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  • #76
Thanks everyone for the honest reply's. So it from what I'm gathering the TUL guys aren't going to accept anything lower then what a line mech gets paid to work OH, and would rather be on the street. At least we won't have AA saying we can't pay because we have OH.

Well when the OH guys get to the line stations, they might have a different opinion, the guys in the line stations that are looking at certain layoff definitely have a different opinion.

Before you TUL and AFW guys decide to leave your homes to go to the line stations, the planes are full so commuting will be an issue and the CS policy is going to change, it won't be as liberal as it is now, and unlike past layoffs, you will not be going back home.

But you won't have to worry about your coworkers because like always you will be helped out unless you are a lazy piece of crap. Most guys that have come to ORD from TULE during a layoff have been standup guys so that should not be a problem.
I am not sure why the membership continues to place this problem into chaotic battle. rediculous simpleton terms and pea brained ideas. Or why some choose to use everything from fear and intimidation to threats and name calling to get their points across. This is really a basic and common sense issue to resolve and deal with, unless you are driven by emotions instead of factual and undeniable truths.

We are currently facing a crossroads regarding the future of aircraft maintenance overhaul. Yes you have within your grasp, your personal future, and the future of those coming after you. But let's be real here.

The best you can currently hope for is to get to leave via attrition with what you have accumulated still in your possesion.

For Gods Sakes stop listening to those banging their drums and pounding their chest about protecting this profession.

Save yourself, bow out and allow the changes for the future to take place. Allow those IN the future to decide if they can work for the offered wage and benefit.

We are all, or at least most of us, on the verge of leaving this industry and to shoot yourself in the foot trying to ask for a fight that will dictate future wage and benefit options, while entering that fight without any weapons is about as stupid and stupid can be defined.

There is nothing wrong with allowing the wage and benefit package of future AMT's to be placed into their hands instead of ours.
In other words, let those that will be hired dictate the term of employment by either accepting the terms or not accepting the terms.
That is how our society works. When the wage package for the job drops below desired level then the Airlines will be forced to raise the package. If the wage/benefit package is acceptable then hiring and a future for those individuals will be up to them. The only thing between you and this truth is the emotional scars of the B-Scale and those type of concessions from the past. Please, I request that you put those aside long enough to view your own personal future and where we are currently at in this industry.

Instead of viewing this from that type of honest and factual perspective, we are waging some insane battle over the future and yet we have no idea what is and is not acceptable to the potential new employee. Let the market decide that level and stop trying to dictate the future while shafting yourself and your personal future.

Can we stop for just a short time the attacks on AA Managment and the TWU and look at the facts from a realist point of view?
It would be in yours and everyones best interest to attempt to do this at this time. Or you can keep going backwards and rolling around in your own crap, while living some pipe dream to nowhere.

I know it is much more enjoyable to pretend to be powerful, unionized, unified, and strong. But is that really the truth you are living today and tomorrow? The most difficult and yet most important thing each of us can do at this time, is to look at this situation honestly.

The biggest problem we currently have is that no TWU Union Leader has the balls or intelligence to speak to you openly and honestly about these matters. And even if they did, none of us repect them enough to listen.
I am not sure why the membership continues to place this problem into chaotic battle. rediculous simpleton terms and pea brained ideas. Or why some choose to use everything from fear and intimidation to threats and name calling to get their points across. This is really a basic and common sense issue to resolve and deal with, unless you are driven by emotions instead of factual and undeniable truths.

We are currently facing a crossroads regarding the future of aircraft maintenance overhaul. Yes you have within your grasp, your personal future, and the future of those coming after you. But let's be real here.

The best you can currently hope for is to get to leave via attrition with what you have accumulated still in your possesion.

For Gods Sakes stop listening to those banging their drums and pounding their chest about protecting this profession.

Save yourself, bow out and allow the changes for the future to take place. Allow those IN the future to decide if they can work for the offered wage and benefit.

We are all, or at least most of us, on the verge of leaving this industry and to shoot yourself in the foot trying to ask for a fight that will dictate future wage and benefit options, while entering that fight without any weapons is about as stupid and stupid can be defined.

There is nothing wrong with allowing the wage and benefit package of future AMT's to be placed into their hands instead of ours.
In other words, let those that will be hired dictate the term of employment by either accepting the terms or not accepting the terms.
That is how our society works. When the wage package for the job drops below desired level then the Airlines will be forced to raise the package. If the wage/benefit package is acceptable then hiring and a future for those individuals will be up to them. The only thing between you and this truth is the emotional scars of the B-Scale and those type of concessions from the past. Please, I request that you put those aside long enough to view your own personal future and where we are currently at in this industry.

Instead of viewing this from that type of honest and factual perspective, we are waging some insane battle over the future and yet we have no idea what is and is not acceptable to the potential new employee. Let the market decide that level and stop trying to dictate the future while shafting yourself and your personal future.

Can we stop for just a short time the attacks on AA Managment and the TWU and look at the facts from a realist point of view?
It would be in yours and everyones best interest to attempt to do this at this time. Or you can keep going backwards and rolling around in your own crap, while living some pipe dream to nowhere.

I know it is much more enjoyable to pretend to be powerful, unionized, unified, and strong. But is that really the truth you are living today and tomorrow? The most difficult and yet most important thing each of us can do at this time, is to look at this situation honestly.

The biggest problem we currently have is that no TWU Union Leader has the balls or intelligence to speak to you openly and honestly about these matters. And even if they did, none of us repect them enough to listen.
<_<-------- Informer, you still don't get it. Your not going to save your own skin by throughing the new hires under the bus! This time "everyone" is going to take a hit!!! And trying to divert some of that pain, just ain't going to fly! (not this time!) No matter how you try and spin it!!!
I am not sure why the membership continues to place this problem into chaotic battle. rediculous simpleton terms and pea brained ideas. Or why some choose to use everything from fear and intimidation to threats and name calling to get their points across. This is really a basic and common sense issue to resolve and deal with, unless you are driven by emotions instead of factual and undeniable truths.

We are currently facing a crossroads regarding the future of aircraft maintenance overhaul. Yes you have within your grasp, your personal future, and the future of those coming after you. But let's be real here.

The best you can currently hope for is to get to leave via attrition with what you have accumulated still in your possesion.

For Gods Sakes stop listening to those banging their drums and pounding their chest about protecting this profession.

Save yourself, bow out and allow the changes for the future to take place. Allow those IN the future to decide if they can work for the offered wage and benefit.

We are all, or at least most of us, on the verge of leaving this industry and to shoot yourself in the foot trying to ask for a fight that will dictate future wage and benefit options, while entering that fight without any weapons is about as stupid and stupid can be defined.

There is nothing wrong with allowing the wage and benefit package of future AMT's to be placed into their hands instead of ours.
In other words, let those that will be hired dictate the term of employment by either accepting the terms or not accepting the terms.
That is how our society works. When the wage package for the job drops below desired level then the Airlines will be forced to raise the package. If the wage/benefit package is acceptable then hiring and a future for those individuals will be up to them. The only thing between you and this truth is the emotional scars of the B-Scale and those type of concessions from the past. Please, I request that you put those aside long enough to view your own personal future and where we are currently at in this industry.

Instead of viewing this from that type of honest and factual perspective, we are waging some insane battle over the future and yet we have no idea what is and is not acceptable to the potential new employee. Let the market decide that level and stop trying to dictate the future while shafting yourself and your personal future.

Can we stop for just a short time the attacks on AA Managment and the TWU and look at the facts from a realist point of view?
It would be in yours and everyones best interest to attempt to do this at this time. Or you can keep going backwards and rolling around in your own crap, while living some pipe dream to nowhere.

I know it is much more enjoyable to pretend to be powerful, unionized, unified, and strong. But is that really the truth you are living today and tomorrow? The most difficult and yet most important thing each of us can do at this time, is to look at this situation honestly.

The biggest problem we currently have is that no TWU Union Leader has the balls or intelligence to speak to you openly and honestly about these matters. And even if they did, none of us repect them enough to listen.
Holy Sh t Informer, is this going anywhere?

I just heard from an AA employee that the TWU was in El Salvador asking the mechanics in overhaul to join the TWU. Anyone else hear anything?
I just heard from an AA employee that the TWU was in El Salvador asking the mechanics in overhaul to join the TWU. Anyone else hear anything?
You're funny, but I believe you. The TWU is a international union and at 2x the El Salvador wage of $2.00-$5.00 per hour it would be an easy way to recover the revenue lost, if the TWU loses members to the bankruptcy.
<_<-------- Informer, you still don't get it. Your not going to save your own skin by throughing the new hires under the bus! This time "everyone" is going to take a hit!!! And trying to divert some of that pain, just ain't going to fly! (not this time!) No matter how you try and spin it!!!

Funny you think my idea is "THROWING" the new hire under the bus.
Wouldn't that be for them to decide? You and others like you are the one's that don't get it.
If the wage and benefit package allows AA to hire replacements, then THAT is the market rate.
If the wage and benefit package is too low, then nobody hires in and that must be adjusted.
WE do not dictate the market rate no matter how we want to try.
The market is dictated by those looking for work. Once you idiots get that through your thick skulls, you might actually leave this career with something left.

We have a shot at offering a transistion, and that is the best you could hope for.
The window for this is open only for weeks, not months, not years, WEEKS!

And before even considering the chance, instead some of you wish to stand with a gun to your head screaming
"One more step and stupid gets it"

There is no chance with a membership like that, and yet they want to blame me, the TWU, or AA Management.

Get this IDIOTS.....In the end, your demise will be your own damn fault because of your own ignorance.
Holy Sh t Informer, is this going anywhere?


This is a perfect example of why we are in this position to begin with.

Thousands of workers jobs, paychecks, pensions, and medical insurance are on the line here.

And we have members that instantly reduce that serious matter to some monkey video about ice cream.

Good Luck to you all if that is what you choose to follow and support.
Funny you think my idea is "THROWING" the new hire under the bus.
Wouldn't that be for them to decide? You and others like you are the one's that don't get it.
If the wage and benefit package allows AA to hire replacements, then THAT is the market rate.
If the wage and benefit package is too low, then nobody hires in and that must be adjusted.
WE do not dictate the market rate no matter how we want to try.
The market is dictated by those looking for work. Once you idiots get that through your thick skulls, you might actually leave this career with something left.

We have a shot at offering a transistion, and that is the best you could hope for.
The window for this is open only for weeks, not months, not years, WEEKS!

And before even considering the chance, instead some of you wish to stand with a gun to your head screaming
"One more step and stupid gets it"

There is no chance with a membership like that, and yet they want to blame me, the TWU, or AA Management.

Get this IDIOTS.....In the end, your demise will be your own damn fault because of your own ignorance.
Hey Informer, try not taking so much Viagra, it's blocking your ability to reason.
Funny you think my idea is "THROWING" the new hire under the bus.
Wouldn't that be for them to decide? You and others like you are the one's that don't get it.
If the wage and benefit package allows AA to hire replacements, then THAT is the market rate.
If the wage and benefit package is too low, then nobody hires in and that must be adjusted.
WE do not dictate the market rate no matter how we want to try.
The market is dictated by those looking for work. Once you idiots get that through your thick skulls, you might actually leave this career with something left.

We have a shot at offering a transistion, and that is the best you could hope for.
The window for this is open only for weeks, not months, not years, WEEKS!

And before even considering the chance, instead some of you wish to stand with a gun to your head screaming
"One more step and stupid gets it"

There is no chance with a membership like that, and yet they want to blame me, the TWU, or AA Management.

Get this IDIOTS.....In the end, your demise will be your own damn fault because of your own ignorance.
You're right about the highlighted area. It's people that will work for FREE that have destroyed our profession. AA is setting the terms because the laws enacted by the same people standing side by side with John Hewitt on that podium asking you to pledge support to save jobs, are the ones that allowed AA to defer contributions to OUR pensions, and stripped you of your rights to fight back under the RLA.

I'm getting tired of listening to the union's non-sense.....I'm starting to believe the republicans that unions destroy jobs! Unions protect the slugs and the lazy.....period! Going non-union would definitely rid ourselves of the slugs, lazy, and sharpshooters. The non-union mechanics at Delta must obviously have a better working relationship with their management because I don't see Delta going out of their way to destroy their profession. Those mechanics have enjoyed more raises than you and I, and they've saved $600 a year in dues. Let the term sheets show AA managements discontent with labor.....destroying the TWU, APA, and APFA are in the works, but, in the process WE are the ones suffering. WE can't stop workers that decide to work for free, and if you believe that working for free will help AA, have at it! I'm not accepting those terms, and will vote down anything that deminishes my wages or benefits to support jobs in TUL. In the mean time, I'm looking to get out of this industry altogether....this industry has destroyed my childrens future!!
I am convinved you guys are incapable of reading and comprehending a plan.

That is fine, take the alternative once again. Let me know how that is working for you.
My bet, you will be once again worse off, just like you became worse off voting NO on the T/A.

Good Luck, you will be needing it.
I am convinved you guys are incapable of reading and comprehending a plan.

That is fine, take the alternative once again. Let me know how that is working for you.
My bet, you will be once again worse off, just like you became worse off voting NO on the T/A.

Good Luck, you will be needing it.
Is your plan to take whatever bone the company throws at you, while raping you at the same time????
I am convinved you guys are incapable of reading and comprehending a plan.

That is fine, take the alternative once again. Let me know how that is working for you.
My bet, you will be once again worse off, just like you became worse off voting NO on the T/A.

Good Luck, you will be needing it.
I'm not settling for scooby snacks!!!