D M G said:
USA320Pilot said:Bear96:
How are things going at your company?
By the way, Art at ISP is a customer, and his opinion seems different than the malcontents on this board. How can that be?
And just to add, a classy person can be mad as hell and know when to keep their mouth shut and be respectful to the customers. It's easier to hide in the cockpit and pretend all is hunky dory with a no face voice thank you for flying US Airways..We know you have a choice in air travel.OldGuyinPA said:How wrong you are...320pilot. Morale is lower than ever, most people have found other jobs and are just waiting out the end game. This board does represent the majority of employees......They are not scared, they are angry and they voted STRIKE.......do you get it ????, they just don't give a rats a** anymore.
USAir...ways is toast....as in Burnt.
USA320Pilot said:Art as ISP:
I USA320Pilot comments: I have noticed too that the loads have increased within the past 10 days, as well as employee morale improving. This message board does not represent the views of the majority of US Airways' employees. The malcontents, those who are angry and bitter, are always the loudest because they are scared and do not know what to do.
There a lot of positive events occurring during the transformation and these are over shadowed by the nayayers.
Your experience is typical of what is happening on the line.
Best regards,
youngblood said:Malcontents, huh? Well, considering the definition I would have to agree with you on this one. I am not content. I am downright disgusted. ART did not say employees are happy, he said they are professional and don't display their displeasure while working. That just reaffirms how good U employees are at what they do. Contrary to your belief, the MAJORITY of U employees have had enough.
CynicalResAgent said:I loved the "drooling retards" too, laughed so hard that it almost made wine come out of my nose......
Art at ISP said:Youngblood,
Wings made a comment about fares--let me repeat--your most frequent loyal customers did not ask for nor do we want go fares...we want FAIR fares.. We never asked for $29 or $49 fares, but we will no longer pay $1000 or more to go LGA-CLT. If the fares are RATIONALIZED, you will improve revenue and actually make a profit.
The fact that the overwhelming majority of you folks continue to smile, do your job professionally and exceptionally well and continue to treat the customers like no other airline does is a testament to what you are made of...WE notice it, and we are trying to make sure that CCY notices it (they do actually). For that all I can say is THANK YOU!!!
My best to you all.......
What's a ft?28yrsnojob said:i am a ft and will never again buy a u ticket
Dizel8 said:"as well as employee morale improving"
Reminds me of this one: "There are no US soldiers in Baghdad"!