Flight Attendant Assaulted

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  • #31
Nah, just common sense. I will be trusting until given a reason to longer do so.
Here's the newest example of a "dangerous customer" who was threatened with being placed on Delta's DNF list.

Four incidents, four airlines, all showing the same intolerance for words on a mask or shirt (despite the fact all four customers were in 100% compliance with the letter and intent of the actual TSA/FAA policy).

In three of the cases, the customer was taken off the airplane. In just about every case, the employees made up policy on the fly, and were wrong...

Sorry, but I'm not going to trust "common sense" especially if flying is required for my job.

Due process, and nothing short of that. Period.
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  • #37
Four incidents, four airlines, all showing the same intolerance for words on a mask or shirt (despite the fact all four customers were in 100% compliance with the letter and intent of the actual TSA/FAA policy).

In three of the cases, the customer was taken off the airplane. In just about every case, the employees made up policy on the fly, and were wrong...

Sorry, but I'm not going to trust "common sense" especially if flying is required for my job.

Due process, and nothing short of that. Period.
Then don't fly. PERIOD!!!
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  • #38
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  • #40
WOW!!! Not even 2 weeks after her conviction she is out drinking AGAIN and this time behind a motor vehicle that could have become a deadly weapon. She didn't learn anything at all in the court of law, matter fact she completely disrespected the law and the Judge by not adhering to his orders. And then she blames it all on her boyfriend getting into an argument with her and of course her recent surgery on her stomach for the extreme high levels of alcohol, still not taking any blame on herself. At this point she cannot be saved or helped so give her plenty of time to really think about it and lock her up. Give her time for the DUI then add on for her failure to comply on her plead agreement. On that alone she is facing up to 20 years, but most will only do approx 25% @ 5 years. Finally some real justice for our F/A that was assaulted. Getting tired of the many little slap on the wrist. Start making these people do time to detour them from taking such actions against our F/A's while in flight. Enough is enough, throw the book at this lady as SHE and only SHE has brought all this upon herself. Stupid broad...

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  • #41
And this is exactly what should happen when any passenger (him or her) puts their hands on one of our employees. I could care less if it's in the air or on the ground, ban those stupid people from the airline for life, we just don't need that kind of customer on our airplanes plain and simple...

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  • #42
WOW!!! Only 15 months out of 240 max months for causing 3 teeth chipped, 2 requiring crowns, open wound below eye that required stitches, loss time from work and pain and suffering to say the least. I think a minimum of 3 years would have been more fitting and more like a 5 year sentence is even better fitting the assault level. At least this lady is banned from flying for 3 years as that should have been the minimum of time locked up and then the 3 years ban from flying on top as well as probation. 15 months when facing up to 20 years, now that just boggles the mind...

I sure would like to know how other F/A's and crew members feel about these very light sentencing of these unruly passengers.

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  • #43
Maybe I was being a bit tough due to it was one of our F/A's. As I have had some discussions, one with an attorney, and the 15 month sentence, according to her, is above what most regular folks would have received for a first time offence. The reasoning behind the "up to 20 years" she was facing was due to it all happened on federal flight. So, I guess as long as she has to do all the 15 months (serious doubt that) maybe it'll be well deserved. Also in hopes of a long "parole" sentence once out of prison.
Interesting gem in an article about DOJ appealing the mask mandate....

The Federal Aviation Administration said this month the rate of unruly air passenger incidents fell to its lowest level since late 2020 soon after the judge's mask mandate ruling, which also lifted requirements for masks in taxis or ride-share vehicles.

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