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Pension Agency To Take On United Funds


Aug 30, 2002
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Los Angeles
Associated Press
Pension Agency to Take on United Funds
Thursday December 30, 12:31 pm ET
By Dave Carpenter, AP Business Writer
Government's Pension Agency to Assume Responsibility for United Airlines Pilots' Funds

CHICAGO (AP) -- The government's pension agency moved Thursday to assume responsibility for the pensions of United Airlines pilots, an action it already faced having to take next year when the bankrupt carrier dumps its defined-benefit pensions.

The move adds another huge burden to a federal agency already operating at a $23 billion deficit. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. estimated it will be responsible for about $1.4 billion of the plan's $2.9 billion in underfunded assets, making it the third-largest claim in the history of the insurance program.

The PBGC said it will be taking over the pensions of more than 14,000 active and retired pilots, many of whose benefits will now be sharply reduced from what they were promised from the airline -- a unit of Elk Grove Village, Ill.-based UAL Corp.

By acting now instead of when the pilots' pensions are formally terminated, the agency said it is protecting against the possibility of up to $140 million in additional losses.

"The PBGC will protect the pension benefits of United Airlines' pilots up to the limits set by law," said executive director Bradley Belt. "Retirees will continue to receive monthly benefit checks without interruption, and other pilots will receive benefits when they retire."

The agency's announcement comes in the wake of a tentative contract agreement between United and its pilots union earlier this month, part of United's effort to slash labor costs heavily for the second time in its two-year bankruptcy restructuring.

Facing $4.1 billion in required pension contributions by the end of 2008, cash-strapped United said earlier this year it would terminate all its existing employee pensions and replace them with much less expensive defined-contribution funds, similar to 401(k) plans.

"As we have indicated all along, we believe the termination and replacement of our defined-benefit pension plans is necessary for United to exit Chapter 11 as a profitable and sustainable enterprise," spokeswoman Jean Medina said Thursday.

The pension agency had objected to the tentative deal with pilots, who dropped their opposition to the pensions' elimination in exchange for additional financial considerations. But it might have little recourse if the deal is approved in bankruptcy court.

"The decision to take over a pension plan is never made lightly, especially in situations where participants won't get everything the company promised but failed to fund," Belt said. "I hope the plight of participants in airline pension plans puts an exclamation point on the need for Congress to strengthen the funding rules for defined benefit plans."
I quess now the retired pilots making 12 grand a month from their pension can look to something much less. I think the max is $44,000 per year for a 65 year old and less if younger than 65.

The $12,000 per month was from a retired ual pilot living in PA and he was younger than 65.
uafa21 said:
I quess now the retired pilots making 12 grand a month from their pension can look to something much less. I think the max is $44,000 per year for a 65 year old and less if younger than 65.

The $12,000 per month was from a retired ual pilot living in PA and he was younger than 65.

First of all, there are very few, if any, pilots making $12,000 per month in pension.

Secondly, It's my understanding that once an annuity is purchased, it is paid out by the bank and not the PBGC. It all depends on what "bucket" you fall into. I think if you have retired within 5 years of termination you are subject to a benefit decrease. Otherwise you are not.

Please get all the facts straight before spreading fear and rumors.
Read it in the paper and that's what I said. The maximum benefit paid out on a taken over plan is $44,000 per year for a 65 year old. It was a ual pilot saying he was getting 12,000 per month payment. Not a smart move on his part as how will the public feel when most of them get nothing.

I forget, pilots at Ua can do no wrong, only everyone elese.