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Passengers Refuse To Even Discuss Us

"US is the ONLY airline who has an organized group of customers dedicated to the survival and future success of the airline."

Yeah, US is the ONLY airline that has to deal with a union of disgruntled customers in addition to angry labor unions... 😛
I bought some airline tickets today on USAirways. I could have paid the same $29 fare on Southwest to BDL and $49 fare to ROC on JetBlue, but I figure there are enough people who fly the discounters, so I will stick with US.

You have no idea of what you're speaking. Our organization is actively working to promote US, its outstanding employees, and to help keep people booking on the airline--despite the efforts of those with self destructive tendencies.

We do not take sides between labor and management--we support the company as an entity--and are doing what we can to let the rest of the world know that the overwhelming majority of the employees are absolutely the best and finest this industry has to offer. At least we are trying to do something positive--

But anyway thanks for giving me the first need for the ignore button...

My best to you all...
Art at ISP said:
At least we are trying to do something positive--

Depending on one's vantage point, encouraging others to purchase even more loss-leader fares on US Airways is a good thing, I suppose... :unsure:
avek00 said:
Depending on one's vantage point, encouraging others to purchase even more loss-leader fares on US Airways is a good thing, I suppose... :unsure:

Avek00 --

You should be graduating this year, if I'm not mistaken? I imagine that you have learned to both walk upright and shave by now! Not everyone holds the same opinion, but everyone is entitled to voice one. Grudges are unhealthy and those that hold on to them only make themselves more bitter. You were very green behind the ears when you were thrown off Flyertalk, weren't you? That must be at least 3 years ago or more by now. I'm sure that you regret whatever it was that prompted that action. I am also sure that posters over at Flyertalk have forgiven you, save but a few.

Good luck with your upcoming graduation, graduate school or future employment. I know you will be an asset to any prospective higher learning institution or employer.

TheLarkAscending said:
Avek00 --
I am also sure that posters over at Flyertalk have forgiven you, save but a few.

I wouldn't count on it or wager any money
TheLarkAscending said:
Avek00 --

You should be graduating this year, if I'm not mistaken? I imagine that you have learned to both walk upright and shave by now! Not everyone holds the same opinion, but everyone is entitled to voice one. Grudges are unhealthy and those that hold on to them only make themselves more bitter. You were very green behind the ears when you were thrown off Flyertalk, weren't you? That must be at least 3 years ago or more by now. I'm sure that you regret whatever it was that prompted that action. I am also sure that posters over at Flyertalk have forgiven you, save but a few.

Good luck with your upcoming graduation, graduate school or future employment. I know you will be an asset to any prospective higher learning institution or employer.


1. I'm actually wrapping up my first semester of Law School (would rather not say which one publicly, though I will say that it's a top-ten Law School :up:), and look forward to my courses next semester in commercial aviation law and bankruptcy law, as I want to practice bankruptcy law, especislly in relation to the airline business. At some point down the road, I'd like to follow in the footsteps of Jamie S, i.e., be the lawyer that everyone calls when they need a snake to keep the company going while shafting the creditors, shareholders, and labor (j/k!).

2. As a result of my opposition to his anti-Delta SaveSkyMiles effort, Randy Petersen blocked me from posting on Flyertalk about a year ago. Seeing as the quality of postings on FlyerTalk has decayed from constructive and informative to mostly whining, I can't say that I'm terribly upset about the separation.

3. At the end of the day, a few more loss-leader tickets won't save US - on the revenue front, the airline would need much more, like major corporate accounts to throw their business from another airline to US.
"1. I'm actually wrapping up my first semester of Law School (would rather not say which one publicly, though I will say that it's a top-ten Law School ), and look forward to my courses next semester in commercial aviation law and bankruptcy law, as I want to practice bankruptcy law, especislly in relation to the airline business."

Commercial aviation law and B-law as a second semester 1L? Give me a freakin break.

You've got Contracts II, Crim Law, Property II, Civ. Proc., and Legal Writing.
ITRADE said:
"1. I'm actually wrapping up my first semester of Law School (would rather not say which one publicly, though I will say that it's a top-ten Law School ), and look forward to my courses next semester in commercial aviation law and bankruptcy law, as I want to practice bankruptcy law, especislly in relation to the airline business."

Commercial aviation law and B-law as a second semester 1L? Give me a freakin break.

You've got Contracts II, Crim Law, Property II, Civ. Proc., and Legal Writing.

Um, no. I've taken Torts, Crim Law, Contracts, and Civ. Pro. this semester (along with 1/2 of the YL LR&W course) - next semester, I have Con. Law, Property, Commercial Aviation Law, Bankruptcy, and the other half of LR&W.
avek00 said:
Um, no. I've taken Torts, Crim Law, Contracts, and Civ. Pro. this semester (along with 1/2 of the YL LR&W course) - next semester, I have Con. Law, Property, Commercial Aviation Law, Bankruptcy, and the other half of LR&W.

surprisingly to those of us who suffered through the core courses well into the second year, Penn allows 1L's to take co-disciplinary classes now.
It certainly places you at a disadvantage when a second semester 1L is in the same class as 3Ls.

I've graded my boss's international trade exams, and you can spot the 1L essays and answers a mile away.

BTW YL = Yale Law?
ITRADE said:
It certainly places you at a disadvantage when a second semester 1L is in the same class as 3Ls.

I've graded my boss's international trade exams, and you can spot the 1L essays and answers a mile away.

BTW YL = Yale Law?

Yeah, but as a 3L coasting through the 2nd semester, I'm sure those 1L's can give you detailed and neurotic outlines. :up:

YL probably = year long
I remembered outlining. Then I got drunk and forgot about it.

Our LRW classes was four-semesters. I breezed since I had written before in my prior days. Helps you AmJur!

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