Oregon Shooting

townpete said:
Yes because ignoring evil makes evil go away.....or something,

Problem solved!

/head desk
Giving him as much coverage as they give Trump or the Pope only makes you gun nuts look....nuts. 
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KCFlyer said:
Giving him as much coverage as they give Trump or the Pope only makes you gun nuts look....nuts. 
Well since most of these mass shootings were from liberals or products of liberal progressive nutzo's, best you look in the mirror for that gun nut. 
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KCFlyer said:
Take a deep breath.....
And lets jest remember one thing.
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I don't know why the shooter targeted Christians, but it slightly reduces the likelihood that he was a teabagger, and we have to hear President Obama imply that the real threat is the NRA.

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Kev3188 said:
...and now he gets the (brief) affirmation he so desperately craved...
Thanks a lot, Fourth Estate...
You really didn't think the shooters identity wasn't going to be released?

This is 2015 after all.

Quick calc based on FBI data, gun murders per 100K population.

1994: 6.2
2014: 3.0

Odds of being killed by gun 1/2 what they were 20 yrs ago.
townpete said:
You really didn't think the shooters identity wasn't going to be released?
No, I knew it was only a matter of time; I just happen to agree with what KCFlyer wrote earlier about people and the effect possible fame can has on some of these shooters...
I believe the statement was made that the police are searching all social media to determine what might be there and also who might be connected. When names get released, the investigation changes.

There is no attempt to protect anyone or hide from the reality that this situation presents.

There is a necessity to do the investigative work that needs to be done.

Given that this was clearly a hate crime, it makes all the sense in the world to make sure that the full picture is found and not some sanitized or partial view.
Pretty sure that since the shooter singled out Christians, it was either a brainwashed liberal Daily Show watcher or an innocent clock building Muslim.

Wonder why such a delay in releasing his name.
Careful: An online dating profile, linked to Harper-Mercer's e-mail address and featuring another photo of him, says the 26-year-old ... identifies his views as "conservative, republican,"

sounds like they got a pretty good social media profile of him before they released his name.

Just curious what someone like him thinks fame is worth when you are on a stainless steel tray in the county morgue refrigerator.
Kev3188 said:
...and now he gets the (brief) affirmation he so desperately craved...

Thanks a lot, Fourth Estate...
People "like him have nothing left to live for," Harper-Mercer wrote on August 31. "On an interesting note, I have noticed that so many people like him are all alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are. ... A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone. His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems the more people you kill, the more you're in the limelight. "
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Kev3188 said:
No, I knew it was only a matter of time; I just happen to agree with what KCFlyer wrote earlier about people and the effect possible fame can has on some of these shooters...
Really? The majority of the public most likely doesn't know the names of all the shooters who kill dozens every weekend in Chicago either.

Yet the killings continue.

What does that tell you?

Looks like this guy was motivated by the IRA and a ISIS hugger bff.

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