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PHL Airport Looking to Buy Art

Seems to me that there are more important and crucial ways to making that "pig stye" of an airport look better. Maybe the new art will hide all the cracks and holes in the walls! HA!
Those are some pretty funny ideas... Its too bad that collectively you LCC employees couldn't afford even those cheap works of art that you have suggested. Sucks you guys got taken to the cleaners by your employer.

How those pay cuts working out for you guys?

And just for the record, we don't care who flies our airline. Financially challenged people deserve to move about the country just as well as anyone else. Money spends the same no matter who's pocket it comes from. And speaking of money. What airline has always posted a profit and what airline hasn't seen black ink in its financial reports more than a few odd times over the past decade?

You guys need to get a clue. Jealousy really must be a horrible affliction.

Now flame away! 😀
Those are some pretty funny ideas... Its too bad that collectively you LCC employees couldn't afford even those cheap works of art that you have suggested. Sucks you guys got too to the cleaners by your employer.

How those pay cuts working out for you guys?

And just for the record, we don't care who flies our airline. Financially challenged people deserve to move about the country just as well as anyone else. Money spends the same no matter who's pocket it comes from. And speaking of money. What airline has always posted a profit and what airline hasn't seen black ink in its financial reports more than a few odd times over the past decade?

You guys need to get a clue. Jealousy really must be a horrible affliction.

Now flame away! 😀

Boy you guys can dish it out but you can't take it! B)
just that you become a little sensitive when somebody takes jabs at ya.....it's all in fun!
Hey Clown! Don't worry you're comeuppance is about to happen. There's one thing the combined AWA/US wants to do: Kick some LUV a$$.
Me sensitive? No way buddy!

As I said before, I thought those comments you guys made were funny! But when you want slam my airline you can't help but retaliate when someone makes comments about yours. Its all good.. I respect your airline and hope you guys do well. Competition is always good for the consumer.

Lets just play nice. Don't make rude comments and no one will make them back toward you guys.


Read my comment above! We WELCOME the competition. I hope this time around your management can make things work. Peoples livelihoods are at stake and THAT is no laughing matter.

Again Good luck to you guys and may we ALL succeed! :up:

Merry Christmas everyone!

Read my comment above! We WELCOME the competition. I hope this time around your management can make things work. Peoples livelihoods are at stake and THAT is no laughing matter.

Again Good luck to you guys and may we ALL succeed! :up:

Merry Christmas everyone!

Some Clown, okay, totally agree. Feliz Navidad.
SFB: And how much of that did US pay for? The city DID NOT pay for all of it!!

Like I said, the money for the art comes from the budget to expand the terminal facilities. Guess who pays for the expansion of the terminals -- Southwest and the other airlines in D/E.

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