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Organizing drives to oust the IAM 141

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They can charge you will dual unionism under the Constitution, have a trial, fine you, remove you from any office you might hold and bar you for a time period for holding an office.

Ask timmy all about it, as he was charged, convicted and removed from office.
if the ibt were to say be voted as new usair representation for fleet what will that do to those of us who would want to transfer to mainline cities from the outsourced cities
They can charge you will dual unionism under the Constitution, have a trial, fine you, remove you from any office you might hold and bar you for a time period for holding an office.

Ask timmy all about it, as he was charged, convicted and removed from office.
Yep, that's true. I've tried to get rid of the I Am Management labor agent for a while. Big deal, they brought me up on charges. I took a pass on the trial because it didn't mean anything to me. I knew my rights to ogranize and KNEW when the union loyalist said I could get fired that they were blowing smoke. The IAM lives by pressing fear and intimidation to workers and this is appaling and profane. Screw the IAM I don't fear them one bit. They can charge me or anyone all they want, big deal! Who cares anyways 700?

What is interesting is that I believe the charges need the local support in a vote so I seriously doubt anyone in PHL or CLT could have charges stick. "My gut feeling', I think Boss Canale's boy Hayden will be brought up for something before the key organizers of the IBT or IBEW.

Anyways, it is most likely that there will be a vote between 3 unions and that petitions will be served IMO within 60 days. So anyone wanting a local chairman job with the IAM is pissing in the wind anyways because there is no way the IAM wins a vote if there are 2 or 3 unions on the ballot.

So in other words I can be brought up on charges and possibly fired?
Hey 700 UW,
Stop bashing Tim. The past is the past. I just left PHL Its rolling like a freight train. I love it!!!!!
Hey 700UW before you go bashing someone how about looking at your past history as a DELETED BY MODERATOR on the planes.
You are a DELETED BY MODERATOR now an you were back then. Next time stop taking care of your boys on overtime and selling everyone else down the river. Go TIM GO!!!!! IBT!!!!!! IBEW local 90

MOD NOTE: We are NOT going to warn again about personal attacks. The corn field is filling fast. Anyone else want a vacation?
If there is an election and a new union is voted in, will the fleet workers be "at will" employees? If so what does that mean for us?
So in other words I can be brought up on charges and possibly fired?

Yes you could but in this case I highly doubt it. The card signings going around continue to go up and though the threat of being called out on being a supporter of getting these cards getting signed is there, the chances of that becoming reality is slim to say the least. case in point : Recently in Phl Hayden put out a letter telling the membership that he was going to ask them if they wanted to seek disciplinary actions againtst any individual seeking to promote another group for representation. In particular he signaled out 2 individuals. This letter was like Hayden striking a dormant beehive. He was basically asking the card signers to turn on the people with the cards. The numbers are not in Haydens favor when close to the whole workforce is signing them. If anything people are now asking for Hayden to be brought up on charges of threating these 2 individuals jobs using his ''Chair'' position as a means of intimidation. First off...anybody can sign a card, you are completely protected. Read the card it clearly states this. Second ...the people getting the cards signed are being asked to do so because the majority of the workforce respects them and the number of cards being signed represents that. Third...To bring disciplinary actions against any of these individuals must be asked for and heard by the membership. Most likely on the floor at a local meeting. This may happen and I can't speak for other cities but mine, but in Phl if Hayden asks for this he will be handed his head on a platter.This leadership scewed up big time and never even admitted to it. Now they see the reprecutions and now they feel a need to threaten and scare or intimidate us. The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few. Your safe in getting cards signed and talking. If the numbers were low and this was a rouge attack on the IAM, I'd say look out but you can't be accused of robbing your own house. Your in the majority and safe. Let someone(IAM) try to bring someone up on charges. They'd have to charge close to the whole fleet in Phl. Instead
I suggest we bring Hayden up on charges of job threats and Canale up on charges of ''conflict of interest,'' RIGHT...weren't we told we could be subject to termination if we worked for 2 different airlines at the same time. Well Canale is working for United and representing Usairways in negotiations at this very moment. You tell em what constitutes a ''Conflict of Interest''

Well sorry if the truth hurts, but that is reality and that is whom you are dealing with.
I have to laugh at u . The IBT who was the west mx union told you this was just a IAM pipe dream to keep members 2 years ago and just to set the record straight I told you so!!! We still have the sec 6 IN A IBT CONTRACT!!!! You just have no clue other than blind faith..... :lol:
Jeff did us a favor. That letter shows the level of intelligence we are dealing with. He let his anger take over. I dont hate jeff. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. When you start to target people that is down right wrong. Obviously he hates people who disagree with him. That letter sparked a wildfire ...................cards are being signed like crazy. People read that letter and say.... WOW, who is this union to target my brothers and sisters. Even the new hires were amazed at the lack of respect a union rep made on his own members.

Do we still have people on furlough?

If so are they eligible to vote?

And if they don't vote how will that be counted towards the total?
If there is an election and a new union is voted in, will the fleet workers be "at will" employees? If so what does that mean for us?

1. If a new union is voted in, they service your existing contract until another is negotiated.
the NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD Has all the answers on their website
example: IAM takes over west, services west contract! West are not employees "at will" until an agreement is reached!

2. If you are charged with dual unionism, they can make you a member in bad standing
but they can't fire you as long as you are paying dues.

The Landrum Grifith Act is the employees bill of rights. The Act protects your freedom of speach when speaking
out against the union. It also allows you to assemble in meetings outside of the lodge!
Explore this act and empower yourself!

If you want to take time to educate yourself, the NMB website for legal affairs is:

It includes the representation manual, the RLA, the nmb rules, and a good Q&A section.

The DOL Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) website is:

There you can obtain tons of data from any union!!!!!

Hope it helps,

Do we still have people on furlough?

If so are they eligible to vote?

And if they don't vote how will that be counted towards the total?

Check the NMB website Q&A.

Its in there :up:
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