Sky High!
Well said indeed!
They tHINK AND DEMAND THEY CAN suck every last blood out of the airline.
1) No Not afraid of response of the posted ?.
2) Personal 'airline' business is NONE OF THE PUBLIC'S BUSINESS..
this has been my profession for the last 23 yrs. I earn EVerythinG I make.
I treat each one with dignity and RESPECT.
4) the occassional amateur traveler who hasent a clue.
5) I go out of my way to assist them.
6) If you're looking to scam the airline, I pick up on it- I had a scammer yrs ago, he GOT AWAY WIth nothing.
7) Consumer Affairs get's my copy tipped to them long before your letter of complaint does.
8) So if you think you're getting me over a barrel, think again!
9) have a wonderful summer flying on the cramped RJ's!
10) Good day!
Golden 1,
Why not come back and have a conversation with us AFTER you blow that chip off your shoulder? Most of your objections are aimed at itinerant once a year travelers who expect everything for nothing, and a handful of poorly mannered frequent fliers who have chips on their shoulders almost as big as yours.
For the record, my associates at FFOCUS and I have done nothing but supported all employee groups at US over the past few years (with the exception of old management), and we have contributed significantly toward keeping the doors open long enough for there to be a company to merge. We ALWAYS acknowledge your sacrifices and contributions and credit you and your colleagues as being the reason most of us stayed.
MOST frequent fliers, myself included, NEVER supported the artificially low fares, nor do I always take the lowest fare. If you read me on a regular basis, I advocate FAIR fares--those which provide value to the customer while at the same time allow the company to at least cover the costs of carriage. I have NEVER taken a frustration or flight interruption issue out on a front line employee, as I know better (as do MOST frequent fliers).
The issue is that the new US is NOT a true LCC, by a long shot. They continue to devalue the product as well as the DM program, but have NOT lowered fares in the East. Remember--we want FAIR fares, not bargain basement.
Regarding the First Ups, there is no problem with that IF it is run according to COMPANY POLICY, which is that Preferred members on a gate standby list get the upgrade BEFORE first ups are offered. The issue is neither the First Up program itself or the fact that they chose to compensate you for that. The issue is skirting the rules for a couple of bucks. The tens of thousands of dollars my colleagues and I spend EVERY YEAR on US make us eligible for some perks, which basically cost the airline next to nothing. When a CP who flies 5 or more times a week sees Ma and Pa Kettle whipping out that credit card for an upgrade on First Up while he is on the list and has to fly in the back just adds insult to injury, and is NOT the intent of the program. MOST agents are following procedure--but those that aren't are risking alot more than the $5 commission. Again--no issue with the program as long as rules are followed--and when they are not, sorry, all bets are off.
I am not going to go sparring one for one with you, but if you would like to continue this discourse please feel free to PM me at any time. I think you know me to be level headed, fair, and a LOYAL US Airways customer, but I have to say for the first time in years, things are beginning to try my patience.
I wish you and your colleagues well and thank you for all you have done for us, your loyal preferred customers, but as I am trying to be fair to you, be fair to us as well.
And by the way, I will and have gladly intervened on behalf of agents and flight attendants who are being abused by the Ma and Pa Kettle travelers mentioned above.
My best to you all........