On 5/31/2003 9:24:36 PM Hello Newman wrote:
Hope, say what you want about Ed Colodny being the
cause of U''s problem''s today. But you gotta admit
he took GOOD care of all the PI employees when they
were being merged in. They kept all their seniority,
good sizable pay increases, and got their sick time
wiped off the books. I don''t think PI was anywhere
near that generous with the Empire employees.
First, I''ve never met Ed Colodny. I have no doubt that he is a very personable man, and he likely had the best interests of the company and employees of USAir at heart. Unfortunately, just being nice, personable and having a great memory for names does not an effective CEO make. The mirror image program was truly an insult to those of us who had to endure it. It set the tone for my career after Piedmont, and I have never been proud of the airline that bought out my services. I''m here because it was MY job before USAir came along. USAir was the ONLY carrier to which I never applied.
In my mind, though, Ed Colodny''s biggest mistake (the one which put the company on the fast-track down the tubes) was to give in to the "good old boy" system and make an incredibly inept knucklehead his heir. Schofield is also a "nice guy," but his disatrous tenure all but sealed our fate. What a disaster it was! Part of Colodny''s folly was that Gordon Bethune was shown the door to eliminate any competition for the top seat. (Can you imagine the powerhouse USAir would be if Bethune took the helm instead of Schofield!)
USAir did me no favors by buying Piedmont. None. I kept my date-of-hire, but went from 18% on the pilot list to 39%. That can hardly be contstrued as "keeping my seniority." The pilot pay scales were virtually identical, and my "career expectations" included the 767 and transatlantic flying, both of which Colodny officially disdained.
Now I''m going to start hearing the indigant "well-if-you-don''t-like-it-quit" yahoos. To those, remember what I said previously. This was MY JOB long before USAir came along to screw it up.