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Proving York claim is what becomes difficult. Joe blow v the corporation typically does not end well. Big money vs limited money.

Like I said, stricter property rights laws balances the scales. You can rewrite the laws in such a way as to greatly pare down the EPA's power and give citizens more equal redress through the courts.
You fellows must be aware that EPA and the fracking industry are/have come to grips with the issues we debate on this forum. There is some excellent information on fracking alternatives on EPA's site, plus most of the big name drilling concerns are quite proactive with pollution concerns.
You can say that with a straight face in ligjtnof th BP cluster puck in the Gulf? Corporations are based on profit. Charger as much as you can for a service and pay as little you can to get it. Given that the penalties are small compared to the prize, BP does not give a rats ass about safety. They dont minimum and hope they GEt away with it. Look at For and the Pintos. Look at all the super fund sites.

If you think corporations are there protect you, I have a few bridges and a winning lotto ticket to sell you.
You can say that with a straight face in ligjtnof th BP cluster puck in the Gulf? Corporations are based on profit. Charger as much as you can for a service and pay as little you can to get it. Given that the penalties are small compared to the prize, BP does not give a rats ass about safety. They dont minimum and hope they GEt away with it. Look at For and the Pintos. Look at all the super fund sites.

If you think corporations are there protect you, I have a few bridges and a winning lotto ticket to sell you.

Public outrage is what motivates corporations to change their venue.

During the BP fiasco, publicity and public outrage had BP jumping through all kinds of hoops.
You can say that with a straight face in ligjtnof th BP cluster puck in the Gulf? Corporations are based on profit. Charger as much as you can for a service and pay as little you can to get it. Given that the penalties are small compared to the prize, BP does not give a rats ass about safety. They dont minimum and hope they GEt away with it. Look at For and the Pintos. Look at all the super fund sites.

If you think corporations are there protect you, I have a few bridges and a winning lotto ticket to sell you.

Yes I can and Lawsuits cost money and BP is in legal hot water. Also the court of Public Opinion rendered a rather harsh verdict as well. The environmental impact was nowhere near what the phoney Baloney Enviro-Nuts made it out to be. How do we know this? we're eatin' Gulf Shrimp at much the same price we did before.
The environmental impact was nowhere near what the phoney Baloney Enviro-Nuts made it out to be. How do we know this? we're eatin' Gulf Shrimp at much the same price we did before.
Now there is some solid evidence. :angry:

Tell that to my sister who lives in Orange Beach, AL. She lost her job as a direct result of the incident and the loss of tourism. That is real. The entire gulf coast lost huge amounts of money. They have not yet recovered. We still do not know the long-term impact of this as we have never had anything on this scale. But hey, at least you can eat shrimp so it is like nothing ever happened.

Funny, read something saying the oil is being consumed by bacteria at an alarming rate, more than expected....Mother Nature....what a broad.

Of course there would be an anticipated tourism impact.....but you obviously haven't seen the TV commercials for the gulf area...Tourism is higher than before the incident.

Funny, read something saying the oil is being consumed by bacteria at an alarming rate, more than expected....Mother Nature....what a broad.

Of course there would be an anticipated tourism impact.....but you obviously haven't seen the TV commercials for the gulf area...Tourism is higher than before the incident.
I hope you are right about the bacteria doing their job.

And the BP commercials are very nice. 🙄
You two dont get it. BP cut corners to save hundred of millions. This time they got caught. Too late for all the willd life that got killed. Too late for all the damage that occurred but hey. Cost of business right?

The question is. Do you think things an isolated case? I dont. Just like with a pedophile or a drug addict. It is unlikely that they only cut corners once.

If you want them to put life and environment first tell them that if you pull a Valdez or a BP in the Gulf that it will cost you 20% of your net worth unless they can prove that it was an accident that you did everything possible prevent. OH yea. Toss in some max security jail time for the executives of the company's well. Then hour will see some changes. What you have now is window dressing.
You two dont get it. BP cut corners to save hundred of millions. This time they got caught. Too late for all the willd life that got killed. Too late for all the damage that occurred but hey. Cost of business right?

The question is. Do you think things an isolated case? I dont. Just like with a pedophile or a drug addict. It is unlikely that they only cut corners once.

If you want them to put life and environment first tell them that if you pull a Valdez or a BP in the Gulf that it will cost you 20% of your net worth unless they can prove that it was an accident that you did everything possible prevent. OH yea. Toss in some max security jail time for the executives of the company's well. Then hour will see some changes. What you have now is window dressing.

These underlying causes are identified as follows:
• Over the years, the working environment had eroded to one characterized by resistance to change, and lacking of trust, motivation, and a sense of purpose. Coupled with unclear expectations around supervisory and management behaviors this meant that rules were not consistently followed, rigor was lacking and individuals felt disempowered from suggesting or initiating improvements.
• Process safety, operations performance and systematic risk reduction priorities had not been set and consistently reinforced by management.
Now there is some solid evidence. :angry:

Tell that to my sister who lives in Orange Beach, AL. She lost her job as a direct result of the incident and the loss of tourism. That is real. The entire gulf coast lost huge amounts of money. They have not yet recovered. We still do not know the long-term impact of this as we have never had anything on this scale. But hey, at least you can eat shrimp so it is like nothing ever happened.


Yes they did and BP Put like 20 Billion in trust and is paying those claims. What would you have do? Have all the pretty girls who work for British Petroleum fly to the Gulf and perform sexual favors on those affected? I think this might be a better remedy

As to solid evidence, mine were very firm last Saturday actually. Now we also know that one person got laid off as a result. Let's hang the CEO of BP shall we?

BP’s McKay Will Be First Witness at Gulf Oil Spill Trial
January 24, 2012, 6:01 PM EST
By Margaret Cronin Fisk

Jan. 24 (Bloomberg) -- BP America Inc. Chairman and President Lamar McKay will be the first witness at the February trial to determine liability for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, plaintiffs’ lawyers said.
As to solid evidence, mine were very firm last Saturday actually. Now we also know that one person got laid off as a result. Let's hang the CEO of BP shall we?



The 2010 indices of juvenile shrimp abundance and catch are mixed. We predict a below average harvest for the western Gulf of Mexico during the July 2010 - June 2011 season. However, environmental factors (notably salinity, tidal height in marshes and temperature) are very favorable for continued recruitment and stock growth. Thus far, shrimping effort is down, but shrimp are abundant. Our prediction may be an underestimate and the outcome will greatly depend on the magnitude of fishing effort for the rest of the year. If you would like more information regarding this forecast, or for other marine fishery information, please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx, or visit our web site at <http://xxxxxxxxx.xxx.nxxx.gov/>.

Long term effects are not yet known but rest assured the tree huggers who gave us Global Warming and Al "carbon footprint" Gore will be there Johnny on the spot to murder and distort the facts and events to support their political agenda. Then Al will get on his charteredd G-4 burn thousands of pounds of fuel on the way back to his non solar powered 25,000 mansion paid for with family money earned from Tobacco. Anyone but he notice that Gore rhymes with Whore?

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