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Yep. Last time I checked, there were still more commercial DC-8's flying around than there are commercial 707's. Same thing with DC3's, 5's, 6's, 7's and 9's when compared to their Boeing and Lockheed contemporaries...
Why not AA go after Delta. Both Fly 757,763,777 and 738's. Dl Had the MD90 which like a MD80 if not nearly same. Only thing keep DL's new paint scheme, just modify the tail. Plus what is AA gonna do with new planes coming in as composites? Be like their Airbus'.
DL doesn't bring AA anything network wise... Anything DL flies out of JFK is something AA is already free to fly.

Getting a bunch of aircraft with different engine types on the widebodies isn't going to do much, either.
DL doesn't bring AA anything network wise... Anything DL flies out of JFK is something AA is already free to fly.

Getting a bunch of aircraft with different engine types on the widebodies isn't going to do much, either.


Hey Eric,
I just thought of something(from another topic that I responded to you on), but I can put it here as well, AK IS loaded with 737-800's(and -900's)
Do you know WHAT power plants are on them ?
Getting a bunch of aircraft with different engine types on the widebodies isn't going to do much, either.
The only thing NW would bring is their Asian routes. DL and AA fleet would be more compatible than a AA and NW. 757 is the only common plane between them, plus are they the same engines?

Which would be better, the same fleet types with different engines or a bunch of fleet types? And then you have to deal with the Hub issue, MSP/ORD/DTW ? MEM/STL/IND would be history. Not sure how many ops are out of IND but I included it in. Probably like STL size ops.

MSP/ORD/DTW- They probably could keep all 3 running but alot of overwrap.

Like I said above the only thing AA would benefit from that merger would be NW's Asian routes. And what about KL's stake in NW, what would happen with BA and One World? AA merging with DL or NW would be difficult. I see maybe a smaller venture such as AS or even HA, that would get them some pacific traffic. If DL wants to merge with NW, I say let them. It would make them larger, but AA won't have all the extra issues with a NW merger. AA would be better off staying alone if thats the case.
AA needs to merge with someone and have all the NATIVES stapled to the bottom. Air Cal and TWA employees would have super senority over everyone.
AA needs to merge with someone and have all the NATIVES stapled to the bottom. Air Cal and TWA employees would have super senority over everyone.

And I want my Pan American seniority
Boo Hoo Hoo

Stop your crying and get back to work you are lucky you got what you got
Air Cal got bidding senority but NOT pay senority.... you dont get both ... sorry !!!

Well now, I guess that depends on what employee group you're talking about. In aircraft mx, the Air Cal people got everything and then some. Turns out that some of their baggage handler upgrades to ac mx carried their baggage handler seniority with them into the ac mx title group. It's water over the falls now, but don't go running your mouth about sh*t you don't have a clue about.
Well now, I guess that depends on what employee group you're talking about. In aircraft mx, the Air Cal people got everything and then some. Turns out that some of their baggage handler upgrades to ac mx carried their baggage handler seniority with them into the ac mx title group. It's water over the falls now, but don't go running your mouth about sh*t you don't have a clue about.
Have some class..... I'm talking about the Flight Attendants , not the baggage handlers or any other ground employees...
Why do you think WN became so successful, AA bought out Air Cal and Reno Air, while US bought out PSA and both ruined the West Coast and WN stepped in and AA retreated. AA bought out TWA, did it make the old TWA routes better or worse? All I am saying, AA should stick to what they have. Get the in-house stuff taken care of first. Look at the mess US and HP are in. Mergers are good for two things only, first, filling the pockets of the Execs, if they needed more pocket stuffing. And second, making the Shareholders happy. It creates less jobs. That's the new corporate way, merge and then outsource. US Americans should stop trying to be greedy and spread it around. I am not talking about the working class guy, I am talking about the Exec's stuffing their pockets as well as the shareholders allowing it, just that they are making money. If they would spread it around, everybody would have money and they'd be spending it as well.
Air Cal got bidding senority but NOT pay senority.... you dont get both ... sorry !!!
A topped out AMT from Air Cal made more per hour than AMT's from AA even after we
bought them. The TWU way! Follow the leader.....way behind the leader.
AA needs to merge with someone and have all the NATIVES stapled to the bottom. Air Cal and TWA employees would have super senority over everyone.

I can't speak for the other work groups but those in maintenance at Air Cal received full occupational senority. Check your facts before you type.
Have some class..... I'm talking about the Flight Attendants , not the baggage handlers or any other ground employees...

My bad Maarky, You just got caught in the cross hairs. It's that tool (swdriver) that needs to pull his/her head out of their respective ass...

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