On 6/2/2003 7:48:50 PM PineyBob wrote:
I don''t disagree! BUT suppose Richard Branson came in and had to make the same hard choices that Siegel had to? I don''t think any sane person would argue that change had to come to US. But I think you can certainly debate the methods used currently. What would make Branson less of a villian.
I don''t know Richard Branson, except by reputation. His reputation is honest. At USAirways we are dealing with deceitful people. Few front line employees at USAirways didn''t recognize the need for drastic action to keep the company aive. We looked for leadership to make those hard decisions, and for the most part, we agreed. But now those things we agreed to mean nothing to our management. We are working under contracts that are a pale, anemic version of what we had before. And our lying, cheating managers refuse even to honor those agreements. Siegel renegs on deals he''s made before the ink is dry. It''s happening now, and I can say that the employees (especially the pilots) have had enough. Why would ANYONE (or any entity) deal with people like that? Siegel and team have demonstrated their fraudulent machinations to Senate Committees, governors, legislators, state administrators, almost every organization with which they have had contact. Sooner or later, Siegel will have to be dealt with as Frank Lorenzo was. An act of Congress will eliminate him from the industry.
Richard Branson isn''t like that. That''s the difference.