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Obama the Unknown

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One thing Obama hasn't waffled on is gun control. So, I won't be voting for him.

That is a deal breaker there. Who cares about the economy, globalization, world war, poverty, heath care, ...

As long as I have my guns.

By the way, I am a gun owner and do not want any further restriction, but that is not the basis of which my vote for the leader of the free comes.
That is a deal breaker there. Who cares about the economy, globalization, world war, poverty, heath care, ...

As long as I have my guns.

By the way, I am a gun owner and do not want any further restriction, but that is not the basis of which my vote for the leader of the free comes.

Good for you Dude.....one issue voters make me sick.
McSame may be a courageous man...but his track record is not that stellar. Read anything just about from any source today, and they say McSame's biggest flaw is that he will change his opinion depending on what the last person he spoke with thought.

Kinda Like a ‘politician’? DOH!!!

As for the "partial birth" or late term abortion...how many of these are being used for birth control purposes? Without going into the details, my ex had to have a late term abortion. I wouldn't wish the decision on anyone, especially when you wanted a baby but found it lacked a brain. Would you make your wife carry it to term? Because if you would have outlawed "partial birth abortions" you would have condemned my wife to carrying what the medical community loving calls a "monster" to term. Yes...there might be a few folks who are heartless enough to get pregnant and wait several months into the pregnancy to decide that they didn't want it. I think most folks who have that procedure are having it done for reasons other than birth control.


Most of us ‘Coolers’ know you are a very good hearted person. I respect you in the things you try to accomplish and applaud you for your decisions (errr…most of the time). You were given a hard hand to deal with, which I would probably agree with if it were my decision.

Most of us here in the ‘Cooler’ can at certain times become pretentious and arrogant in our beliefs. I, for one, have learned a lot just from reading more so than posting.

I do feel a little dissed when you did not provide a retort with some ‘interaction' on the post:

The Dark Side of the Toyota Prius

Which I posted for your benefit.

Regardless, Take Care!

B) xUT
I do feel a little dissed when you did not provide a retort with some ‘interaction' on the post:

The Dark Side of the Toyota Prius

Which I posted for your benefit.

Regardless, Take Care!

B) xUT
Should I feel bad about buying a Prius when American auto plants shut down and sent jobs to Mexico at factories paying less for a days work than American workers were making in an hour? Or textiles plants in North Carolina closed because a sweat shop in Malaysia would do 5 times the work for 1/10th the price? General Motors pooh poohed the idea of a hybrid when I bought mine. Only Ford made any effort at all for a hybrid - and that was in an SUV. I prefer not to drive a truck, although the Escape hybrid SUV gets way better mileage than many of it's counterparts.

I already don't shop at Walmart and buy shirts made by unionized American workers. Yes - I bought an import...but my 300M was "imported" from Canada. The last "American" car I bought was a Honda Accord. Toyota's not perfect. I'm sure I'm leaving a bigger "carbon footprint" than Leonardo DiCaprio might think we are in our Prius'. I guess the Japanese are looking to keep production costs low - just like American companies.

To many on the right, utopia would be returning America to the days of the robber barons and sweat shops. I guess it's just that good old "global economy" at work...we're all willing to watch pay and work conditions fall as the 'investor class' (and being in a 401k doesn't make one an investor) gets rich. If the rest of the world is going to do it - why not Toyota?
That is a deal breaker there. Who cares about the economy, globalization, world war, poverty, heath care, ...

As long as I have my guns.

By the way, I am a gun owner and do not want any further restriction, but that is not the basis of which my vote for the leader of the free comes.

No, not a deal breaker. I wouldn't have voted for him anyway. Many of his "great ideas" involve expanding government, as if only government can "rescue" the economy, "save" homeowners from being foreclosed upon by the "evil" banks, etc. He's not "hope for America", he's just another liberal politician whose nutty supporters are trying to guilt people into voting for him because he's black.
No, not a deal breaker. I wouldn't have voted for him anyway. Many of his "great ideas" involve expanding government, as if only government can "rescue" the economy, "save" homeowners from being foreclosed upon by the "evil" banks, etc. He's not "hope for America", he's just another liberal politician whose nutty supporters are trying to guilt people into voting for him because he's black.
Do I detect a little backpedaling there JS???? It sure sounded like you'd vote for the guy if he supported your right to deer hunt with a howitzer.
And McSame hasn't "flip flopped"? Good heavens, he voted against bills he SPONSORED. How many votes has McSame missed...not vote "present"...MISSED. Do an internet search and find articles from the 2000 campaign and where McSame stood on the issues then...and compare them to where he stands today. I would have voted for McCain back in 2000, but today it really is like voting for a third term of W.

I don't know if you saw Obama's statement on the 5 day Russian invasion of Georgia, but his total lack of diplomacy and military experience is very scary. His youth and inexperience will allow the likes of Putin to walk all over him. McCain called the new Russian President on the phone and told him to withdraw his troops and cease fire. There is no comparison here.

Please get it straight, it will be a 3rd term for Republicans, not a 3rd term for W. I frankly like someone who can stand down the enemy. Obama couldn't stand down a puppet. I would think twice about putting our country in the hands of someone who was not even born here. I also have a big big problem with his racist ways...totally ignoring his 50% white ancestry. How come we never see Obama promiting his white ancestry? His grandparents did the most for him as a child and what do they get for their time and money sending him to good schools? Absolute nothing! What kind of gratitude is that? If he wants to brings the races together, he needs to stop showing off his black side so much. He should treat all equally and that is not happening.
Do I detect a little backpedaling there JS???? It sure sounded like you'd vote for the guy if he supported your right to deer hunt with a howitzer.

What's your point? I have no interest in discussing whether I would vote for McObama who is a liberal in every way except gun control, because McObama doesn't exist.
When I close my eyes and put each candidates face in front of me, I feel much more comfortable with McCain, than Obama. Forget the two Parties, they are pretty much the same. Look at the Man!

IMHO that comes off as a racist statement. Are you saying just by looking at them you are more comfortable with an old white male face instead of a younger black male. That speaks volumes. I really hope the majority of our country has evolved to a higher plane than that. I look at the man but I disagree I also have to look at the party to the degree of party values. I am a person who believes for a nation with our wealth that we need to provide a basic safety net for those who thru no fault of thier own lose thier jobs. Most people do not want hand outs like the conservatives want you to believe. Most people just want help picking themselves up if they experience some life changing event like thier job going over seas and then having to retrain themselves for a different kind of career, also if they are hit with unexpected medical bills, or some hurricain or tornado. There are many legitimate people who are suffering and need help. I believe as a first world country we have an obligation to ensure that our citizens have those basic needs met. Our politicians sure havce thier needs met. I do not agree with every democratic policy or with every democrat. But I have to look at the whole package and not just one or two issues. I heard on FOX news the other day I believe it was Hannity and Kolmes, that Obama supported late term abortions for the mothers he even supported the mothers haveing the right to kill the babies after they were born. I have not heard that at all. I think he does support abortion and even some partial birth abortions (which I really dont unless it would endanger the mothers life) but I am sure he does not support killing the babies after they are born because that would be murder under our present laws. It is shameful that they would try to distort his position on abortion like that because they know if they say it on tv there will be a lot of people who will believe it. I hope that the majority doesnt fall for those dividing issues that have worked for the republican party the past 2 presidential elections.
I don't know if you saw Obama's statement on the 5 day Russian invasion of Georgia, but his total lack of diplomacy and military experience is very scary. His youth and inexperience will allow the likes of Putin to walk all over him. McCain called the new Russian President on the phone and told him to withdraw his troops and cease fire. There is no comparison here.

Please get it straight, it will be a 3rd term for Republicans, not a 3rd term for W. I frankly like someone who can stand down the enemy. Obama couldn't stand down a puppet. I would think twice about putting our country in the hands of someone who was not even born here. I also have a big big problem with his racist ways...totally ignoring his 50% white ancestry. How come we never see Obama promiting his white ancestry? His grandparents did the most for him as a child and what do they get for their time and money sending him to good schools? Absolute nothing! What kind of gratitude is that? If he wants to brings the races together, he needs to stop showing off his black side so much. He should treat all equally and that is not happening.

Just how do you want him to show his white side? And just because someone has been around a long time doesnt mean that they have good experience. A person can be knowledgable and intellegent while still being younger. I believe that Obama would be great for foriegn policy. He soulds more reasoned and level headed. I beleive McCain may have past his prime. He has to read most of his comments and speaches off the telepromtor. He looks very feable to me. I respect him for all of his service to our country but that doesnt give him an automatic pass to be president. He has do a lot of flip flopping, he used to be much more middle of the road and challenged the republican party but now just to get elected he is choosing to apease the right wing of the party and I have lost some of my respect for him.
Some choice!
Keating five McCain.
McCain known as "song bird" by his NVA captors because he liked to "sing."
McCain who broke his arms while ejecting, yet the party line is that they were broken while being tortured.
John McCain who refused to be released early from captivity...Yeah, because had he taken advantage of the fact that his father was CINPAC during the Vietnam war and left early, he would have had no future as a politician. A real hero writes about McCain
Then there's Obama. What can you say? Johnny come lately darling of the corporate controlled "left" leaning media.
Obama and his wife are members of the Council on Foreign Relations...you know ,the CFR which ten years ago if you said it existed you were a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy nut.
Obama promises "change." Thats about as vague as the war on terror.
You want change, change your underwear! :down:
To many on the right, utopia would be returning America to the days of the robber barons and sweat shops. I guess it's just that good old "global economy" at work...we're all willing to watch pay and work conditions fall as the 'investor class' (and being in a 401k doesn't make one an investor) gets rich. If the rest of the world is going to do it - why not Toyota?

KC....look around....American labor is going down that slippery slope you describe.
You really should do a bit more research. I addressed the 'present' issue alredy in a seperate thread. Suffice to say it has nothing to do with Congress. It has to do with his voting in the IL senate and out of his 4,000 plus votes he voted present only about 130 +/- times (you do the math) and this wa a common practice for all senators in the IL senate (you look it up).

I did..........

“If you are worried about your next election, the present vote gives you political cover,†said Kent D. Redfield, a professor of political studies at the University of Illinois at Springfield. “This is an option that does not exist in every state and reflects Illinois political culture.â€


In 1999, Barack Obama was faced with a difficult vote in the Illinois legislature — to support a bill that would let some juveniles be tried as adults, a position that risked drawing fire from African-Americans, or to oppose it, possibly undermining his image as a tough-on-crime moderate.
In the end, Mr. Obama chose neither to vote for nor against the bill. He voted “present,†effectively sidestepping the issue, an option he invoked nearly 130 times as a state senator.

Much like his present campaign...

Double duh..

Can you imagine in your wildest dreams voting "present" on a bill that would prohibit sex-related shops from opening near schools or places of worship?


But Wolfson charged that on the many votes where Obama was the only “present†vote, Obama “took a pass.â€

“Sen. Obama says he’s going to fight for his positions,†Weiner said. “In order to do that you have to have a position.â€

Weiner said Obama appeared to employ a strategy of building an “intentionally vague†record to avoid the need to defend controversial votes in later elections.


"What's stopped us is the failure of leadership, the smallness of our politics--the ease with which we're distracted by the petty and trivial, our chronic avoidance of tough decisions," Obama said in his announcement speech. But a closer look at the presidential candidate's record in the Illinois Legislature reveals something seemingly contradictory: a number of occasions when Obama avoided making hard choices.

Gets better Mr.Kitty...

If Obama had taken a position for or against these bills, he would have pleased some constituents and alienated others. Instead, the Illinois legislator-turned-U.S. senator and, now, Democratic presidential hopeful essentially took a pass.

Just like in his present campaign...smoke,mirrors and ducks hard issues.
"When I close my eyes and put each candidates face in front of me, I feel much more comfortable with McCain, than Obama. Forget the two Parties, they are pretty much the same. Look at the Man!"

IMHO that comes off as a racist statement. Are you saying just by looking at them you are more comfortable with an old white male face instead of a younger black male. That speaks volumes.

That really does speak volumes about you! My intention with my statement above was "youth" (Obama) vs. "maturity" (McCain). I made no mention of "old white male instead of a younger black male". Why did you assume "racism"? There lies the real problem in this country. You are so focused on skin color. Get over it. White people don't whine about their skin color!

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