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Idiot goes bananas on flight

If the flight crew takes action by utilizing customers as helpers, it is not to cause violence, but to regain control of the cabin
The flight crew did not have the skills / ability to do what needed to be done?

The incident needs a thorough impartial investigation.
The flight crew did not have the skills / ability to do what needed to be done?

The incident needs a thorough impartial investigation.

Thorough impartial investigation by whom?

According to the paper a passenger becomes unruly during flight. The cabin crew attempts to resolve the situation peacefully. The passenger becomes physically agitated and refuses to fasten his seat belt and the crew attempts to get the person to comply with FAA regulations by getting the seatbelt fastened. The passenger then attempts to exit the plane while in flight.

Just what do you think should have happened here? Think about you being on the plane, seeing this and then tell us what you would have done, and please don't tell me you would sit there quietly and observe someone trying to open an emergency exit and that you would have gone back to your crossword puzzle.
The flight crew did not have the skills / ability to do what needed to be done?

The incident needs a thorough impartial investigation.

You think like a journalist or a lawyer. This is not a compliment. Which of the two is lower on the common sense scale is open to debate.

I hope you are joking but I suspect that you aren't.
So the flight crew encouraged violence against a passanger. The crew should immediately be placed on adminsitrative leave pending a full investigation of their actions on that plane.
Stop smoking your CRACK! Its bad for you and your mind, that is if its still in place.

The flight crew did not have the skills / ability to do what needed to be done?

The incident needs a thorough impartial investigation.
Go sell your Computer, You can get more CRACK to smoke! :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid:
The flight crew did not have the skills / ability to do what needed to be done?

The incident needs a thorough impartial investigation.

sky high states: I believe it was Alaska Airlines that had a VIOLENT passenger onboard about a decade ago. So violent, that he broke down the cockpit door, and the F/O had to fight him off with the Axe. As with the USAirways incident, passengers GOT INVOLVED to "assist" in subdue-ing the passenger.
Also, USAir had a incident many years ago, where a passenger flipped out and started to beat up his kid, inflight. Another passenger got involved, and the man shoved his face into the armrest, where teeth went flying.
Upon arrival into New York City, LGA, the plane was met by 6...COUNT EM, 6 of New York's Finest. They had to use maze AND the strength of SIX MEN to subdue him. In fact, blood was spattered all over the aircraft, even on the ceiling. One of the flight attendant indirectly got sprayed with maze and had to have medical attention at the gate. I know, I've talked to her.

only stating opinions
The flight crew did not have the skills / ability to do what needed to be done?

The incident needs a thorough impartial investigation.

I thought you were joking at first... guess not?

You must have little to do with the industry, at least not enough to have any sort of security training. The crew acted as they are supposed to, ABPs are a big part of any emergency situation on an aircraft.

Are you really under the impression that flight attendants are meant to restrain disruptive passengers without the aid of customers? If this was the case most of the nations flight atttendants would not be eligible for the job.

Flight attendants are to monitor and maintain control of the cabin, which they did in this situation.
Nah, it was the duct tape...he couldn't find an overhead bin that worked to put his bag in.

Naw we don't have that problem on west planes!lol :up:

We just had a woman that refused to sit down and began screaming that her husband was left behind at the gate. We called the comp and had the gate agent look and he was nowhere to be found. She was on the cell phone with him and he claimed he was at the gate. Since there are several gates throughout the airport I wonder what gate he was really at. Or if there was really a husband at all!! No one got on the cell phone to talk to this person. She did eventually settle down but now I wonder if she was crazy...

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