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Phoenix man charged with assaulting 2 flight attendants

They had an overnight, worked back BWI-LAS-PHX. They should have been replaced (even if they felt at the time that they were OK to work back) and deadheaded home, in my opinion. Sometimes the stress of such an event does not hit (no pun intended here) a person until hours, sometimes days later.

Oh, give me a break! They're adults and capable of 1) making the decision and 2) getting out of working the return flight if they feel they can't handle it. If they are incapable of making that decision, then they sure as heck aren't capable of acting appropriately in a more serious situation.
Oh, give me a break! They're adults and capable of 1) making the decision and 2) getting out of working the return flight if they feel they can't handle it. If they are incapable of making that decision, then they sure as heck aren't capable of acting appropriately in a more serious situation.

You obviously do not know anything about being a crewmember on a commercial aircraft and the duties and responsibilities that come with the job. That would make you an excellent candidate for Inflight Management! 🙄

Nor do you seem to know anything about post traumatic stress.

What if it was your wife or husband that was assaulted by a whacko in a confined pressurized tube while working what they thought was a routine flight? Would you just tell her or him to suck it up and work back home (and pick up a 12 pack for you on the way back from the airport while they're at it)?

I guess we should expect such a response from someone who probably works in a sterilized cubicle in the Sandcastle, crunching numbers, and doesn't have to deal with the REAL world of the front lines of this airline. :down:
Define "reeked of Alcohol"??

Right now I will guarantee that I "Reek" of booze, the question is am I visibly intoxicated?

I'm one of those guys who can have one drink or 10 and smell the same.

Having said all of that there is no excuse for this persons actions.
For many years management would not back you up when denying intoxicated passengers boarding. This is now a hot topic with management. The key word now is APPEARS
You obviously do not know anything about being a crewmember on a commercial aircraft and the duties and responsibilities that come with the job. That would make you an excellent candidate for Inflight Management! 🙄

Nor do you seem to know anything about post traumatic stress.

What if it was your wife or husband that was assaulted by a whacko in a confined pressurized tube while working what they thought was a routine flight? Would you just tell her or him to suck it up and work back home (and pick up a 12 pack for you on the way back from the airport while they're at it)?

I guess we should expect such a response from someone who probably works in a sterilized cubicle in the Sandcastle, crunching numbers, and doesn't have to deal with the REAL world of the front lines of this airline. :down:

US Airways East probably would have done the same.

4-5 years ago, a BOS crew w/ a PIT extra were heading to the ORD airport @ 0430. Because of construction, the van driver decided to drive through the Cabrini(sp) Green area. The US crew was sharing the van w/ a Continental Crew. The van was shot at and a Continental F/A was hit as was a Cont. pilot. To say it was pandemonium on that van would be an understatement. After rushing to a nearby hospital, giving several hours of police reports, etc., the Company asked them if they could at least work the ORD-PIT back. There they were debriefed and then everyone split off in PIT and were released from the rest of the trip. Note: A few were told that they could have more time off, but of course, it would be without pay.

The Continental crew recovered (the F/A was hurt the worst)and the US crew members kept in touch - even sending cards & flowers to the Continental F/A.
I guess we should expect such a response from someone who probably works in a sterilized cubicle in the Sandcastle, crunching numbers, and doesn't have to deal with the REAL world of the front lines of this airline. :down:
And coming from a person how thinks SHARES is great
They had an overnight, worked back BWI-LAS-PHX. They should have been replaced (even if they felt at the time that they were OK to work back) and deadheaded home, in my opinion. Sometimes the stress of such an event does not hit (no pun intended here) a person until hours, sometimes days later.

I agree with you. The crew should have had the option under the circumstances.

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