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Passengers Refuse To Even Discuss Us

I am not sure how many people use Trip Confirmed's agency, but I can tell you that EVERY mainline flight I have been on of late has been full or oversold.

I agree this situation is bad, and admit I don't have the answers, but another thing I'd like to point out is that I have yet to encounter one employee who is letting his or her frustration show on the front line.

I have always said that you guys are the best of the best, and you continue to show that....

My experience yesterday in CLT was a shining example--from the Club rep to the gate agent to the flight attendants CLT-LGA, your colleagues went over and above---and showed they love what they do despite all that has happened.

I commend all of you who continue to put your best foot forward. I am doing all I can as a customer--forwarding constant praise and support to both you and your management, and keeping my butt in US Airways seats....

I wish you all the best and hope somehow we can pull out of this situation....

Thanks to you all.
kimberlite said:
This is my first post. Have 25 1/2 yrs seniority w/U in res and am so tired of the mess. Someone said that a buyout should have already been avail to us. I totally agree with that. It won't take much for me to leave. I used to really love my job, still do like helping the passengers, sad part is the company doesn't want us to help them. SAD 🙁


Welcome to the pain and sorrow of a dying carrier. Here you have those that will inflame you, but most of us do feel your pain, so always know you have a place to put that frustration. Better here then on the telephone. I know it keeps me from taking it out on the passengers. And when one of us nonrevs call at 11 pm and wait 30 minutes for a simple question, just don't yell at us as most aren't aware that now it is recommended you call between 2am and 4am.. Gee, fun, now I must get up in the middle of the night to list a companion. And I stopped using meth because......????? :shock: 😛
kimberlite said:
This is my first post. Have 25 1/2 yrs seniority w/U in res and am so tired of the mess. Someone said that a buyout should have already been avail to us. I totally agree with that. It won't take much for me to leave. I used to really love my job, still do like helping the passengers, sad part is the company doesn't want us to help them. SAD 🙁
Sorry. but you will need to find a new job. Is it in your best interest to wait, or should you be doing it now?
Trip Confirmed said:
This whole situation is really sick. My heart goes out to all employees.
Can I ask another stupid question? Many people on my side of the fence think that the unions created dues paying slaves. And that those same unions are the reason for all the disaster in your industry today.

That your unions are the reason you're in the boat you're in today. They inhaled your money, but actually did NOTHING to help you.

Is that right or wrong?

Hello, TC,

It can't just be a union thing - all fleet, c/s and res agents were non-union until the late 90's, and U was screwing them over all the way back to 92.

I worked in a non-union shop for most of my life, and when there is mutual labor/management respect, that is my preference.

However, when a U enters your life, it is to late to get a union; you needed one before they showed up.

At U, the unions are an imperfect, but necessary tool.
Unions are a very necessary tool to keep corporate in check. Even the agents at America West finally had enuf of managements grabbing and are now union represented.
Art as ISP:

Art at ISP said: "I am not sure how many people use Trip Confirmed's agency, but I can tell you that EVERY mainline flight I have been on of late has been full or oversold.

I agree this situation is bad, and admit I don't have the answers, but another thing I'd like to point out is that I have yet to encounter one employee who is letting his or her frustration show on the front line.

I have always said that you guys are the best of the best, and you continue to show that....

My experience yesterday in CLT was a shining example--from the Club rep to the gate agent to the flight attendants CLT-LGA, your colleagues went over and above---and showed they love what they do despite all that has happened.

USA320Pilot comments: I have noticed too that the loads have increased within the past 10 days, as well as employee morale improving. This message board does not represent the views of the majority of US Airways' employees. The malcontents, those who are angry and bitter, are always the loudest because they are scared and do not know what to do.

There a lot of positive events occurring during the transformation and these are over shadowed by the nayayers.

Your experience is typical of what is happening on the line.

Best regards,

How wrong you are...320pilot. Morale is lower than ever, most people have found other jobs and are just waiting out the end game. This board does represent the majority of employees......They are not scared, they are angry and they voted STRIKE.......do you get it ????, they just don't give a rats a** anymore.

USAir...ways is toast....as in Burnt.
USA320Pilot said:
USA320Pilot comments: I have noticed too that the loads have increased within the past 10 days ...
Loads may (or may not-- consider the source) have increased, but at what price? What types of fares have to be offered to entice people to fly U these days?

... as well as employee morale improving.
Oh now c'mon. Employees' morale has IMPROVED since the 1113( c) filing? How can you tell? Do you think your collegaues are THAT stupid? Are they wearing Wal-Mart type happy face buttons on their uniforms or something?

How are things going at your company?

By the way, Art at ISP is a customer, and his opinion seems different than the malcontents on this board. How can that be?


What is best is to come up with a situation that works for everyone, liquidation is NOT the answer, not even close.

BTW, internet and low fares are what will sell tickets going forward (in addition to travel agents).

Trip Confirmed said:
I wish I knew more about your unions and contacts, but I don't have a clue.

But a question?

What is best for the employees?

Liquidation, or fighting back? And simply,what happens with either choice?

Can someone here put it in simple laymans language for me?

USA320Pilot comments: I have noticed too that the loads have increased within the past 10 days, as well as employee morale improving.

Morale is improving?????? Yea...right!!!!! Everbody I talk to just loves coming to work!!! Just making a statement like that really makes me wonder? The only time people seem happy is when they receive their walking papers and are sent down the road. Boy was I happy when my salary was cut and boy will I be happy when my retirement is history!!! I really, really wonder about you after making statements like that?????
Loads might be high right now, but wait a few weeks and see what happens. Most of the people flying today booked their tickets two to weeks ago, and based on history, there wasn't much need to be concerned about flying a bankrupt carrier.

Now that the strike vote is in the headlines, people will start to think differently.

I know that during the past year, UA has been one of the largest opaque market players -- those are seats sold for blind purchase on Priceline and other auction sites where you don't find out which carrier you're on until after making the purchase.

I suspect US has also put more and more capacity into the opaque market, which means that load factors are kept constant, but the yield on those tickets is nowhere near breakeven.
Unfortunately the loads people see today for the most part is the cash flow for a few months ago. The real question is, how many tickets are being sold today, and at what price/yield.
I think the yields went away several months ago...that is what the cost problem is all about.

The GoFares are the seat selling device, direct distribution...and there is not many dollars involved...similar to the other other LCCs...no more 2000 ticket from PHL to PVD.

oldbscaler said:
Unfortunately the loads people see today for the most part is the cash flow for a few months ago. The real question is, how many tickets are being sold today, and at what price/yield.
USA320Pilot said:

How are things going at your company?
If you mean UA, I don't really know or care as I have pretty much moved on. But from what I gather, things at UA aren't nearly as dismal as they are at U, for what it's worth. For instance, which carrier is more likely to make it through the winter?

By the way, Art at ISP is a customer, and his opinion seems different than the malcontents on this board. How can that be?
Again, I don't really know or care-- you would have to ask Art or the "malcontents." My observation was simply: 1) you would have to be offering some pretty low fares to get people into travelling on U these days as the travelling public thinks they will be gone very soon (in fact some people are even surprised they are still around); and 2) do you really think anyone buys that U employees' morale has improved over the past 10 days?

But I see you have dodged both substantive issues, as usual, and refuse to face reality.

Good luck in your future endeavors, wherever they may be! (Cuz they won't be at U much longer. Which everyone seems to realize except you.)

