The way the Democrats beat the M O R O N, is to just let the MORON keep talking !!
Don't pay any attention to THAT SOUND as you walk across the ICE !
The Economy wont have enough time to rebound before Nov.!
The Unemployment rate wont have enough time to rebound before Nov!
PLEASE, Mitch Mcconnell, PLEASE keep talking about states going BANKRUPT. (As GOV. Cuomo said to MMc, " GO AHEAD, push that Idiocy, " I DARE YOU " !
The NY Times, the WASHINGTON Post and CNN have the Orange Baboon TRAPPED in a cross-fire that he can't escape from.
There aren't ENOUGH Half-Wits like Insp69 in the USA to save his worthless Arse, this time around.
As I say, Pay NO attention to that CRACKING SOUND beneath your feet, as you walk across the ICE on that very deep Lake !