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A Breath of Fresh Air


Sep 11, 2002
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I was a hugh skeptic the day it was announced that Dave Siegel was the new President/CEO of US Airways. What could this 40 year old, Harvard educated, supposedly boy wonder do to revive this downtrodden, broken in spirit, one foot in the grave airline? Were we, the employees, going to be subject to the same platitudes we so often heard emanating from the fifth floor of Crystal City? Would we read the same type esoteric essays in ATTACHE that were common place with Steve Wolfe?
This skeptic has been transformed into a believer. In Dave, we have a person who says what he is going to do and does it. He has ventured forth into the belly of the beast and taken his lumps with the employee groups. Yet, he never wavered. Now, we see, he is willing to go before a national audience and tweak the noses of DAL,CAL,AAL,NWA. He has made it known US Airways is no longer a doormat. God, how refreshing.
I don''t know if Dave is the new Herb or Richard Branson. I do know he is making it fun to come to work again. I do know he watches Austin Powers rather than the Wine Channel. I like that.
I hope that in a year or eighteen months, the pundits and talking heads will be extolling the virtues of US Airways and the remarkable turnaround of this once beleaguered airline. If that occurs, I will gladly don my Fat Bastard costume, dress my dog as Mine-me and march down Jefferson Davis Highway for no other reason than to say, I am a proud to be an employee of US Airways.
Ahhh, but Will you still feel the same while your pay and benefits are frozen in tundra land for 6 years while the company starts/or should start showing 200 mil dollar profits a qtr.(for 20 some odd quarters) like in the old days(considering all the cutbacks)? Or are you one of the lucky ones with a quicker snapback?
Fun to come to work, I really like that statement and it becomes even better next week when our paychecks reflect the wage givebacks, and better once again next year when we are minus vacation time and our first paid holiday is 6 months after New Years Day. Yes it will be a blast.

Work has been interesting today with most attention being paid to the seniority list and who is comming and going. The words but they said being spoken over and over.

You are right, Its really fun!
On 9/22/2002 10:53:25 PM RealityCheck wrote:

Ahhh, but Will you still feel the same while your pay and benefits are frozen in tundra land for 6 years while the company starts/or should start showing 200 mil dollar profits a qtr.(for 20 some odd quarters) like in the old days(considering all the cutbacks)? Or are you one of the lucky ones with a quicker snapback?

No, I am a lowly TWU member who has already felt the pain of reduced pay and retro givebacks. However, I do continue to have a job that I enjoy and work in an industry that has been part of my life since the day I was born. My wife and I will continue to live within our means, put our children through college, and travel when when we want. Much better than any alternative.
I will gladly don my Fat Bastard costume, dress my dog as Mine-me and march down Jefferson Davis Highway for no other reason than to say, I am a proud to be an employee of US Airways.

If asked by a stranger to the airlines... What sort of mentality is representative of the new US Airways? I will need only to point to this example, from one of our happy employees. If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what would!
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/23/2002 9:32:03 AM Imamec,itsmyfault wrote:
[P]I will gladly don my Fat Bastard costume, dress my dog as Mine-me and march down Jefferson Davis Highway for no other reason than to say, I am a proud to be an employee of US Airways. [BR]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------[BR][/P]
[P]Is he related to Bat Fastard?[/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]