😛h34r: This talk is all rediculous...Union's voice holds no clout with management because it holds no clout with membership. They are just as corrupt as the politicians we complain about....Union leadership has sold it's soul to the devil or 'the next free trip to 'San-Fran'or 'Palm Springs' or wherever the quaint little soul that finds his/her self in a position of leadership is graced to go 'live it up' at the cost of his/her constituent's dues. Let's face facts folks, the Union, whichever brand you choose is 'PASSE'. If you don't believe it, ask junior members of AWA, US or God forbid, Mid- Atlantic...soon the top 10% of the employees that are senior, the ones the unions have been taking care of while fleecing the other 90% will retire or die. Big Brown, (UPS and they are not in the aviation business) is the only company I know that has a great union....Ask Northwest, Old PAN-AM, Us East Junior Pilots (18 years seniority is junior...wow) or the AWA junior guys in 6 months if they feel represented....10 years from now all the old !@#&*&@ will be gone and that is the last of the troups that any of the union contingency from their ivory towers ever served or appealed to....we junior people with only 20 to 25 years seniority have seen and heard it all... enough. Good luck to those trying to garner support and change history in the very near future for support of the union...I personally will not be listening...We should all put our $50 a month into a highly speculative equity fund....I promise it would be more productive than the present union....and to think...in my younger years, the union and it's leadership was held
in high esteem by my fellow workers and most importantly by me!!! :huh: