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McCain Suspends His Campaign

...................and the Dems second in command is the Gaffemeister, Biden. Doesn't that make you feel more secure?

Gaffs verses incompetence? Hell yes I'll take Biden over Palin any day. Hell, I'd take Quayle over Palin.
...................and the Dems second in command is the Gaffemeister, Biden. Doesn't that make you feel more secure?
"gaffemeister" is the worst you can come up with? Making the occassional "gaffes" doesn't make him unfit to lead. Not having any basic knowledge of the issues DOES make a person unfit to lead, however.
"gaffemeister" is the worst you can come up with? Making the occassional "gaffes" doesn't make him unfit to lead. Not having any basic knowledge of the issues DOES make a person unfit to lead, however.

Yeah...we're closing on 8 years with an idiot that automatically "gaffes" whenever he opens his mouth, has no knowledge on the issues, and won't listen to advisors that DO have knowledge on issues unless they agree with his preconceived and baseless ideas. And that is FIRST in command.
"potatoe" was funny. There were other tings that made him questionable for command. I thought the best indication of his lack of inteligence was:

"I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have
was that I didn't study Latin harder in school so I could converse
with those people"

Perhaps his brain was thinking "Latin America" and it just slipped out but one has to wonder given his limited understanding of so much if he really knew.
Gaffes come in many forms................

He told a man in a wheelchair to stand up. Is that the gaffe you're stuck on? Bush told a blind man to take off his sunglasses....among a thousand others. One of these two said that they felt bad for their 'gaffe' and it ain't Bush.
I just watched some of the Katie Couric interview.

It was very painful to watch.

Wait, there is more...

Oh my gosh. At least she has nice glasses... :blink:

Speaking of Katie Couric and painful, did you check out the Couric interview with Biden?

In the course of a week, the country watched as Biden spoke against his own party policies and demonstrated the same expert grasp on history as he has on Barack Obama’s policies in this election;

Biden: FDR Led When Market Crashed

FDR was not in office at the time of the 1929 crash and his "fireside chats" were on the radio.

Then, and in the same interview, Biden stated that he did not agree with Obama’s ad that criticized McCain’s lack of e-mail skills;

Biden: Obama ad attacking McCain "Terrible"

Then there’s the statements Biden made about “clean coal†and “no coal plants here in America†knowing that hundreds of thousands of US citizens made a living mining coal. The United Mine Workers Union has endorsed Obama for president . . . oops! Isn’t Pennsylvania and Ohio “swing†states?

Joe Biden on Renewables and Coal in Maumee, OH

Oh my gosh. At least he has nice hair plugs!
Go, John, go! Way to capitalize on a horrible situation. Real class. If he were so concerned, he would have voted on any number of related issues over the past two weeks but he has been more concerned with not showing a stance. This charade is disgusting. :down:
Given that it has been two days since you made this statement, I’m sure you can tell me how many bills McCain missed over the last two weeks.
Given that it has been two days since you made this statement, I’m sure you can tell me how many bills McCain missed over the last two weeks.

Sure can. All of them. It's right in the congressional record. "Not present". Same as Obama. However Obama wasn't trying to make it sound like he was the savior of the current crisis and that he has been 'so active' with Congress to get anything done. So I can absolutely tell you that he has missed all of them. What was your point?
Sure can. All of them. It's right in the congressional record. "Not present". Same as Obama. However Obama wasn't trying to make it sound like he was the savior of the current crisis and that he has been 'so active' with Congress to get anything done. So I can absolutely tell you that he has missed all of them. What was your point?

What my point? You’re the one that stated that if McCain were “so concerned, he would have voted on any number of related issues over the past two weeks but he has been more concerned with not showing a stance.†I simply requested that you list the bills that McCain had missed.

You may consider a Congressman doing and dealing with the job they were elected to do as “disgustingâ€, I don’t. Contrary to what the Democrats told you on Thursday afternoon, they didn’t have a bill. McCain returned to DC to do exactly what Congressman were elected to do. I’m confused as to why you have a problem with that.

As only time will tell, it appears that McCain’s return to DC slowed down a process that was on the fast track to bailing out Wall Street on the backs of hard working tax payers. As for me, I really like the idea of having failed Wall Street and financial firms pay for there own disasters.

Why Chris Dodd and the Democrats thought it was necessary to make sure ACORN gets a cut of the income from each distressed asset sold at a profit even if distressed assets in the aggregate are sold at a loss is beyond comprehension.
Speaking of Katie Couric and painful, did you check out the Couric interview with Biden?

Oh my gosh. At least he has nice hair plugs!

Come now Tug. You can not seriously defend Palin's interview. That was the most pathetic display of incompetence I have seen from anyone seeking an office as high as the Vice President of the United States. She has had three interview now, and they have got nothing but worse? As I saw on another forum here, she would not even make it through the NWA Flight Attendant training (no offense to the NWA F/A's).

At one time, I had actually wanted to vote for McCain (If Hillary was the Democratic Nominee). Had he kept his positions he held in 2000 and chosen someone who was a thoughtful, like minded individual, he would have had my vote. But the Palin choice is a deal breaker.

If she chose to step down right now, for the good of the Republican ticket, and McCain would put someone like Romney or Pawlenty in her place, McCain would win hands down.
Speaking of Katie Couric and painful, did you check out the Couric interview with Biden?

In the course of a week, the country watched as Biden spoke against his own party policies and demonstrated the same expert grasp on history as he has on Barack Obama’s policies in this election;

Biden: FDR Led When Market Crashed

FDR was not in office at the time of the 1929 crash and his "fireside chats" were on the radio.

If Biden (or any other politician) is going to say something, they ought to have a better understanding of history.

Then, and in the same interview, Biden stated that he did not agree with Obama’s ad that criticized McCain’s lack of e-mail skills;

Whats wrong with stating ones opinion or disagreeing with ones running mate? Palin also said she did not agree with everything McCain believed in. I think that is a good thing. As leader, I do not want peoplein my cabinate who agree with me on everything. That is part of the reason we are in the mess that we are in.
From most accounts, W does not appreciate dissent in the ranks.

Then there’s the statements Biden made about “clean coal†and “no coal plants here in America†knowing that hundreds of thousands of US citizens made a living mining coal. The United Mine Workers Union has endorsed Obama for president . . . oops! Isn’t Pennsylvania and Ohio “swing†states?

Oh my, a politician telling people something they may not want to hear. That is refreshing indeed. Coal fired plants produce pollution. We should be doing everything possible to get away from them and move toward clean(er) energy sources. Perhaps if politicans would start telling people what they need to hear as opposed to what they want to here we might actually start to do something productive.

As for the interview, can someone clarify something for me. Russian planes do not actually fly over Alaska do they? Palin said :

As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America,

I very rarely hear of foreign aircraft entering US airspace with out permission. I know that they come close to test response time but to actually enter US airspace? Does anyone know if this really happens?

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