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PHL - Management Deployment

Bonanno was Kirby and Mule's righthand man. Hope 777, who is this person coming to Phl?
I saw Chris Doan (former SR VP MTC) get off a flight in PHL today. He said he was working for the consultant to improve PHL performance. I thought he was let go earlier because of performance
This airline is one big revolving door don't you know?? 😀
Make a chart of difficulties on the PHL ramp by time of day, day of week and holidays. The difficulties are after 5pm, weekends and holidays. Do not lazily attribute this to higher passenger levels or the domino effect, it is the lower supervisory levels. You can have 100 low level supervisors on the ramp on off hours this will not help.

You need higher level managers out of the office and on the ground in these troubled times.

When the cats away the mice .............
Just curious to those posters that work in PHL. Do YOU think things there can be fixed and what do you think it would take to fix PHL? Just asking as a westie who doesn't completely know your plight. I'd like to know what those that work there really think. I mean this seriously and honestly. Please don't perceive this a being condescending. It's not. I know things are hell all over, but I get the impression that the PHL people are in an even worse hell.

I thank you for your curiousity. I spend almost all of my time taking attacks about PHL with every AWA crew yelling at me that there are NO excuses for Philly's problems.

And I never get to complete my explanation of the factors that have contributed to Philadelphia's difficulties. But you know it is their airport now too.....and they should be hoping for solutions because it is the West team that has been in charge for the last 2 years and the situation has worsened.

Philly at one time was a good airport just like any other, but now due to ever increasing traffic congestion, physical layout of the alleyways, infrastructure under the terminals, ATC problems with it being in the middle of LGA,JFK,BWI,DCA,IAD, dealing with the government of the City of Philadelphia, Sabre to Shares, weather,and yes, bankruptcy and employee problems etc, etc, etc.

With all of these things, it is actually a tribute to those that work there that they keep it running.

Can it be fixed? Anything can be fixed it just takes the right leadership.

So, what does it need....one VERY determined individual who will execute, execute, execute. And I don't mean fire employees, although some of that will happen, but a person who will say what needs to be done, put the strategy out there for all to know, get the tools in place, persist and Git er done with no fear. This means letting both management and staff know that the task is more important than company politics or popularity at the airport. Basically a person who will respected but refuses to be denied. And they have to remain visible with MBWA espeicially in the early AM and late PM.

Also, Philly needs a "Bottom Up/Hands On" consultant approach. Find retired or fuloughed or active employees who worked at PIT or CLT in it's heyday who wish to be "consultants" and get a couple of 737's dedicated to transporting them to PHL and back every day just like the Janet Terminal in Vegas.

Seed them into the Philly workforce as guides, mentors, team leads, whatever you want to call them. They are a brain trust that could be utilized. Sounds bizarre but probably wouldn't cost more (although they might demand quite a bit to come to PHL) than what we are paying outsiders to be experts on running a US Airways Hub. Plus these are people who wish they didn't still identify with US or miss it but more than likely still do. Throwing management types at the workgroups hasn't worked and consultants are greeted with as much enthusiasm as a root canal. But those who have been in the trenches....ahhh that is another story. They are out there and probably read this board although they will never admit it.

Again I thank you for asking, Philly is a mess but like it or not it is part of this airline and home to many employees.
PHL was bad before but has NEVER been in the state it's in now. Someone mentioned "respect starts from the top down". That is so true. With that being said management is the VERY people who set the hiring guidelines. THEY are responsible for hiring people that have NO interest in this airline or if your bag gets to VCE, BUF or LAX. They have NO time invested in this company, are treated like sh!t and are paid a crap wage to work under deplorable conditions. They can send whomever they'd like to PHL and it won't change. It's a broken airport with so many troubles stacked up against it. Even broken the airline continues to make money so many say. And how long shall that last I ask? I'm sensing the joy ride won't last much longer. If the airline can't get it together coupled with the airport playing hardball over gates PULL THE WHOLE F'N TRANSATLANTIC OPERATION! ! ! ! Let Titanic Airways sink. If they can make this craphole even marginally profitable they could HUB in Calgary. 🙄
I thank you for your curiousity. I spend almost all of my time taking attacks about PHL with every AWA crew yelling at me that there are NO excuses for Philly's problems.

And I never get to complete my explanation of the factors that have contributed to Philadelphia's difficulties. But you know it is their airport now too.....and they should be hoping for solutions because it is the West team that has been in charge for the last 2 years and the situation has worsened.

Philly at one time was a good airport just like any other, but now due to ever increasing traffic congestion, physical layout of the alleyways, infrastructure under the terminals, ATC problems with it being in the middle of LGA,JFK,BWI,DCA,IAD, dealing with the government of the City of Philadelphia, Sabre to Shares, weather,and yes, bankruptcy and employee problems etc, etc, etc.

With all of these things, it is actually a tribute to those that work there that they keep it running.

Can it be fixed? Anything can be fixed it just takes the right leadership.

So, what does it need....one VERY determined individual who will execute, execute, execute. And I don't mean fire employees, although some of that will happen, but a person who will say what needs to be done, put the strategy out there for all to know, get the tools in place, persist and Git er done with no fear. This means letting both management and staff know that the task is more important than company politics or popularity at the airport. Basically a person who will respected but refuses to be denied. And they have to remain visible with MBWA espeicially in the early AM and late PM.

Also, Philly needs a "Bottom Up/Hands On" consultant approach. Find retired or fuloughed or active employees who worked at PIT or CLT in it's heyday who wish to be "consultants" and get a couple of 737's dedicated to transporting them to PHL and back every day just like the Janet Terminal in Vegas.

Seed them into the Philly workforce as guides, mentors, team leads, whatever you want to call them. They are a brain trust that could be utilized. Sounds bizarre but probably wouldn't cost more (although they might demand quite a bit to come to PHL) than what we are paying outsiders to be experts on running a US Airways Hub. Plus these are people who wish they didn't still identify with US or miss it but more than likely still do. Throwing management types at the workgroups hasn't worked and consultants are greeted with as much enthusiasm as a root canal. But those who have been in the trenches....ahhh that is another story. They are out there and probably read this board although they will never admit it.

Again I thank you for asking, Philly is a mess but like it or not it is part of this airline and home to many employees.

And thank you for the 4-1-1. Sheds a little light on the PHL situation. Still not sure why so many seem to fear the rampers. Call me naive I guess.
about a year ago this same topic came up, and the response from the front line was not enough staffing or equipment on the ramp. It seems thats all the compan has done since then is hire and buy equipment. Now the story seems to be its the airports fault, old and decrepid. Whats the problem staffing, equipment(that employees destroy themselves), or aiport?
And thank you for the 4-1-1. Sheds a little light on the PHL situation. Still not sure why so many seem to fear the rampers. Call me naive I guess.
"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens."

Remove the drinking reference in your posts.


purple haze singer
And thank you for the 4-1-1. Sheds a little light on the PHL situation. Still not sure why so many seem to fear the rampers. Call me naive I guess.
PHL isn't PHX........think warlords and territory. Oh in terms of the desert- taking a stroll in drag in stillettos in the roughest bad a** BARRIO IN THE HOOD. Think Jimmy Hoffa and visualize cement blocks. YOU ARE NOT IN KANSAS!
about a year ago this same topic came up, and the response from the front line was not enough staffing or equipment on the ramp. It seems thats all the compan has done since then is hire and buy equipment. Now the story seems to be its the airports fault, old and decrepid. Whats the problem staffing, equipment(that employees destroy themselves), or aiport?

I agree. The front line did say that the most immediate need was staff and equipment and both were received, but that was a band-aid and headquarters must have known that it would not remedy other issues facing the operation.

But you have made my point for me...if PHL is continually viewed through the "Sky Harbor Pretty New Terminal 4 Fairly Uncomplicated Air Space and Weather" frame of reference then this group is not the one to find solutions for Philly and their use of outside consultants pretty much says that.

I flew with a crew that started off the day before we put into PHL getting all worked up that we had to go in there. I listened to 2 full days of horror stories. When we put in we did a real nice 30 minute turn and were gone on time. How did that happen?

Now that may not be the norm but my point is that PHL is not 100% bad and it may be 99.7% bad, but improvement is possible.

And oddly enough no one seems to have a aversion to going there when they want to take advantage of their ability non-rev to Europe.
PHL isn't PHX........think warlords and territory. Oh in terms of the desert- taking a stroll in drag in stillettos in the roughest bad a** BARRIO IN THE HOOD. Think Jimmy Hoffa and visualize cement blocks. YOU ARE NOT IN KANSAS!
Thank god Phoenix isn't Philly!! :up:
It may be hot, but we don't deal with half the traffic, weather, congestion, and delays that PHL does. It's going to take a real BETHUNE to fix Philly. 😉
I saw Chris Doan (former SR VP MTC) get off a flight in PHL today. He said he was working for the consultant to improve PHL performance. I thought he was let go earlier because of performance

The same Chris Doan of old NWA fame in the 90's???? WTF?

I thought that guy was out of aviation. :shock:

Update on this guy is here.
Put Chris Doan and Jerry Glass and all there resources in a room with a much of senior management and what due you have?

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