotiations it doesn't look like you'll get anyplace soon with US. Do you think the picketing will move the negotiations forward or harden US's stance.

"informational picketing" could also have the reverse intent. The make up of our society is such that many assume that unions are greedy. I've long preached that the best way to win is in the court of public opinion and I remain uncertain that the tactics of the past will result in a contract of the future.

I understand the desire to "Do Something" is great, but should restraint the order of the day? I've no idea, I'm just asking questions.

I disagree, Bob. Management HATES when labor pickets the airports. I mean hates it, big time. And I know first hand that it does influence management to a more reasonable position then they otherwise wouldn't.

Informational picketing is just that...giving the public information. Showing management and wall street that there still exists major labor unrest. And What picketing does do is put pressure on the stock and undermine any increase in share value short and long-term for the investor, BOD and senior management (whose compensation is tied to the stock).
Well, Bob,

I would express those feelings to Senior managment. If many customers feel as uncomfortable as you about walking by a picket line, then management should come to the table ready to negotiate fairly with labor.

I don't believe labor at U is unreasonable...in any capacity when they are asking for some increase in wages. I think it very reasonable to have wage triggers tied to reaching a realistic profit target. Keep in mind, unlike senior management, whose bonuses are not tied to comopany performance, an agreeable profit target can trigger a % of wage increases for all of labor.
Hey smorz, What department do you work for ?

Machine Shop=Machinist which I was before the A&P must have deal as per the IAM A&P union.

Instrument Shop


Hangers one two and five, mostly five center dock

Jet shop SSB in rotating/compressor/build etc.

Ended up back in the Machine Shop until the end finally came.

Was in the Jet shop when 9/11 came and they told us not to report to work. I remember old man Schoepflin called me, (nice guy, really was) and told me there was no work. I was making spaghetti when the call came and everyone in the family lost their appetite, except me :lol:

Met a lot of people working in those different places and all I can say it U didn't deserve the talent they had. Most guys I knew where smarter, way smarter than the managers and even the directors. A few guys I know when on to start their own business. I now work for the biggest corporation in the world, non union, with 7 former U mechanics.
smorzando, Glad to here you're doing great after leaving.

There IS life after USAIR...
If you wish to feticize a rationalization for your existence, then go ahead. Just don't think rational pilots will support such a "Bushite" justification as most of us would rather justify an exemplorey compensation on our actual output rather than taking the fetal position (as ALPA Natl does) to justify our existence.

Not a word.

I so wish to play Scrabble with you. What fun we might have!
Gosh, picketing. Hanging around all those people can make a pilot really, really, really, sick. Ah-chooo!

A "Work to Rule" strategy is only effective when the operation runs well otherwise. I think far too much credit is given to people who carry the airline out of loyalty. There is little loyalty left, so a work to rule program would hardly be noticed.

HP didn't care about informational picketing for over 4 years and didn't get serious about negotiating until they were sure they had thoroughly managed the expectations of 51% of the people.

Nothing justifies greater expectations.
Yeah, well remember that parity +1 crap that Wolf was insistent on? AFA never went for it but the pilots did and if I remember correctly it actually worked out (much to Wolf's dismay) in the pilot's favor until the first round of cuts.
It didn't only work out, it made them all rich. When United signed their contract, it gave our guys a 17%raise the first year and when Delta signed their next contract it gave our guys another 16% on top of that. Parity+1 came back to bite Wolf in the ass. That is how we ended up with the second highest paid pilots in the country, only behind United. The F/A's didn't want to base their pay on someone else's contract and neither did the pilots, but the threat of not ordering any Airbuses helped Wolf.

Remember getting paid when the door was closed, instead of fA/C forward movement. I got stuck in that huge storm in CLT 2 weeks ago, fully boarded and closed up. We sat their for 2.5 hours and then our bird got struck by lightning. We had to switch A/C after that. We should have told the pax that we weren't on the clock and couldn't serve. If we would have had to evacuate or something, we still would not have been on the clock. Scheduling looks at is as though we didn't do anything for the first 2.5 hours. Now that is sad. That needs to change due to the fact that only affected the flight crews pay.
feticize= the act of ordering more feta cheese on your souvlaki. :lol: example: "Sir you've ordered the number 1 souvlaki combo, would you like to feticize it?

FETICIZE: The act of becoming overly enamored with a person, place, or thing. i.e. "Do you FETICIZE my feet?"

Do you folks think it would be too insulting to get Sharky a dictionary for Christmas?