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Open Letter To Mr. Lakefield

ktflyhome said:
Yes, I will certainly pass this on. Given the F/A schedules, days off, reserves lines, I am sure you will have great numbers.!!!!!NOT Don't forget commuters, by the way.

This is going to turn out just like the last time. You know Pitbull and I know it.

Why are we even talking??????????

PS: Let us know what the numbers are, ok??? The company counts on this....it is a no win situation. They know it...the Union knows it...based at least on past experience. What is any different now. NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why doesn't the Union just tell us what the numbers/figures are going to be and be done with it so many can finally move on????? That is fair...isn't it??? <_< <_< <_< <_< <_<
The numbers do not get posted on a message board.

Come to the PIT meeting and your LEC President will be in a position to share information.

PS: The agenda for the meeting is not set yet. Once it is, it will be placed in the mailboxes. For mainline, the meeting is from 11-4. The meeting location is at the HYATT for convenience for f/as who commute to come to the airport.

Don't start making excuses and implying f/a absences already. You want answers, come to the meeting. There is absolutely NO excuse for only 20 f/as to show up at any given local meeting out of 1150. Not all 1100 are working at the same moment.

Yea, I have a right to complain too, after all, I pay $39 a month as well. <_<
PITbull said:
The numbers do not get posted on a message board.

Come to the PIT meeting and your LEC President will be in a position to share information.

PS: The agenda for the meeting is not set yet. Once it is, it will be placed in the mailboxes. For mainline, the meeting is from 11-4. The meeting location is at the HYATT for convenience for f/as who commute to come to the airport.

Don't start making excuses and implying f/a absences already. You want answers, come to the meeting. There is absolutely NO excuse for only 20 f/as to show up at any given local meeting out of 1150. Not all 1100 are working at the same moment.

Yea, I have a right to complain too, after all, I pay $39 a month as well. <_<
Don't start making excuses and implying f/a absences already. You want answers, come to the meeting. There is absolutely NO excuse for only 20 f/as to show up at any given local meeting out of 1150. Not all 1100 are working at the same moment.
but i have to bake cookies for church....................... :lol:
delldude said:
but i have to bake cookies for church....................... :lol:
Dude: Sure hope you haven’t contracted bovine spongiform encephalopathy because it's cumulative and your posts are pointing in that dire direction my friend.
cavalier said:
Dude: Sure hope you haven’t contracted bovine spongiform encephalopathy because it's cumulative and your posts are pointing in that dire direction my friend.
cavalier said:
Thanks for the laugh :lol: Bill is going to get pissed real soon now.....
he doesn't get up until after 10...maybe he needs a nice juicy steak.
delldude said:
he doesn't get up until after 10...maybe he needs a nice juicy steak.
He could use something to lighten him up a little, but I ain’t buying him any steak.

Good Day Goofy Dude
ktflyhome said:
They company does not want us to know. The Unions do not want us to know.

What ever information is given to us will be in some sort of legal gargon that none of us will half understand, so that we will vote on "stuff" and if passes, we can feel obligated and guilty for our lives .....if we even survive. !!!!!!!!!!

The Unions will come back on us...and say WELL THIS IS WHAT THE MAJORITY VOTED ONE. DO NOT COMPLAIN. DO ####. YOU VOTED FOR THIS....SO LIVE WITH IT. UNFORTUNATLEY.... the majority do not even understand what the HELL they even voted on.,.... thanks to the company and the UNION.

The company and the Union both deceive us. Best beware and read everything that comes your way with BIFOCALS> :angry:

PS I thought the Union took a vote whether to open the contracts or not. AND answer was no.!!! Now we are going into negotiations?????????? Guess our Union didn't care what the membership wanted!!!!!HM<MMMMHMMMMHMMMM
The IAM enjoys membership votes.. Last time around, They held {2} votes on the very same concessionary contract ammendment.. :down: I was hoping for "best {2} out of {3}"...... 😛h34r:
insp89 said:
The IAM enjoys membership votes.. Last time around, They held {2} votes on the very same concessionary contract ammendment.. :down: I was hoping for "best {2} out of {3}"...... 😛h34r:
your scared membership demanded the second vote....funny they vote down something then realize the reality of what they did.
funny too,happened exactly the same way with the strike vote in '92.....phone was ringing off the hook with scared,spineless ones wanting to change their vote now that a strike vote was authorized.
so don't totally put it on IAM.
Still waiting to hear the individual group employment numbers outside of bankruptcy. Here's an idea, put a little more HONESTY in the weekly message by stating these numbers in it !!!!
Mr. Lakefield,
Obviously, you aren't going to answer the question of how many fine professional, dedicated, best employees in the business, will be left in each respective group if the company gets everything they want outside of a second filing in the courts.

In negotiations specific numbers for each group probably hasn't been discussed, though the company has an idea of target numbers of where they would like to be. The unions who are talking can read the tea leaves and come up with their own set of numbers of employee loss in their respective groups based on the companies initial proposals. Even the unions who are not talking can get a good behind the scenes feel for the numbers of job loss trying to be implemented.

Now, let's just say you have an employee who wants to save their job and votes yes (for the sake of arguement). Lets say it's an employee of the CWA. This person goes from 20 to 13 an hour just in wages alone. Before the ink is dry on the new deal, this person receives his furlough notice. Apply this to every other group on the property.

There's a certain pilot on this website that states that if the new plan goes forward
there is reason to believe that more pilot staffing will be required than there is at todays levels due to increased flying. The below article states otherwise. which one is it ??

Seking the truth!! I am behind you 100% on your questions to mangement/aka Lakefield. I am afraid there is no real truth forthcoming. We are duped again, and held captive and in limbo of our lives, UNTIL they (being the Unions and the mangement get done with their little POW-WOWS) and then continue to jerk us around for a 3rd. time.

I too, would very much like to know what the NUMBERS are or will be. I am beginning to abhor those on here who do have some of the inside information and are not forthcoming, UNLESS it is is just to put some spin and fear into all of us.

Thanks for following up on your original post...I for one appreciate it. 🙂
delldude said:
your scared membership demanded the second vote....phone was ringing off the hook with scared,spineless ones wanting to change their vote now that a strike vote was authorized.
so don't totally put it on IAM.
There is NO truth whatsoever that thousands or hundreds of iam members demanded a revote on the same POS contract. The upper leadership (Robert Roach & Jim Varsel) of the iam caved in. Although I do believe that many local lodges thru out the system were responsible for many of the emails saying they were confused. :down: The sad part is that history has a way of repeating itself. :shock: Now thats a scary thought. Waitng for the stand to open. I hear that the hotel in DC is already booked for the day after a favorable airbus ruling is given.


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