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Pilots Agree To Negotiate

The answer is very simple 700. And I a surprised you would have to ask the question. The employees are scared to death the airline will fail and close. They are afraid they will lose their jobs. It is nothing more or less than that. USA320Pilot is afraid. Usfliboi is afraid. Everyone who agrees to give is afraid. They live in fear of losing their paychecks. And the vast majority will do most anything to avoid that happening. And that, my friend, is how they get away with what they do. And how they will continue to do so.

Ask the former employees of these airlines if concessions saved their jobs:

Pan Am
People Express
Air South
Air 21

And countless others, more airlines have started and failed since Deregulation in 1978 then in all the years preceding it.

You my friend know the psyche of labor and unfortunately, so does this managment so very, very well. The Labor Rel. Exec VP has made it his business to know how to get into the mind of the worker, cripple his security, and replace it with the "fear of God". Not only when their are concession talks, but every single day we come to work to make sure we never "rise-up" again.

And these senior execs and Dr. Bonehead will profit big and have a good time doing so as they go down in history.

That is why I take the extreme "left" position. And that is where I will stay.
at what point does dignity come in?
at lcc wages and bennies?
whine till the cows come home as their benefits eat away at the lower and lower hourly wage....what point is too much ,then?
Bronner and Siegel want you to work for Wal-Mart wages and Wal-mart's lack of benefits, the right to vendor our any and all work.

They want US to become another Valujet.

Maybe they are trying to have a virtual airline and sell it to FOX as a reality show!
PITbull said:
The issue of outsourcing maybe cheaper for a company and make some business sense, to a person on the outside, or the person who collects frequent flying miles and looks for lower fares, the issue is JOBS. JOBS. JOBS, JOBS. Livable wage supoorting jobs.

The IAM needs to fight, until the lights go out on this issue, if its on any table.
I think they will and I pray they will.

If the pilots let the company off the hook with less planes, well then.

The other employee subsidies they want will fall into place for them, it will happen automatically.

When ALPA agreed to talk, then they agreed to sell out everyone else with the ripple effect it will have. No bribery required on managements part compliments of ALPA.

So with all this said, the IAM fighting is almost a moot point for many IAM members except for the very top seniority people that is. They will have the headcount they want thanks to a union called ALPA whose only real concern is, self.

If all the unions would have stood firm, it may not have made a difference given today’s realities, but that is something will never know thanks once again to ALPA, the union who really doesn’t understand true solidarity, or cares to.

Break one breaks them all or at least weakens them is the strategy being used and it’s working.
We started giving about 18 months ago and managment was happy. Now with all the employee implemented savings we can implement "The Plan". That was the statement Siegel made back then, a few few months later the same speech, the same result...still waiting for "The Plan". Now 18 months later they are back again wanting more or else they are shutting the door. I have not really seen anything thing that resembles "The Plan" other than every year or so coming back to employees for more concessions. Supposedly he has a "Business Plan" but for the past 18 months all that it has involved is blackmailing concessions from the employee groups.

This is it.....NO MORE GIVEBACKS!!!!!!!
There are going to be givebacks. Contrary to what the minority who have no fear know, the majority of employees are convinced that U will not survive unless they continue to bow to the threats. Yes, U needs to change and be more productive but management could be doing that right now. They aren't.

ALPA and its membership are the most afraid. Pilots cannot find the kind of jobs they currently have with the seniority they have accrued anywhere in this country. So they will give and give and give. It that spineless or just plain smart? Depends on one's perspective. I think it's spineless but I am in the minority. I'd be willing to work more productively if I thought we had someone who knew how to run an airline. These guys don't. And that is the real problem. But no one will address that. So down go the U employees wages and working conditions. But that won't save this company. Only a new management will. And that is not on the horizon.

GVP Robert Roach of the IAM told US Exectutive no thanks, not going to CCY next week to listen, see you in court or at arbitration.
It is not exactly true that pilots [or any group] cannot find jobs paying what they are used to. Buy or start a business and you will reap the benefits and make MORE than Seagull thinks you are worth. Fear is their tactic. U fear the unknown...I know pilots who have been on the 737 for over 25 years and would never bid off of it because that would require a new initial ground school, which entails the possibility of failure...and the Seagull knows this. Get a spine! U is sinking at 1500 feet per minute and U are only 300 feet AGL. Pilots, stop letting them destroy the profession, just so that you will not have to face your fears! You are facing a freight train bearing down at 100 mph. The Seagull and the Bronner Bull already know what they are going to do. IF they have a plan, it can only be liquidation. It will give them the best return on their investment with the rapid encroachment of LCCs, which will further errode yeilds and increase losses. I am not trying to bring you all down, just add another outside (sort of) perspective. Look for them to do it sooner rather than later.
700UW said:
GVP Robert Roach of the IAM told US Exectutive no thanks, not going to CCY next week to listen, see you in court or at arbitration.
I am glad he told them that. That is what needed to be done. Amen.
oh no,the lcc's are coming...i think i will give up my hard earned wages because my company can't decide which they wish to be a rj or a lcc or a major...oh no... when we going to wake up??