FredF said:
The individual I mentioned just got out of jail. Exactly what skill do you think he had?
CEO of a fortune 500 company? Oh, wait.......they don't go to jail, do they? Since you neglected to mention what kind of job your example got, or the training he had to get the job, but only that he got the job, I think it is within reason to assume he had some skill to get the job, don't you?
That is not what I said at all and if you would quit taking things out of context and actually read what I said, you might understand that.
You said there were safety nets and then complained about YOUR taxes going to fund them because, in the example you used, you did not think the people deserved them. Seems like I read it pretty well, Fred. Perhaps you might try reading what you're typing next time.
But I guess that that might mean you actually had an open mind about it or that someone with a different opinion might actually have a point./
Fred, for you, of all people, to accuse someone else of not having an open mind is the height of irony. I read what you said and pointed out the obvious logical fallacy of saying that there are safety nets but that you don't want to fund them yourself. If you don't like having that pointed out, tough.
If you bothered to get your head out of your fourth point of contact, you might just see that.
Very mature response, Fred, and typical of your response to having your statements questioned.
Ahh whats the matter? I answer your question, but you don't like the answer?
Your 'answer' was to ask me several questions, which I answered. You didn't like the answer so instead you decided to fall back on your usual personal attacks. Not that this was surprising in any way.
You said: "You can go to any emergency room in the country, without money, without insurance and get treated if you need it."
And I replied: "Sure, Wal-Mart has proven that. Who do think pays for it in the end, Fred?"
Do you think those medical bills just pay themselves? Do you not realize that your taxes subsidize them? Wal-Mart employees medical care cost the state of California $32 Million last year, Fred, and the taxpayers paid for it.
You have to ask a completely different question after you take the answer completely out of context... again.
My question regarding who pays for the medical bills you mentioned was completely in context, Fred. You just don't want to answer it because it shows how flawed your thinking was.
And you wonder why I dismiss these questions you ask. You don't accept the answer, you slice and dice every post so that you can continue to take answers completely out of context then pose another question as if the first one was not answered.
No, I'm merely attempting to get you to elaborate on your answers, something which you seem to be incapable of doing, Fred. You say I take your answers out of context, but the problem is that your 'answers' don't stand up to scrutiny, Fred.
Nah, I know you can't stand that. You can't stand the thought that someone out there might actully have a thought that doesn't agree with you and my goodness they might actually have a point.
Far from the truth, Fred, as usual. I really enjoy talking to people who can provide ideas and answer questions. USAir757 is a good example of someone who CAN do that. You just don't like having it pointed out that you aren't one of those people.
Just keep slicing and dicing. I am sure it make you happy.
Count on it, Fred, count on it. You just can't stand having to stand behind the statements you make, can you?