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Booking Away From Usair?

Trip Confirmed

Dec 5, 2002
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My sympathies to all at US.

I hope the airline gets on it's feet and gets better. Being unemployed is no party, I've been there.

I won't even begin to say I understand the union issues. I don't.

I do have 2 relatives who are US employees, but haven't spoken with them today.

A question for those who might have more insight on this.

Most travel agents will book away from any carrier who even has a rumor of bankruptcy.

When it happens, usually an email goes out not to even think of using that carrier if there is an alternative.

The resulting paperwork , and trying to care for the customer is a nightmare., not to mention the attitude the agent gets, assuming they get an actual employee on the phone. We are then dealing generally with VERY unhappy and unmotivated employees.

Let's face it, issuing tkts for a viable carrier eliminates these problems.

The agents are swamped with calls because pax can't get through to that carrier..

And the pax are teed off before the phone call even starts.

And since there is no commission paid anymore, , agents have ZERO incentive to help any particular airline.

The number of tickets issued by travel agents, (particularly corporate based agents who deal with large corps and their airline contracts) is still enormous.

Does anyone have the stats?

I know for a fact (I've been around for more than a few of these), that other airlines generally treat the bankrupt ticketed passenger like the red-headed stepchild.

How do you think this will affect USAIR in the next few months?
Well, then they will book away from UA, DL, ATA, Hawaiian, US and god knows how many others in the next year or two.
USFlyer said:
I know for a fact (I've been around for more than a few of these), that other airlines generally treat the bankrupt ticketed passenger like the red-headed stepchild.

That is not true really ... the don't really llike it but they've honored it. They did it graciously when National closed its door

We got a lot of struggling if not bankrupt airlines flying now. How many times has Continental filed??? Travel agents would have no one to book with. The real reason is that Agents don't make any money with the airlines so they don't want to be bother booking a ticket for, in essence, "free"
USFlyer said:
Well, then they will book away from UA, DL, ATA, Hawaiian, US and god knows how many others in the next year or two.

Many are already booking away from UA and DL. Especially DL.

But do travel agents matter to the legacy carriers? Few think so.

Is there anything we can do to help, if our employers warn us to back off?

Or if they haven't yet?

I can only come up with one idea , and it's not very good.

But if anyone cares, here it is.

Bust your butt helping us get the passenger rebooked, reticketed, whatever.
Don't take out your frustrations on us, we already had a snootfull from your ticked off passengers.

Help us. We will help you. Well, some won't anymore, but I still will,most will.

We used to be considered partners,for what's that's worth anymore.

FYI-- Delta is now ending our conversations with "Thanks,we appreciate your business".

It's not going over well, though nothing is said in reply. But boy, many would like to tell them what we think of their new appreciation. There are some great DL employees, but most treat travel agents like a major annoyance. We know how to book airlines, we know how to get seats , meals wheelchairs, and issue tickets. If we call, it's usually a problem or a fare question.

But's it's almost a joke that when "Thanks,we appreciate your business". is said, the airline is in deep doo-doo.

And DL is not the only one "appreciating" us lately. US did it once before, and started it again a while back.

Can we help, and how? Do you want us to? And the big question we all have? WHY should we? (other than my relatives).

Or should travel agents just butt out, refer them to the 800 res nbr (the one they can't get) and let your stressed-to-the-max res departments deal with it?

God bless all of you and your families. I hope your paychecks keep coming in, and your company survives.

It's your turn, as employees, to speak.

What do you want from us?

Do you want us to help, or do you want us to shut up and go away?
Furloughd4now said:
Travel agents would have no one to book with. The real reason is that Agents don't make any money with the airlines so they don't want to be bother booking a ticket for, in essence, "free"

That's not a really well-thought-out statement. We have many carriers to book with. Better fares, good customer service.

We now get paid the same by our employers now whether it's JetBlue or USAIR.

That's where the elimination of travel agent commissions adversely affected the legacy carriers. In the past, many of our paychecks reflected our booking of preferred carriers. They were of course, legacy carriers. That does not exist anymore. It was the decision of those carriers, our employers simply adapted.

And you're correct in one thing.

How would YOU feel about working for free? Or almost?

Would I be correct in saying that's what all the negotianions were about?

Good luck to all.
Furloughd4now said:
That is not true really ... the don't really llike it but they've honored it.

I said they treated the passenger like the red-headed stepchild.

Your quote "the don't really llike it ".

Isn't that JUST WHAT I SAID?
ACrazy8 said:
Drama.... 🙄

No drama here. And under the circumstances today, probably unimportant as to what my role is in your airline and it's future.

I was asking simple--really simple, questions.

If I saw just one response from an employee giving or asking for my support...

None of my business really. It's up to the employees to decide.
My best wishes to all..I for one am not booking away--3 trips booked more to follow..and I don't think people are booking away from UA..yet.
I guess the good news is that all carriers are flying in 80% range load factor. There are not alot of extra seats for people to book away from U.
Folks, most profitable travel agencies have moved away from just booking air. Therefore, I don't think there will be a huge shift in bookings by agencies or Joe Public before the holidays. After the holidays is a whole other story. Probably every market will become a "GO FARE" deal just to get a$$es in seats. If the company can't make money in a Chapter 11 enviroment they ain't gonna make it period.
i will never book on u bonner said if he goes 11 look out for 7
bonner said bonner said bonner said.anybody got a guess when he will
file 7
28yrsnojob said:
i will never book on u bonner said if he goes 11 look out for 7
bonner said bonner said bonner said.anybody got a guess when he will
file 7

24 Dec. Merry Christmas to all & turn out the lights
coachrowsey said:
24 Dec. Merry Christmas to all & turn out the lights
On the positive side of that comment, At least we will be able to spend the holidays with our families...something that has been a rare occurrence in the 25 yrs here! After the New Year, we will hit the ground running to our plan "B". I hope we all remember to treat all our customers with the respect they deserve..whether it is a travel agent (I thank them for booking U), or a passenger. Most of us are professional and leave our personal feelings at the door before we go into work and that should not change regardless of the situation. We have been here before and held it together and I would expect you will see the same this time.
To all the passengers, whether you came from the Allegheny, Piedmont, or PSA side, Thank you for your loyalty and concern. We do appreciate you flying with U. To the Travel Agents, who have a difficult job, dealing with the various carriers, I thank you for your service to the passengers...your job is underrated at best. And to the employees, Thanks for hanging in thru the tough years...U has some of the best in the industry..You make work more enjoyable.