1. I'm actually wrapping up my first semester of Law School (would rather not say which one publicly, though I will say that it's a top-ten Law School

), and look forward to my courses next semester in commercial aviation law and bankruptcy law, as I want to practice bankruptcy law, especislly in relation to the airline business. At some point down the road, I'd like to follow in the footsteps of Jamie S, i.e., be the lawyer that everyone calls when they need a snake to keep the company going while shafting the creditors, shareholders, and labor (j/k!).
2. As a result of my opposition to his anti-Delta SaveSkyMiles effort, Randy Petersen blocked me from posting on Flyertalk about a year ago. Seeing as the quality of postings on FlyerTalk has decayed from constructive and informative to mostly whining, I can't say that I'm terribly upset about the separation.
3. At the end of the day, a few more loss-leader tickets won't save US - on the revenue front, the airline would need much more, like major corporate accounts to throw their business from another airline to US.