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The Jeffrey D. McClelland Flight Center - Transition


Feb 29, 2004
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To those of you who've never been to the Phoenix flight center, this post will likely not mean that much to you. But for those of us who have within the flight training and standards department either worked there, trained there, or instructed there, Tuesday will be a significant day.

For the past three years or so, we watched as the company slowly and methodically dismantled both the flight attendant and pilot training areas. Piedmont ramp services training moved into the former flight attendant training area. Various offices from Company HQ in Tempe relocated to various spaces within the center. And as of Tuesday this coming week, pilot simulator and ground school instruction will now be completed in either Dallas or Charlotte.

So to the many friends and workmates that made coming to work so enjoyable for the ten years I worked there, thank you. I wish all of you the very best.