Perry Indictment... a gift, perhaps?

Dog Wonder said:
The War on Women starts up again, don't you get tired of losing?
How does pointing out Hitlery wears specs a war on women........wait !
It's one of the big 3 standard libtard replies.... Racist, Bush, War on Women!
Dog Wonder said:
The War on Women starts up again, don't you get tired of losing?
Haven't lost anything.......The women are tired of being used by the DNC.
"[Saying] 'Republicans are waging a war on women' actually doesn't test very well," said Democratic pollster Celinda Lake. "Women find it divisive, political—they don't like it."
Paybacks a biitch.
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She's also an executive officer of the court.

Most companies would have no problem dismissing an executive who displayed this type of behavior.

Nice gig if you can get it. Get elected, behave badly, get paid. Repeat.
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Dog Wonder said:
The War on Women starts up again, don't you get tired of losing?
It's more like a war on ugly glasses. You're the one who brought gender into it.
There is no issue with the veto. The issue is with the coercion against an elected official.
E is correct. When did Perry ever "have" that $7.5 million? He always "had" the veto-power. Perry walks.
eolesen said:
She's also an executive officer of the court.Most companies would have no problem dismissing an executive who displayed this type of behavior.Nice gig if you can get it. Get elected, behave badly, get paid. Repeat.
This is not most jobs now is it? She is an elected official and I believe there are certain procedures in place to remove her.
Knotbuyinit said:
E is correct. When did Perry ever "have" that $7.5 million? He always "had" the veto-power. Perry walks.
As I stated before, there is no issue with the veto. The issue is whether or not a Gov can use the veto to threaten an elected official.
Knotbuyinit said:
E is correct. When did Perry ever "have" that $7.5 million? He always "had" the veto-power. Perry walks.
UR correct...'Knot,.....Perry will WALK.
The SAME Way he's gonna' WALK after he gets 'booted from the RE-PLUG-BLICAN presidential primary's
HELLL, even .'southwinds BOY......(Uncle) Herman  999  CAIN has a better shot at the nomination than that TEX-ASSS SHIIT-KICKER  ol' ..(P)Rick Perry !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
UR correct...'Knot,.....Perry will WALK.
The SAME Way he's gonna' WALK after he gets 'booted from the RE-PLUG-BLICAN presidential primary's
HELLL, even .'southwinds BOY......(Uncle) Herman  999  CAIN has a better shot at the nomination than that TEX-ASSS SHIIT-KICKER  ol' ..(P)Rick Perry !
Must you always demonstrate your lack of vocabulary and decorum?
I'm certainly no fan of Mr Perry, But, do you think is possible to keep your disdain for the Governor of the state of Texas to his political beliefs and not engage in this kind of posting?
It's unbecoming at best and at worst it shows you to be just another Union "Goon".
IMO this arrest and subsequent Kangaroo Kourt trial will backfire on the Democrats as this does not even come close to passing the smell test. The odor of alcohol on the Travis County District Attorney's breath is stronger than her case.
Dog Wonder said:
We accept your quirks, and mine. Bears is entitled to his.
Do you use profanity and name calling? NO, you don't. I'm no longer going down the insult road.
As a result I stand by my statement
"That unit, charged with prosecuting public corruption cases in the state capital, is operated by the office of Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg, a Democrat. Nor does anyone dispute that Perry, under the First Amendment, has the unfettered right to call for the resignation of Lehmberg or any other DA.

The allegation is that Perry improperly combined the two that he illegally tied his power over integrity unit funding to his demand that Lehmberg resign, essentially setting up a quid pro quo arrangement that crossed the line into an abuse of power.

Even after the veto, there were numerous reports that Perry's office continued to dangle a restoration of the state funding or a future job offer to Lehmberg if she would leave office. Sources said Lehmberg rejected the deal because she questioned whether it was legal."
Must be a lot of assholes in Texas leave the AG in office after a 45 day stint in the pokey.
Obama plays the same game and its ok......LOL