Outsider's look at AA labor issues

You don't know the half of it.

I tried to call one of my ex coworkers to let them know where they could get free technical training, if not to help them than to pass along the information to help others, (I was also trying to get those affected by the closure 2 years of college tuition, this was a program offered by the government to retrain those that were affected by global outsourcing and I was seeking support to secure that for all of us, only 2 people got to take advantage of that program) he hung up on me. I later heard he, among some of the others, were talking about me behind my back. Apparently they blamed me for compromising their chances of returning to TULE as a Fleet Service Clerk by outing Sam and Debbie's little scam. Sam Cirri and Debbie Tiller told those Fleet Service Clerks they were trying to get their jobs back at TULE and they actually believed them. They were either that desperate or that stupid.

So after:

a) Shining a light on 2 UNION officers who cut an under the table deal with management to push a concessionary contract
b) Trying to point my ex coworkers to a place they could get free technical training funded by the city of Tulsa
c) Spending HOURS on the phone with government bureaucrats trying to get them 2 years of free college tuition funded by the federal government for displaced workers

I was the a$$hole people blamed for their misfortunes because they rather believe 2 liars that told them what they wanted to hear instead of someone that was genuinely trying to help them.

Is it any wonder I have lost a lot of faith in the UNION and the membership?
If I remember correctly didn’t the 2 openings they put in for come up over the Christmas shutdown? No one but those 2 knew about the positions. I’m sure Collins was behind that in some way.
If I remember correctly didn’t the 2 openings they put in for come up over the Christmas shutdown? No one but those 2 knew about the positions. I’m sure Collins was behind that in some way.
That's right, it was during Christmas base shutdown. They timed it that way (obviously) with the intent of the rest of the Fleet Service crew being gone due to bumps or layoffs.

You put all the pieces together, Sam and Debbie pushing a concessionary contract, the timing of the layoffs, the fact they had an opening tailored to Sam's (out of date) "qualifications", Debbie bypassing an employee that was both senior AND more qualified, you put all that together and it is very obvious Sam and Debbie cut an under the table deal with management.

My guess is management approached them with "You know, we are going to get rid of Fleet Service, but if you recommend the membership accept this contract YOU don't have to go with them, in fact you won't miss a day of work, we will find you a nice comfortable shop for you to lounge around in till you retire".

Sometimes I wonder if Sam Cirri winning the presidency of 514 was not arranged. I mean honestly, how the hell does a Fleet Service Clerk become the president of a Mechanic's local? That is the biggest red flag of all. Makes you wonder if your vote even counts or if you are just watching another UNION manipulation.

I am under no illusions that American Airlines would not have closed TUL/TULE Fleet Service regardless. That is probably how Sam and Debbie justified it in their mind. They figured the shop was going to be closed anyway, they might as well save themselves. However how that went down speaks VOLUMES about UNION/company relations.
That's right, it was during Christmas base shutdown. They timed it that way (obviously) with the intent of the rest of the Fleet Service crew being gone due to bumps or layoffs.

You put all the pieces together, Sam and Debbie pushing a concessionary contract, the timing of the layoffs, the fact they had an opening tailored to Sam's (out of date) "qualifications", Debbie bypassing an employee that was both senior AND more qualified, you put all that together and it is very obvious Sam and Debbie cut an under the table deal with management.

My guess is management approached them with "You know, we are going to get rid of Fleet Service, but if you recommend the membership accept this contract YOU don't have to go with them, in fact you won't miss a day of work, we will find you a nice comfortable shop for you to lounge around in till you retire".

Sometimes I wonder if Sam Cirri winning the presidency of 514 was not arranged. I mean honestly, how the hell does a Fleet Service Clerk become the president of a Mechanic's local? That is the biggest red flag of all. Makes you wonder if your vote even counts or if you are just watching another UNION manipulation.

I am under no illusions that American Airlines would not have closed TUL/TULE Fleet Service regardless. That is probably how Sam and Debbie justified it in their mind. They figured the shop was going to be closed anyway, they might as well save themselves. However how that went down speaks VOLUMES about UNION/company relations.

So how is Sam and Debbie getting along with their fellow workers in their scammed positions? I would run them ragged if they were working next to me. They really deserve a huge eye opener IMO...
So how is Sam and Debbie getting along with their fellow workers in their scammed positions? I would run them ragged if they were working next to me. They really deserve a huge eye opener IMO...
I don't work at TULE anymore so I don't really know. I heard Sam just kind of kept to himself for a while, walking down the halls, hands in his pockets, looking at the floor and shuffling his feet. I am sure these days he gets along fine. I really see no reason for people to be hostile to the guy. He is no longer in a position to do any damage and his reputation is shot. Debbie, as I stated earlier, just played the part of the "victim" . Shows what a real lack of character the woman has. I heard Debbie had some health issues, I won't go into specifics as I want to respect her privacy. That being said I don't even know if she is at TULE anymore.

My guess is they probably get along just fine. Nobody cares about a shop of just over 100 Fleet Service Clerks at a maintenance base of thousands. That is not a slight against the mechanics, it' just a fact.

At this point, 7 years later, I don't really know that it matters anymore other than to just serve as an example. My ex coworkers have all either bumped/transferred to a new station, transferred to another title group/position at TULE, or moved on with their lives (took other jobs, retired, decided to stop working and stay home with the kids, whatever).

I don't want people to run Sam and Debbie ragged (anything they did they paid the price through loss of reputation). I just want the membership be aware of what happened and look at their local representatives with an objective eye. Remember once someone becomes a UNION officer they are not your friends and coworkers anymore, they are your representatives and should be treated as such. Note I am not telling anyone to distrust their representatives, but do be observant and aware. When a UNION officer tell a member what they want to hear and what the UNION officer is saying seems improbable it should be questioned, not just believed because the listening party WANTS to believe it.
I don't work at TULE anymore so I don't really know. I heard Sam just kind of kept to himself for a while, walking down the halls, hands in his pockets, looking at the floor and shuffling his feet. I am sure these days he gets along fine. I really see no reason for people to be hostile to the guy. He is no longer in a position to do any damage and his reputation is shot. Debbie, as I stated earlier, just played the part of the "victim" . Shows what a real lack of character the woman has. I heard Debbie had some health issues, I won't go into specifics as I want to respect her privacy. That being said I don't even know if she is at TULE anymore.

My guess is they probably get along just fine. Nobody cares about a shop of just over 100 Fleet Service Clerks at a maintenance base of thousands. That is not a slight against the mechanics, it' just a fact.

At this point, 7 years later, I don't really know that it matters anymore other than to just serve as an example. My ex coworkers have all either bumped/transferred to a new station, transferred to another title group/position at TULE, or moved on with their lives (took other jobs, retired, decided to stop working and stay home with the kids, whatever).

I don't want people to run Sam and Debbie ragged (anything they did they paid the price through loss of reputation). I just want the membership be aware of what happened and look at their local representatives with an objective eye. Remember once someone becomes a UNION officer they are not your friends and coworkers anymore, they are your representatives and should be treated as such. Note I am not telling anyone to distrust their representatives, but do be observant and aware. When a UNION officer tell a member what they want to hear and what the UNION officer is saying seems improbable it should be questioned, not just believed because the listening party WANTS to believe it.
Sam was kept out of general population for maybe 6 months to a year if I remember right,,, it’s been a while since that happened. He didn’t do typical facility maintenance functions even though that’s what his title was. He worked in the White House doing honey doo’s for management for quite a while in his new position. Installing a sound system for the conference room was one of his pet projects. This could have been outsourced since it didn’t pertain to true facility work but I sure this was part of the game plan to ease him into the title group. Now he seems to have his own thing going separate from other facility personnel.
He didn’t do typical facility maintenance functions even though that’s what his title was.

He worked in the White House doing honey doo’s for management for quite a while in his new position.

Now he seems to have his own thing going separate from other facility personnel.
I suspected as much though I am glad to have confirmation.

Again my post was not really about Sam and Debbie, they just served as an example.

I know I already stated this but I will state it again, what my post was really about is this, once a coworker becomes a UNION officer they are no longer your friends and coworkers but your representatives and they should be treated as such. You should consider them potentially compromised and be observant and aware.

The unlikely fact Sam Cirri, a Fleet Service Clerk, won the presidency of local 514 (a mechanic's local) makes one wonder if he won by vote or appointment........ The activities that followed his presidency lend further consideration to the theory he was appointed.

Do your votes even count, really?

Also one should not focus on Sam and Debbie but the people behind the curtain pulling the strings of the puppets. Because, if they were doing it then, they are probably doing it now.