if your savior would not be a lying hypocritical person with no empathy for black and brown people that want to immigrate to this country i might agree with some of your ideals. your savior is a godless ignorant ass that only wants white people to immigrate to this country. we need the immigration because we need more people for our work force.Well for one you and your merry band of facists:
A) Chase out people eating in peace at restaurants just because of political differences (much like Nazi’s persecution of Jews)
B) Beat people up over a hat. (much like Nazi’s persecution of Jews)
C) Want everyone and anything erased from history because of a confederate flag. (much like Nazi’s persecution of Jews)
D) Want people to lose there jobs because they may have liked or said something related to civil war era. (much like Nazi’s persecution of Jews)
E) Want speech regulated and any dissent be banned/driven from society. (much like Nazi’s persecution of Jews)
I could go on but I think you get the idea...