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Official: AMR Bankrupt

TWU's structure and history have got us where we are today. While we have AMT's with 11-28-11, the next question is for how long. The way I see it, the company will cut labor somewhere, will it be at the top or at the bottom?


Exactly. I'll be absolutely stunned if I come out of this unscathed.
For those who haven't seen it, this intereview is interesting only in what this attorney doesn't say.


We still have people in denial here. Thinking things are going to continue as they are.
I think the unions need to be more proactive and inform the membership of what is
coming instead of giving people a false sense of security. I don't care if we are or not
the best currently paid; the reality is things are going to get worse for the employees.
We still have people in denial here. Thinking things are going to continue as they are.
I think the unions need to be more proactive and inform the membership of what is
coming instead of giving people a false sense of security. I don't care if we are or not
the best currently paid; the reality is things are going to get worse for the employees.

Nowhere more than in TULE base. It's as if nothing at all has happened...
Then again...they probably have the seniority to weather it all-unlike me. <_<
We still have people in denial here. Thinking things are going to continue as they are.
I think the unions need to be more proactive and inform the membership of what is
coming instead of giving people a false sense of security. I don't care if we are or not
the best currently paid; the reality is things are going to get worse for the employees.

You are correct on all points. But most of you will survive all of this. Why? Because just like any other test in this life you have to. It's what we humans do.
For those who haven't seen it, this intereview is interesting only in what this attorney doesn't say.


So the pension has gone from $7 billion in july, to $10billion last week to $4 billion now.
Now none of our competitors have OH on the scale that we do, stop attacking the TWU for past actions you don't agree with and concentrate on the present/future.

The way I see it the TWU thought long term i.e.....we have AMTs on the seniority list with 11-28-11 date at TUL and at UAL you need to have 2000 seniority just to be still working at ORD where they have a 1000 mechs.

Not one airline has as many mechs as AA.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana

You say its an attack, I say its putting it all out there so a fair comparasion can be made. Overspeed echoed what sounds like a management claim that we had 6000 more mechanics making $33 an hour,I showed how thats not the case. That our average wage is much less than that. I maintain that we have always given, and continue to give, AA a cost advantage as far as Aircraft Maintenance labor and that point is very relevant to the present and future.

You say that we were forward thinking and reatained more mechanics by selling out the profession, I say if we had not undercut the industry so badly back in 1995 then more than likely thousands of mechanics at other carriers never would have lost their jobs and most of our competitors would still be doing most of their OH in house like us. SRPs gave an advantage to AA but hurt the profession.

By the way you would need more than 2000 seniority to work in many of our stations, and I beleieve that UAL has already gone to the streets in some stations. They may still have thousands on the recall list but that list is rapidly shrinking as people turn down the offer to go back, much like ours did.

Not one airline has as many mechs as AA.

Is your objective to be with the company that employs the most mechanics or the best paid mechanics?
I dont think so. I believe the Mechanics negotiate seperately from the Drivers, pilots, ramp etc.
The aircraft mechanics fall under the RLA. The truck drivers fall under NLRA. The truck drivers wouldn't work with an expired contract, they would strike.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana

You say its an attack, I say its putting it all out there so a fair comparasion can be made. Overspeed echoed what sounds like a management claim that we had 6000 more mechanics making $33 an hour,I showed how thats not the case. That our average wage is much less than that. I maintain that we have always given, and continue to give, AA a cost advantage as far as Aircraft Maintenance labor and that point is very relevant to the present and future.

You say that we were forward thinking and reatained more mechanics by selling out the profession, I say if we had not undercut the industry so badly back in 1995 then more than likely thousands of mechanics at other carriers never would have lost their jobs and most of our competitors would still be doing most of their OH in house like us. SRPs gave an advantage to AA but hurt the profession.

By the way you would need more than 2000 seniority to work in many of our stations, and I beleieve that UAL has already gone to the streets in some stations. They may still have thousands on the recall list but that list is rapidly shrinking as people turn down the offer to go back, much like ours did.

Is your objective to be with the company that employs the most mechanics or the best paid mechanics?

No matter what happens, there is going to be someone that thought the union leadership did wrong by their membership, wether it be Bob complaining about Little for what Bob considers wrong doing or wether it be the junior half of the seniority list that thinks Bob is doing wrong by them. I think there is a little right and wrong in everything that has happened, and will happen. All depends how it effects you I guess.

Whatever the outcome I do not envy the TWU leaders involved in this whole BK proceedings, but I thank them for their hard work. What a difficult road we all face, either here or at a new company or new career field.
No matter what happens, there is going to be someone that thought the union leadership did wrong by their membership, wether it be Bob complaining about Little for what Bob considers wrong doing or wether it be the junior half of the seniority list that thinks Bob is doing wrong by them. I think there is a little right and wrong in everything that has happened, and will happen. All depends how it effects you I guess.

Whatever the outcome I do not envy the TWU leaders involved in this whole BK proceedings, but I thank them for their hard work. What a difficult road we all face, either here or at a new company or new career field.
The question is not what the leadership has done, it is what they will do. It is funny that you singled out Bob Owens, who happens to be part of the leadership that you do not envy. Bob "ATLAS" Owens will take care of it, whether or not he is a active participant or just an observer.

weth·er   /ˈwɛðər/ Show Spelled[weth-er]

1. a castrated male sheep.
2. Also called wether wool . wool from previously shorn sheep.


before 900; Middle English, Old English; cognate with Old Saxon withar, Old High German widar, Old Norse vethr, Gothic withrus
I dont think so. I believe the Mechanics negotiate seperately from the Drivers, pilots, ramp etc.

I could be wrong on that. Since the IBT had all grps at UPS, and negotiate there contracts simulaneously, (all expire same time)...assumed they did all the deals at once.
Guess is what I was saying...
So the pension has gone from $7 billion in july, to $10billion last week to $4 billion now.

Lower the assumed rate of return since July to reflect the stock market trending downward gets you a double whammy of increased funding requirements and a corporate outlook that sees a continued deterioration in the economy as reflected in market returns on assets, (the $7B to $10B): the legal counsel continues to use the assumed rate of return, (the $4B ) that legally minimizes the underfunding of the DBP.
You have no proof AA would have filed and still use it as an excuse to keep from admitting your ignorance. And what difference would it have made if they did?
Other than at least show we are not stupid ass whiners? And you would have spent your signing bonus and be making higher crew chief pay.
You sit and read your USAToday for a cuople of hours every damn day, and screw off in other ways the rest of the day and so that gives you more time to #### the loudest while pretending to know it all. I know you have personally attacked my skill group as if we are lower than you which is a skill group that I happen to be proud to belong to. Nobody I know in your crew has an ounce of respect for you. Your Supervisor talks about you behind your back as if you need different medication and how ignorant you are. AA has to have two Crew Chiefs in your area for a crew half the size of most. You could have killed fellow employees with your past screwups.

And you think I care what you think? LOL

And you think you deserve more. I think you are indeed one of those that is lucky to have a job...brother.
You can hide behind your alias with others but not me...

Get to F'ing work and earn your way and stop acting as if you are entitled to continue to screw a company and a profession into the ground !!!
You cannot handle the truth so you throw out your one line post of ignorance in response. How does that amaze you?
Wow.... As far as my job goes, in the first place, you are not qualified to do it. In the second place, I don't work for you. As far as respect from my crew, I bet they are more loyal to me than you. As far as my supervisor saying things about me, I couldn't care less. Maybe you should go into management? As far as attacking your profession.... I have stated in the past that welders and machinists should not be able to bump and AMT. So does that mean I have attacked the machinists too? Kind of off topic huh? I suggest if you have any more personal shots at me, you grow a set of balls and tell me to my face.

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