October Obamacare Numbers are Out

AdAstraPerAspera said:
 Doesn't change the fact that you would have supported this effort if this were still 1993 and this effort was proposed by the Republican-controlled congress as an alternative to what was then-termed "Hillarycare" and you know it.
Don't count your chickens, Pal......
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It's the end of the second month. Is the website fixed yet? Has anyone been held accountable for the failures, or wasting of taxpayer funds?...
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AdAstraPerAspera said:
The states have only themselves to blame for not starting up and operating their own exchanges like they could have. You know, states rights and all….. I thought we were for that….
The states that opted out of the exchanges obviously have no interest in being a party to this land-grab. It's the only choice they had. If we were really following a states rights approach, then states who wanted Obamacare could adopt it, and and those who wanted to respect an individual's right to not pay for a product they don't want could have left market based systems in place.

But that's not what happened. Dems rammed this disaster of legislation thru without any negotiating with Republicans, and the Dems alone own the responsibility for its failures.
eolesen said:
It's the end of the second month. Is the website fixed yet? Has anyone been held accountable for the failures, or wasting of taxpayer funds?...
Unfortunately not, someone should be held accountable. These people creating this horrible website I heard were from Canada, what we need from Canada is their version of healthcare.

Not the single paer as in Europe, the Canadian is different. it works.....

Vermont is setting the new standard,

People need to understand, if your not with us, your against us, where have I heard that before..!!
So long as the penalty is less than the cost of getting health care then why should someone bother to sign up?

Not sure who thought that would work.
Ms Tree said:
So long as the penalty is less than the cost of getting health care then why should someone bother to sign up?

Not sure who thought that would work.
The only party to vote for Obamacare thought it was a great idea.
AdAstraPerAspera said:
 Doesn't change the fact that you would have supported this effort if this were still 1993 and this effort was proposed by the Republican-controlled congress as an alternative to what was then-termed "Hillarycare" and you know it.
The mindless drones lined up on the left side of the street and passed this travesty.  Your GOP buddies in 1993 never got it off the ground with malpractice limits.

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