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Oh Dear Lord, ..." NEVER say NEVER " !

ANd build a wall around 3 sides of your property and call yourself safe.
You focus where the problem is. Right now that is the South border.

By the way You hear about that ICE raid at Koch Foods?

Remember when I told you that these contract companies are funneling illegal labor to these corporations?

Koch Foods said in a statement Thursday that it screens employees through the federal government database E-Verify. Jim Gilliland, company spokesman, also said the company relies on temporary workers vetted through a third-party service.

Proof that illegals DO indeed drive down wages.

The left claims to champion American minorities but support policies that limit their employment opportunities in favor of illegals.


“By 10 a.m., a crowd of dozens was on hand … Most were black and spoke with accents from the American South. A few appeared white or Hispanic,” AP reported. From 2000 to 2009, the labor-force participation rate in Mississippi dropped by 9 percent, according to an August 8 report from Krikorian’s CIS. The drop from 78 percent to 69 percent leaves 494,000 U.S.-born adults out of the workforce in 2019, said the report, titled “The Employment Situation of Immigrants and Natives in the First Quarter of 2019.” The area’s unemployment is high, and the wages are low.

Federal data from 2018 shows that half of the meat cutters in the state were being paid less than $12.23 per hour. But wages have spiked upwards for Americans when employers were forced to give up their illegal workforces. Enforcement actions aided African-American bakers in Chicago and Somali refugees in Iowa and throughout the Midwest after the 2006 enforcement at the Swift & Co. meatpacking company.

The left has been telling us for years illegals fill jobs that Americans won't do.


But MSNBC’s correspondent Marian Atencio suggested that only Latinos can do the slaughterhouse jobs, saying, “This is pretty grueling work at these poultry plants and … poultry is an industry that has become — as many of these industries that rely on low skilled workers — dependent on Latin American immigration.”

However, at least two U.S. poultry plants are investing in European made-made machinery to make their legal workforces more productive. The extra productivity will allow the worker to do more work and get paid more. In Frederick, Pa., Bell & Evans is using machinery made by a Dutch firm, Myen, to build a 560,000-square-foot which can process 2.6 million birds per week. In Harrisonburg, Shenandoah Valley Organic is working with Meyn to upgrade its 65,000-square-foot facility.

This policy of inflating the labor supply boosts economic growth for investors because it transfers wages to investors and ensures that employers do not have to compete for American workers by offering higher wages and better working conditions.

So far everything the left has been saying for years regarding immigration is proving to be outright lies. So tell me why should anyone believe a border would be ineffective, especially when borders are so effective in other countries? Why would you voluntarily rob Americans of employment opportunities and drive down wages in favor of someone who violated our border?

You hate Donald Trump because he is knocking down the left's house of cards.
Find the one where I support open borders. Find the one where I say let them all in....You see...little old uneducated me doesn't rely on one man or one party to tell me what to think. I read. I analyze. I decide. So don't lump me in with "you lefties".

You are a stereotypical leftie. You parrot the same talking hollow points, and often put priority on feelings over facts.
You are a stereotypical leftie. You parrot the same talking hollow points, and often put priority on feelings over facts.
One more time...if I parrot the same talking points...it should be easy for you to find one of my posts calling for open borders and letting whoever wants into this country to come in. Take a look in the mirror to see the one who is parroting talking points.
You focus where the problem is. Right now that is the South border.

By the way You hear about that ICE raid at Koch Foods?

Where did I ever say they weren't driving down our wages? But Trump hasn't been harping on low wages. He's been inciting fear of rape, murder and drugs. Kind of a difference there.

And Republican businesses love them. Not only will they work for less, but they are far less likely to file any kind of work safety complaint to OSHA, nor are they likely to complain when they aren't paid overtime rates. It saves them money.

And not that long ago, some guy in Texas (Tom Delay) wanted to implement a "guest worker" program similar to Saipan. Sort of like legalized slavery. Bring them over to work and pay them less. Would it be better if we had one of those programs to take jobs from Americans?

ANd here's the deal....all we have done in the past is send the illegal home while the company hires another. Eventually the fist guy makes it back. And when we send the other one back, the first one gets rehired. So the DEMAND for low wage workers remains.

Imagine for a moment what might happen if we attached a SEVERE penalty to the business for hiring illegals. You know...a really big fine....big enough to impact "shareholder value" for publicly traded companies, and big enough to put a small business OUT of business. Do you think management might reevaluate using illegal labor? But fines aren't "business friendly". It takes two to tango when it comes to illegal labor....the illegal to do the work, and the management to illegally used the illegal.

YOu can build all the walls with a thousand mile long hole in it that you want....but that's not going to stop companies from hiring illegal employees.
Where did I ever say they weren't driving down our wages? But Trump hasn't been harping on low wages. He's been inciting fear of rape, murder and drugs. Kind of a difference there.

And Republican businesses love them. Not only will they work for less, but they are far less likely to file any kind of work safety complaint to OSHA, nor are they likely to complain when they aren't paid overtime rates. It saves them money.

And not that long ago, some guy in Texas (Tom Delay) wanted to implement a "guest worker" program similar to Saipan. Sort of like legalized slavery. Bring them over to work and pay them less. Would it be better if we had one of those programs to take jobs from Americans?

ANd here's the deal....all we have done in the past is send the illegal home while the company hires another. Eventually the fist guy makes it back. And when we send the other one back, the first one gets rehired. So the DEMAND for low wage workers remains.

Imagine for a moment what might happen if we attached a SEVERE penalty to the business for hiring illegals. You know...a really big fine....big enough to impact "shareholder value" for publicly traded companies, and big enough to put a small business OUT of business. Do you think management might reevaluate using illegal labor? But fines aren't "business friendly". It takes two to tango when it comes to illegal labor....the illegal to do the work, and the management to illegally used the illegal.

YOu can build all the walls with a thousand mile long hole in it that you want....but that's not going to stop companies from hiring illegal employees.
I want you to show me where that 1000 mile hole is so that we can both respond with the same sourced information.
I want you to show me where that 1000 mile hole is so that we can both respond with the same sourced information.

Here's an interactive map


Here's another map and story


Here's another site


From that article

Most of the border – 65 percent of the nearly 2,000-mile border – has no fence. In its place are natural barriers such as rivers, cliffs and mountains that make it difficult to cross or difficult to build. Some of these are places with so little movement across the border that previous administrations have deemed a barrier unnecessary.

It went on to say that the Rio Grande river is the barrier. I lived in Texas in the 70's. You are in Oklahoma, which is pretty close. Ever hear the word "wetback"? Guess where it came from.

Edited to add....here's a link from a non fake news site called "conservative hardliner"...and they are talking about what a great job Trump is doing. It was posted last week. And it includes a map. And that map shows....most of Texas without a wall

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