If there is an election and a new union is voted in, will the fleet workers be "at will" employees? If so what does that mean for us?
1. If a new union is voted in, they service your existing contract until another is negotiated.
the NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD Has all the answers on their website
example: IAM takes over west, services west contract! West are not employees "at will" until an agreement is reached!
2. If you are charged with dual unionism, they can make you a member in bad standing
but they can't fire you as long as you are paying dues.
The Landrum Grifith Act is the employees bill of rights. The Act protects your freedom of speach when speaking
out against the union. It also allows you to assemble in meetings outside of the lodge!
Explore this act and empower yourself!
If you want to take time to educate yourself, the NMB website for legal affairs is:
It includes the representation manual, the RLA, the nmb rules, and a good Q&A section.
The DOL Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) website is:
There you can obtain tons of data from any union!!!!!
Hope it helps,