What amazes me is that you think that AA would not have filed if we had bought that bad of crap.What amazes the hell out of me that even after all the available information on the Chapter 11 process, there are still those that believe "who" represents the line AMT matters, or who represents overhaul matters. They even still argue as if their opinions still matter in this process.
No freakin wonder we ended up in this situation. The way I see it AA offered up a way for us to keep working and leave with our pensions via attrition, and the cost of restructuring was of very little harm to current employees. But the bad ass boys trying to save the profession sunk that option. Now they try to justify that ignorance by claiming AA would have filed anyway. What is really sad is I have very little trust in management, but I have less trust in a bunch hard core idiots who think everyone is against them and their story and their defined enemy changes depending on the actions of others. That is NOT leadership my friends, that is anarchy and stupid at best.
<_< ----- O.K. informer! You've vented your frustrations!------ So what do you suggest? You don't trust management, or your Union! What are you going to do about it? As you well know, bitching about it on this forum ain't going to do much good! -------- "Hind sight is 20/20!" Today is a different day!------- Deal with it!!!!
What amazes me is that you think that AA would not have filed if we had bought that bad of crap.
<_< ----- O.K. informer! You've vented your frustrations!------ So what do you suggest? You don't trust management, or your Union! What are you going to do about it? As you well know, bitching about it on this forum ain't going to do much good! -------- "Hind sight is 20/20!" Today is a different day!------- Deal with it!!!!
What amazes the hell out of me that even after all the available information on the Chapter 11 process, there are still those that believe "who" represents the line AMT matters, or who represents overhaul matters. They even still argue as if their opinions still matter in this process.
No freakin wonder we ended up in this situation. The way I see it AA offered up a way for us to keep working and leave with our pensions via attrition, and the cost of restructuring was of very little harm to current employees. But the bad ass boys trying to save the profession sunk that option. Now they try to justify that ignorance by claiming AA would have filed anyway. What is really sad is I have very little trust in management, but I have less trust in a bunch hard core idiots who think everyone is against them and their story and their defined enemy changes depending on the actions of others. That is NOT leadership my friends, that is anarchy and stupid at best.
<_< ------ Are you through crying about it? How did us folks at TWA handel it? I'll tell you how! We didn't have the "Good Life" you enjoy there in TUL! We were on the edge of going under for years, and we all knew it! We all, or at least most of us, had other things working for us besides TWA. Some had farms, others were building houses on the side, others repaired cars. Knowing, someday that might be their only income! Damn it! You don't cry about the hand dealt you! You deal with it! You do whatever it takes to put food on the table, and cloths on your children! ------- "Look at me"? Oh, I didn't do too bad! I've built my own home in the foothills of Southern Calif., owned rental properties. Moved my family Kansas City, where i now have a nice home, am retired, with enough money in the bank, and invested, to keep my wife and myself "comfortable".--------- I've got a daughter and her family, with three grandchildren, here in Mo. I've got a second home down in the Virgin Islands, where my Son and his family live, with two more grandchildren.------- Oh I'm doing O.K. thanks in part to TWA, and yes, AA! ----- Yea! YAHOO!Is that how you folks at TWA handled it?
And look at you and that Ariline now. YAHOO
I think I will take my advice from someone else thank you. There is nothing left to suggest, we have been check mated. That was my point that you must have missed.
WOW!<_< ------ Are you through crying about it? How did us folks at TWA handel it? I'll tell you how! We didn't have the "Good Life" you enjoy there in TUL! We were on the edge of going under for years, and we all knew it! We all, or at least most of us, had other things working for us besides TWA. Some had farms, others were building houses on the side, others repaired cars. Knowing, someday that might be their only income! Damn it! You don't cry about the hand dealt you! You deal with it! You do whatever it takes to put food on the table, and cloths on your children! ------- "Look at me"? Oh, I didn't do too bad! I've built my own home in the foothills of Southern Calif., owned rental properties. Moved my family Kansas City, where i now have a nice home, am retired, with enough money in the bank, and invested, to keep my wife and myself "comfortable".--------- I've got a daughter and her family, with three grandchildren here in Mo. I've got a second home down in the Virgin Islands, where my Son and his family live, with two more grandchildren.------- Oh I'm doing O.K. thanks in part to TWA, and yes, AA! ----- Yea! YAHOO!
<_< ------ Are you through crying about it? How did us folks at TWA handel it? I'll tell you how! We didn't have the "Good Life" you enjoy there in TUL! We were on the edge of going under for years, and we all knew it! We all, or at least most of us, had other things working for us besides TWA. Some had farms, others were building houses on the side, others repaired cars. Knowing, someday that might be their only income! Damn it! You don't cry about the hand dealt you! You deal with it! You do whatever it takes to put food on the table, and cloths on your children! ------- "Look at me"? Oh, I didn't do too bad! I've built my own home in the foothills of Southern Calif., owned rental properties. Moved my family Kansas City, where i now have a nice home, am retired, with enough money in the bank, and invested, to keep my wife and myself "comfortable".--------- I've got a daughter and her family, with three grandchildren, here in Mo. I've got a second home down in the Virgin Islands, where my Son and his family live, with two more grandchildren.------- Oh I'm doing O.K. thanks in part to TWA, and yes, AA! ----- Yea! YAHOO!
So, are you working under and imposed agreement or one that was voted in by the members at USAIR?They filed in September of 2004, we started Negotiations in November of 2004 and our CBA was abrogated in February of 2005.
That's really the unions question, by the way UAL has a TA that they are voting on Dec 29, so the only ones left below us is USAIR and they have been in mediation since July.Try to remember that USAir's bankruptcy timeline was under the "take as much time as you need to come up with a restructuring plan" days.
AMR's got a much more compressed timeline, which works more to their benefit than to yours. I don't think waiting 45-60 days and then going for another 60-90 days is going to happen with AMR. They're also in a situation where there have been recent TA's reached under Section 6.
Yes, I know... Conventional wisdom says that all the Section 6 negotiations and the TA's reached mean nothing in S1113.
Each bankruptcy filing tends to shape how the subsequent ones are handled... when you don't have a lot of case law to fall back on, a judge might be willing to give a little more latitude than expected.
Try to remember that the new law has has never been tested under a condition where an airline walks into court and says "we've spent four years negotiating in what we consider good-faith, including Federally mediation -- how much more 'good faith' can we afford to extend?"
With the more aggressive timelines mandated by the 2005 change, it's not out of the question for the S1113 timeline to also be more aggressive.