And yet you're constantly posting your views of AA's business mistakes and your suggestions for improving the business. Examples follow below.
Only to people like you who insist that we are being unreasonable in asking for a fair wage.
Too bad you're not a member of a trade union. You guys ought to start one.
Trade union is a broad term, in our case its supposed to mean people in the transportation industry, thus "Transport Workers Union".
I have to hand it to you - I admire your ability to stay focused on demanding more despite the declining size of the pie.
Declining pie? Maybe this year compared to last but the pie was nearly $7 billion bigger in 2008 than it was in 2003 and there were 40,000 less of us. Its still likely to be around 4 or $5billion bigger than when we took the concessions. Sure fuel took a bigger piece in 2008 but just the fact that there are less of us should have meant that we all get a bigger piece, the fact that we didnt means that other parties did. As we lower our wages everyone else simply grabs more. Then theres the basic idea of raising fares enough to cover costs. $10 or $20 a ticket isnt going to make people cancell travel plans or let Grandma die alone. When they slapped the $20 fuel surcharge on people kept flying.
What about the 2001 contract? Wasn't that a relative success, especially considering the concessionary 1995 agreement?
2001 restored our wages as far as pay rates, so in that respect it was a success. I was satisfied with my wages at that time. In fact if you dig back and look at my posts I was in favor of doing everything we can to help the airlines get through the post 9-11 crisis. I knew there would likely be a reduction in headcount and I was willing to work less hours in order to keep people on payroll, but I was always against cutting my hourly wage. The bosses didnt see their benifits and base compensation reduced, why should we? In fact when AA did away with the title Supervisor and made them "Managers" they all got pay raises.
The funny part is that I think you actually believe that concessions were forced down your throat because of the alleged "mistakes" you list. And not because revenue and air travel demand fell through the floor in the wake of the horrors of September 11. You know, the event that devastated the revenue at every legacy airline and sent four of the six to the bankruptcy court?
BK was simply a business tactic to rip off the workers,the small time stock owners and maybe a few smaller vendors and the courts helped them do it. As far as I'm concerned we got the bankruptcy plan without going BK. Sure we still have the pension but then again that could change between now and the time I get to collect.
How much of a paycut did the workers at SWA take? Obviously that company managed their affairs correctly, they didnt build up their debt by buying other carriers, building taj Mahals all over the country and other ill fated ventures. The fact is that its managements job to prepare the company for economic downturns and they failed to do that, instead they just came after the workers.
There you go again, more pretending to be an airline exec and telling them how to run their business
Are you airline management? I thought I was conversing with a Southern California lawyer with an obsession with the chat sites. I'm telling you what they've done wrong in response to your claim that cutting our pay was their only option and I'm doing that because you are the one taking their side, claiming that revenues are down, and they cant afford to pay us. Revenues may be down from 2008 but they are still up from 2003 and there are 40,000 less of us. Surely you can see that if revenues even stay the same and you cut headcount by 40,000 that there will be savings and the workers should be able to get their pay restored, hasnt that been the promise of Capitalism since the Great Depression, "increased productivity results in increased living standards". We increased productivity and they want to lower our wages (in real terms) even more!
First class? You were ranting about First Class even before demand for premium fares fell off last year. I'm not convinced that an all-coach international configuration is the best plan.
Maybe not, Freddy Laker, Capitol, TransAmerica and others had it back in the 80s and they didnt last too long but then again domestically SWA does pretty well with it.
Like I said you pro management people come here, claim that you are neutral and not affiliated with management , make the companys arguement then when I respond to you and your claims say that I'm telling management how to run their business, so, since I'm responding to you that must mean that you are management.